Tii Ricks


Ярость: Канун летнего солнцестояния
Во время летних каникул компания студентов из Финляндии отправляется поближе к финскому полярному кругу, чтобы отметить День летнего солнцестояния. Место, которое приятели выбрали для празднования, оказывается кровавой западнёй, выбраться из которой смогут единицы.
Better Than Andy - The Crazy Finn is Here
Mock -documentary about a Finnish contemporary artist who took the world by a storm.
Assistant Director
The story of a boy and his journey deep into the dark, snow-bound forest, his fight to save a girl's life, and growth towards understanding.
Production Manager
The story of a boy and his journey deep into the dark, snow-bound forest, his fight to save a girl's life, and growth towards understanding.
Assistant Editor
The story of a boy and his journey deep into the dark, snow-bound forest, his fight to save a girl's life, and growth towards understanding.
The story of a boy and his journey deep into the dark, snow-bound forest, his fight to save a girl's life, and growth towards understanding.