Costume Designer
Когда ее сестра убита и раскрывается ее двойная жизнь в качестве исполнителя веб-камеры, Грейс игнорирует предупреждения хладнокровного детектива и оказывается вовлеченной в дело.
Costume Design
Когда богатый пожилой мужчина умирает и неожиданно оставляет свое имение новой сиделки, её втягивают в паутину обмана и убийств. Если она выживет, ей придется ставить под сомнение мотивы каждого - даже людей, которых она любит.
Costume Designer
Когда богатый пожилой мужчина умирает и неожиданно оставляет свое имение новой сиделки, её втягивают в паутину обмана и убийств. Если она выживет, ей придется ставить под сомнение мотивы каждого - даже людей, которых она любит.
Costume Designer
Гиперактивный красноголовый дятел старается помешать уничтожению своего дома.
Costume Designer
With plans to leave their small town, teenage loves Annie and Ben elope. Their big city plans are halted, though, when Annie's parents have the marriage annulled. Ben moves to New York, while Annie stays in Iowa to help her family. Fifteen years later, both engaged to their respective fiancés, the two discover that their annulment was never finalized. They reunite to make their divorce legal, but begin to reminisce about what could have been. When romantic feelings resurface, Annie and Ben must decide if their past love could be the love of their future.
Costume Design
Russell, an undersized but big-hearted terrier, dreams of having a family of his own. After running away from his pet store, Russell gets taken in by The Ferraros, who discover their new pet pooch has incredible wrestling skills.
Costume Design
Newly widowed Kathy plans to skip out on decking the halls and trimming the tree this Christmas, trying to avoid anything that will bring back memories of her late husband. When Kathy meets handsome Christmas tree shop owner Tim, their undeniable chemistry—along with an ornament Tim gives her that symbolizes hope—helps Kathy open up to the joys of the season again.
Costume Designer
Jenna Lane is a young woman trying to escape family pressure to become an Olympic athlete and define her own individuality. Her mother is Celia, a deeply disturbed woman with addictions to emotional abuse and handguns. As she attempts to manipulate Jenna and feed her addictions, Celia grows increasingly irrational and ultimately spirals out of control.
Costume Design
Райан, добродушный тунеядец, оказывается вовлечён в схему отмывания денег, работая в лотерейном магазине.
Costume Design
Devon Major thought that his share of difficulties were over. Having gone through a difficult divorce with his wife he was now on the way to rebuilding his life when tragedy strikes leaving him in a fight for his freedom and his innocence. Devons' beautiful ex-wife is found viciously murdered, and all evidence points to Devon. In desperation Devon turns to Susan Grace the lawyer who represented his ex-wife during their divorce. Although initially reluctant and unconvinced of Devon's innocence Susan finds herself agreeing to take on the case and finds that the path to justice can often lead to betrayal, deception and murder.
Costume Design
A young married woman sells her body, not just for money, to guests at the motel where she works as a receptionist.
Costume Design
Героине этой комедии — очаровательной и интеллигентной девушке по имени Аманда, катастрофически не везет с мужчинами. Однажды она застает своего возлюбленного в постели с весьма вульгарной девицей. Какая ужасная несправедливость! Наша гордая Аманда, великодушно оставив квартиру своему бывшему другу, подыскала себе новое жилье. Ее вполне устроила крошечная комнатка в шикарных апартаментах, снимаемых четырьмя очень высокими, но не очень сообразительными супермоделями. Вот здесь и происходит встреча нашей героини с самим «Мистером Совершенство». Им оказывается сосед Джим — прекрасно одевающийся, обаятельный и тактичный молодой человек. Наша героиня влюбляется в него с первого взгляда. Но случается ужасное. Как-то вечером Аманда видит в окно, как Джим расправляется с незнакомой юной дамой при помощи бейсбольной биты. Неужели ее избранник — убийца? Аманда решает провести собственное расследование.
Costume Design
Two teenagers Jimmy and Rose spend their vacation at the small Irish sea-resort Bray. Out of boredom they observe other people and imagine wild stories about them. One day they observe the blonde Renee, and Jimmy is immediately fascinated by her and even follows her home. She, too, seems to like him, but for a mysterious reason keeps him at a distance.
Costume Design
Welcome to Terminal City, a decaying world where the citizens wallow amidst a mind-boggling profusion of discarded consumer goods; a ruthless world where television is exploited to its fullest to sell yet more needless junk to eager consumers; a bewildering land where the unreal is real and the real, unreal. Alex Stevens is hurled into this bedlam where he finds himself pitted against the maniacal Ross Gilmore, Mayor of Terminal City, and the evil Bruce Coddle, agent of Gilmore's Social Peace Enforcement Unit.
Costume Design
Even though a devastating murder took place during a small town's horror film festival two years earlier, townspeople want another festival.