René Coty
On his way to a nameless destination, a man decides to stop by his father's house. The awkwardness of the relationship between the man and his old and ill father marks an ordinary visit that could very well be their last.
le docteur Binet
A septuagenarian widow feels revived by an old painter with whom she falls in love.
Angelo believes his father works with extraterrestrials on a top secret project.
Principal at School
Француз Абель Тиффож отбирал детей в элитный тренировочный лагерь, не осознавая, что готовит их к войне.
August 1939. The fate of four young people, Ramona, Georges, Brigitte and Hans is upset by the outbreak of war.
Бетти красива, чувственна, сексапильна и… глубоко несчастна. Неудовлетворенность жизнью вынуждает ее пить, менять любовников, заставляет блуждать по ночному городу, уставшую от калейдоскопа мутных глаз, потных рук и липких объятий, в поисках ускользающей судьбы…
School principal
Young Martin has been acting strange. At his school, his teacher and classmates notice that he is less talkative and more withdrawn. When those around him begin to prod, they discover that Martin’s single mother has died. Fearful that he will be sent away from home now that he has no parents, Martin looks to his friends for help. With Jerome leading the charge to save Martin from the orphanage, the first thing they decide to do is dispose of the mother’s body.
padre di Colette
Американский начинающий писатель Генри Миллер приезжает в Париж, чтобы написать там свою первую книгу. Вскоре он знакомится с проводящим всё свое время за развлечениями Альфредом и начинает вести вместе с ним праздную жизнь. Через некоторое время оба одновременно женятся на шуточной свадьбе на молоденькой нимфетке Колетт и, уже втроем, отправляются в свадебное путешествие.
Count von Lohenburg
Attorney Henry Strauss grew up in Germany, but left the country with his Jewish family during the rise of the Third Reich. Still wondering about what happened to his boyhood friend Konradin Von Lohenburg, Strauss travels back to Germany for the first time since he was a young man, bringing up some painful memories.
Col. Chabert
Франция, Вторая мировая война. Чтобы как-то свести концы с концами, мать двух детей Мари Латур делает подпольные аборты и сдаёт комнату знакомой проститутке. На вернувшегося с войны из-за ранения домой мужа она не обращает никакого внимания и живёт своей жизнью. Аборты постепенно начинают приносить неплохой доход, а скуку можно легко развеять заведя молодого любовника…
Two teenage lovers are caught up in the thrill of forbidden love in this tragic romantic drama. Pierre (Jean-Pierre Andre) is a 16-year-old French lad who loves 14-year-old Djemila (Nadja Reski), the offspring of Algerian immigrants. Pierre's father is an Algerian war veteran who tolerates living with the immigrants at the low-income housing project as long as the two factions are separated. Djemila's older brother carries bitter hatred for the French over their invasion of Algeria. Both young lovers fall victim to the intolerance of their families when their relatives discover that the two are engaged in a passionate love affair.
Scandal in the property business.
Walter Klozett is a spy arrested and imprisoned by the French Police who know him in possession of stolen booty which the French secret services would like to recover at all costs.
Кэндис Страсберг, американская туристка, путешествующая автостопом, была убита во Франции. Полиция подозревает сразу несколько человек, от инженера-изобретателя до простого итальянского рабочего. И лишь случайная находка помогает комиссару Бонетти вычислить настоящего убийцу.
OAS Terrorist in Car
Фильм, действие которого происходит во Франции в начале 60-х годов, основан на реальных событиях. Картина воспроизводит историю покушения на жизнь президента Франции Шарля де Голля, предпринятую ультраправой террористической организации ОАС. Исполнителем воли преступников стал опытный наемный убийца по кличке Шакал, согласившийся выполнить эту работу на полмиллиона долларов.
Le jeune inspecteur
Two suicides take place in the same room of a hotel in Paris. The police investigate the reason why two previous tenants was pushed to hang themselves at that particular place.
Production Manager
A small and thin barefoot slave (played by Polanski) plays a flute and beats a drum to entertain his large master who rocks in a rocking chair in front of his mansion. The slave jumps and leaps like a madman, wipes his master's brow, feeds him, washes his feet, shades him from the sun with an umbrella and holds a urinal for him.
This short documentary profiles the idyllic landscapes of Parc Lafontaine. Set to an original song, the film follows a mother who brings her son to the park, where he plays, swings, and watches the ducks and gondolas glide on the pond. As an adult, he wanders through the park with his sweetheart. The song closes sadly, for his sweetheart leaves him. The passing gondola seems to bear his love away forever, but the final scenes suggest a happy ending. - NFB