Ivan Ladizinsky


Ivan Ladizinsky is a film and television editor.


The Midwife's Deception
Jina, a midwife, is a dream come true for seven-month pregnant Sara until secrets unfold and Jina may want more than only delivering the baby.
Across the Line
Across the Line (2000) is a truthful representation of both hope and corruption, focusing on critical events transpiring at America's border with Mexico and known both to those who live on the "line" (physical and metaphorical) and to those with the courage to cross it. Further it is a fine example of the filmmaker's art, featuring convincing portrayals underpinned by a convincing script and the directorial talent of Martin Spottl.
A case involving adultery, money and murder threatens a private eye's sobriety.
Drinking Games
Grab a six-pack, gather your closest friends and settle in for a night of solace and cheer-and of course, a few Drinking Games. Joseph Lawson's critically acclaimed debut film centers on six friends in Portland, Oregon, who come together following the funeral of one of their best friends. Packed with many laughs and moments of touching sincerity, the night unfolds through a series of odd visitors, unusual conversations and anything to keep their minds off the pain and remorse that haunt them.
Пророчество 2
Война за небеса далека от окончания. Габриэль, самый могущественный из ангелов господних, возвращается на землю. Он не может похвастаться тем, что его положение достаточно прочно, и что армия ангелов ему беспрекословно подчиняется. Его страшная миссия — разрушить и уничтожить самое ценное творение Господа — человечество.
Galaxies Are Colliding
Black comedy about a normal guy, about to get married, who starts to question all things of a cosmic significance. He starts seeing only The Big Picture, ignoring trivialities (like his wife having a mock affair to get his attention), and gradually withdraws into himself. Told in flashback and retrospect at his funeral from the perspective of his friends and colleagues, we see the characters he encounters on his voyage of enlightenment - including the girl he falls for, and the escaped asylum patient in the middle of the desert who converses only by means of celebrity impersonations... Written by Cynan Rees
Сан-Франциско. Недалекое будущее. Грузовое судно возвращается из Гонконга с загадочным пассажиром по имени Тоби Уонг. Он сбежал от подпольной корпорации Леунга в поисках свободы на Западе. Однако Тоби попадает в лапы банды хладнокровного Вика Мэдисона. Вырвавшись из банды Мэдисона, он берет в заложники пьяницу Малика Броунди и едет в Лос-Анджелес. В дороге они становятся приятелями, и Тоби даже обучает Малика боевым искусствам. Однажды Малик узнает, что у Тоби имплантирован биомодуль, дающий ему силу и скорость. Это сделал мистер Лау, глава корпорации Леунг, который хочет вернуть беглеца во что бы то ни стало. Сбежавшую парочку преследует и банда Вика Мэдисона и новая жертва мистер Лау с более совершенным биомодулем…
Mutual Needs
A man who hires a sexy escort to play his wife at his high school reunion gets more than he bargains for, especially when she takes him for everything he's got.
Number One Fan
A movie star is being stalked by a one-night stand.
Call Girl
When erotic photographer Diandra Jensen has her first big exhibition, art collector Arthur Benton buys one of Diandras pictures. He is complimentary of her work, but thinks her career has only begun. He points her in a new exciting direction.
Vytor: The Starfire Champion
In a world where arcane magic and futuristic technology coexist, a brave tribal warrior with a mysterious ring and a brave female warrior from the futuristic city in the sky must battle an evil warlord who holds an orb of tremendous power.