Partly thriller, partly dark comedy, the tagline of this film announce that any resemblance to real-life characters and situations were completely intentional. This had the audience guessing who the main characters were supposed to represent: those biznismeni and post-socialist yuppies who after 1989 teamed up with their former enemies to exploit Poland ruthlessly.
A sleepy provincial town with only one "Błysk" bar. If it weren't for the nearby prison, it would be forgotten to the world. This is how guests come. Agnieszka works in the bar and dreams of New York . Krzysiek and Józek love the girl. Józek tells her about a militia van carrying money.
Two young boys living in a small town in the east of Poland try to survive the war by working as projectionists in a local cinema. They provide entertainment to Poles, Germans and Russians alike.
В октябре 1799 года двое французских военных врачей по дороге в свой полк решили переночевать в гостинице. По иронии судьбы, им пришлось делить комнату с промышленником, который открыл юношам тайну, что он везёт в сундуке значительное количество алмазов и золота. Ночью, когда все постояльцы спали, одного из врачей, Проспера Маньяна, начинает терзать искушение убить и ограбить богатого соседа. Но прогулка на свежем воздухе помогла ему избавиться от пагубных мыслей. Утром, когда он проснулся, рядом с ним лежал мёртвый промышленник. Алмазы и золото, конечно, исчезли. Исчез и друг Маньяна - Фредерик Тайфер.
One of his first and the most famous undergrad shorts, which seems to forshadow the director's death. A prize winner at a film festival in Oberhausen, it does not bear any great resemblance to Wiszniewski's later films.It attempts to illustrate the subjective states of a character through expressionistic photography, hardcore jazz and associative editing.