Dejay Choi


McDull: Me & My Mum
Miss Chan (voice)
As a child, Bobby Mak was known as Mcdull. Although Mcdull wasn‘t the sharpest tool in the shed, his mother was a different story. Her astounding intelligence and resourcefulness enabled her to, for example, simultaneously run more than six businesses from a space of less than 100 square feet. Mcdull and his mother lived together happily during Mcdull‘s childhood, but things began to change as Mcdull got older. A distance that never existed before began to grow between him and his mother…
McDull: The Pork of Music
Miss Chan (voice)
McDull: The Pork of Music is virtually a musical, describing how the kindergarten, now destitute in HK's depressed economy, forms a student chorus to raise operating funds. The choir, of course, becomes wildly famous, and, guided by shady manager Big M (Ronald Cheng), reaches the apotheosis of HK culture: on stage with superstar Andy Lau.
McDull, Kung Fu Kindergarten
Miss Chan (voice)
As the 18th descendant of an extremely insignificant philosopher and inventor from ancient China, McDull is fortunate that he does not have a lot to live up to. However, his mother has higher aspirations for him and decides to send him to a martial arts school in China. Overweight and slow on his feet, McDull is the last of his classmates to run away when the headmaster needs to choose someone to represent the school in an international children's martial arts competition.
McDull, the Alumni
Miss Chan (voice)
In McDull, the Alumni, our protagonist has grown up. He is no longer the little boy who banters with his mates at school. How he wishes he could just go on bantering all day long with his mates at the renowned Flower on the Spring Field Kindergarten. But that is not to be. Like all grown-ups, he has to grapple with harsh reality. McDull and his mates are scattered all over the place. Each one of them has to find his or her own path. In each of their hearts, they know they have failed. Meanwhile, life goes on in the kindergarten. Someone strums a guitar and the pupils chime in to the song: Puff the magic dragon, lives by the sea… A dragon lives forever, but not so little boys. With hindsight, McDull believes this could well be the maxim of the Flower on the Spring Field Kindergarten alumni.
McDull, Prince de la Bun
Young Mrs McBing (voice)
To secure a better future, Mrs Mc sends her son McDull (who is a piglet attending kindergarten) to many different classes and she has also bought her grave on mortgage. Inspired by J K Rowling, Mrs Mc tries her hand at writing. At bedtime, she tells McDull the story she wrote although McDull keeps asking her to read him Harry Potter instead. The story she wrote is actually the story of McDull's father, McBing, Prince de la Bun
Моя жизнь под именем МакДалл
Miss Chan (voice)
МакДалл – имя юного поросёнка. Он ходит в начальную школу и любит свою маму. Мама тоже его любит, но старается воспитывать строго. Они живут в современном Гонконге и… на самом деле они – люди. Условная реальность популярных комиксов Брайана Тсе такова, что МакДалл, его мама и школьные друзья выглядят как животные, а остальные жители города – как люди (причём, многие - на одно лицо). Рассказ ведётся от лица уже взрослого МакДалла, иронично вспоминающего свои детские переживания. В этом мультфильме органично объединены мечты и реальность, детские фантазии и странности взрослых, различные техники анимации и фортепианные пьесы Моцарта, Шуберта и Шумана.