"DIVOC-12" is a project by Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc. to produce an omnibus consisting of 12 short films, aiming to enable creators, production staff, and actors affected by the coronavirus infection to continue to engage in creative activities.
Пожилая женщина Кунико живёт с внучкой Нагисой в доме, где вместе со своим покойным мужем когда-то растила детей. Утром, на сорок девятый день кончины мужа, внезапно умирает золотая рыбка. Похоронив её под кустом камелии, Кунико проводит день в размышлениях о прошлом, предаваясь воспоминаниям, разбираясь с бытовыми мелочами. Финансовые затраты на содержание дома и сада становятся для неё непомерными и логичным решением стала бы продажа фамильного гнезда…
Dede (voice)
Однажды в океанариум, в котором работает отец Руки, привозят двух странных мальчиков — Уми и Сору. Они родились и выросли в море, и обладают сверхъестественными способностями. Между тем во всём мире происходит удивительное: из океанариумов исчезает вся живность, морские существа появляются в необычных для себя местах обитания. Рука пытается выяснить, как с этим связаны её новые друзья.
Урю Симбэй не смог спокойно смотреть, как отец близкого друга погрязает в коррупции. Однако на поданную жалобу ответа не получил. Поэтому, забрав с собой жену, покинул родной удел, Огино. Позже обвинённый им чиновник оказывается убит, и подозрения падают на Симбэя. Суровые условия жизни вдали от родины сказались на здоровье жены Симбэя Сино, которая в конечном итоге умирает. Перед смертью она просит Симбэя пообещать, что он продолжит жить, и вернётся в свою деревню, чтобы наблюдать за опаданием лепестков камелии весной, а также помириться со своим другом Унэмэ и с его помощью восстановить справедливость. Когда Симбэй пытается очистить своё имя и установить настоящего убийцу, он становится жертвой сложных интриг...
Reiko Inoue
Schoolteacher Yohei is married to Miyoko. For the first time in 25 years they begin to live by themselves when their son marries and moves out. Then Yohei discovers that all’s not well in his marriage.
Royal Madam
Иногда и ложь творит чудеса. Есть Ватару - молодой доктор-гений, да правда слабость питающий к женскому полу, от того и крутящий романы направо и налево. А есть уборщица Аюми, имеющая проблемы с общением с людьми и совсем не немножко беременная от этого самого доктора-ловеласа. И вот 1 апреля, когда все шутят над друг другом, она, наконец, дозвонившись до Ватару, сообщает, что ждет его ребенка, да так давно ждет, что вот-вот родит. Что бы сделали вы? Конечно, не поверили. Так и поступил наш герой. И с этой минуты начинает набирать обороты водоворот событий, захватывающий в себя всех и вся: от полицейского до пожилой пары аристократов, от мальчика, считающего себя инопланетянином, до похищенной двумя странными бандитами девочки. Момент истины настает, когда Ватару приходит на свидание с очередной подружкой в ресторан, а следом за ним Аюми с битой и пистолетом на перевес, дабы заставить его признать ребенка.
Fuji Hatori
Японская адаптация известного детективного романа Агата Кристи «Убийство в Восточном экспрессе».
A drama about a struggling young widow with a baby whose dead husband returns to the world of the living to help her.
Chiharu Kojima
Country bumpkin Haruko only ever wanted to become a maiko, an apprentice geisha. Initially rebuffed for lack of references, Haruko's strong accent intrigues a linguistics professor, who undertakes to coach her.
Hanae ishimoto
A group of elderly women come together to sell vegetable leaves.
Liliko (present)
In 2011, a journalist arrives in Nagaoka, a Japanese village that underwent destruction during both World War II and the 2004 Chūetsu earthquakes, and is now notable for the fireworks it launches annually in memory of the victims of war. She is there for two reasons: firstly, to learn about the experiences of Nagaoka's inhabitants, and secondly, to watch a stage play written by an enigmatic student of her ex-boyfriend, which depicts the bombing of the city during WWII.
Она всего лишь надувная кукла, которую холит и лелеет малосимпатичный владелец. Ежевечерние предания утехам с искусственной женщиной столь чувственны, что в один из дней оживляют ее. Очаровательная девушка, чей разум по-детски наивен и чист, начинает постигать окружающий мир. Блуждая по городу, она знакомится с симпатичным продавцом видеомагазина и влюбляется в него.
Sakae Jinnouchi (voice)
Одарённый старшеклассник Кэндзи Коисо принимает приглашение от девушки поехать к её семье. Если бы он только знал чем всё закончится. Сначала ему неожиданно приходится играть роль парня этой девушки перед её родственниками. Потом у него крадут аккаунт к стране Оз - виртуальной реальности, в которой не только играют и развлекаются, но и ведут вполне серьёзные дела, вроде покупки товаров и ведения бизнеса.
Reiko Takayama
Момо Юки с раннего детства учившаяся играть на скрипке, в силу ряда обстоятельств решает прекратить свое музыкальное образование. Благодаря связям ее отца, ее без экзаменов принимают в выпускной класс помпезной старшей школы для девочек Оока, которую ранее с отличием закончили ее мать и старшая сестра. В школе ей становится скучно, и она ищет занятие, которое помогло бы ей и ее одноклассницам скрасить однообразие повседневной жизни. Забравшись в старое здание школы, она обнаруживает в одном из помещений сценарий и декорации пьесы Чехова «Вишневый сад», без которой раньше не обходилась ни одна праздничная церемония в честь дня основания их учебного заведения. Но ныне по каким-то причинам «Вишневый сад» не ставят… Момо собирает группу единомышленниц и решает, несмотря на запрет, во что бы то ни стало возродить постановку этой пьесы…
Shizu Tezuka (as Sumiko Fuji)
Based on a short story written by Shuhei Fujisawa (who also wrote Twilight Samurai, The Hidden Blade, Love and Honor), the film depicts the uneasy life of Noe Isomura (Rena Tanaka) with the difficult family she has married into after her former husband passed away. One day as she tries to brake off a branch of a cherry tree, she is aided by a samurai who she does not recognize but who recognizes her. He turns out to be a former suitor that she never met named Yaichiro Tezuka (Noriyuki Higashiyama) and who teaches swordsmanship to the local samurai. Meanwhile, the powerful new chief retainer of the village enacts land policies that threaten the survival of the local farmers.
Kazue (as Junko Fuji)
Chiba appears seven days before a person dies an unexpected death. His job is to observe the person for seven days then decide either to ‘execute’ or ‘pass over’. Today, again, in the rain, he waits. His subject, her death due in seven days, is Kazue Fujiki. She works for a manufacturing company in the complaints department. Exhausted after her day, she emerges from her office. It’s time for the Reaper to go to work.
Haruko Okada
A Japanese Class B war criminal sets out to take full responsibility for the execution of American Airmen.
Matsuko Inugami
Inugami Sahei, who built up the wealth of the Inugami Clan, passes away, leaving a will with Furudate, his legal adviser, for his daughters Matsuko, Takeko and Umeko, all of whom have different mothers, and for their sons, as well as for Nonomiya Tamayo, the granddaughter of a person to whom Sahei feels heavily indebted. The will states that all his assets are inherited by Tamayo alone, on the condition that she marries one of the sons of the daughters. Furudate's assistant learns the content of the will, and seeks advice from Kindaichi Kosuke, a private detective, as he senses the air of unease. Shortly afterwards, murders start to occur one after another in the clan.
Chiyo Tanikawa (as Junko Fuji)
1965, Япoния пepexoдит c yгля нa нeфть. Углeдoбывaющaя пpoмышлeннocть в yпaдкe, шaxты пoвceмecтнo зaкpывaютcя, ocтaвляя тыcячи людeй бeзpaбoтными. B oднoм из ceвepныx шaxтepcкиx гopoдoв Япoнии былo peшeнo, иcпoльзoвaв pecypcы гopячиx иcтoчникoв, пocтpoить гaвaйcкий цeнтp, кoтopый бы oбecпeчил нoвыe paбoчиe мecтa для мecтнoгo нaceлeния и пpивлeк тypиcтoв c paзныx кoнцoв cтpaны. A кaкиe Гaвaйи бeз тaнцa Xyлa? Toгдa из Toкиo пpиглaшaют пpeпoдaвaтeля пoлинeзийcкиx тaнцeв, чтoбы cдeлaть из мecтныx дeвyшeк, дoчepeй шaxтepoв, пpoфeccиoнaльныx тaнцoвщиц Xyлa вceгo зa нecкoлькo мecяцeв.
Takayuki (Takao Osawa) is an elementary school teacher in Tokyo. He is seized with Behçet's syndrome, and will gradually lose his sight. He resigns from his job and leaves his girlfriend, Yoko (Yuriko Ishida) to return to his hometown, Nagasaki, where his mother lives. Takayuki spends his days strolling around Nagasaki, to imprint familiar scenes on his memory. Yoko visits him and insists on staying. Takayuki has major concerns for her future, and his own life. He drives her away, for her own good. After days of affliction, the two reunite. The story leads to an emotive conclusion, the end of his spiritual journey.
Masato is a bad boy, but very in love with music. He meets a girl, Miki, who has serious diseases but is optimistic toward life. They start to work together in a CD shop and catch every chance to show their talents. Under the efforts of Masato, his company at last becomes an entertainment giant in Japan.
1958 год. Японское правительство готовится к принятию закона, запрещающего проституцию. Но обитатели маленького дома гейш не беспокоятся. Жизнь идет как обычно, горе сменяет радость, а разочарование — надежда. Три неунывающие гейши, подруги и соперницы, под руководством мудрой хозяйки, пытаются выжить в изменяющемся мире.
Можете себе представить, что неожиданно на улице вас остановит незнакомый мужчина и сообщит, что он ваш отец? С героем этого фильма по имени Хироси как раз это и произошло. Хироси уже за тридцать; он преуспевающий служащий компании. У него прекрасная жена, собственный дом и чудесный сын. Хироси был воспитан матерью и с самого детства был уверен, что его отец давно умер. И вдруг, откуда ни возьмись, появляется незнакомец, неопрятного вида, объявляющий себя его отцом. В момент этой странной встречи Хироси ещё не подозревал, как изменится его жизнь…
The Kitao family is coping with the loss of the eldest daughter, Chizuko, who was killed in a freak accident the year prior. When the other daughter Mika is suddenly in a dangerous situation, Chizuko returns as a ghost to save her; reunited with her sister, Mika begins spending time with Chizuko again.
Eiji Kawano (Kunie Tanaka) has recently broken from the Japanese company he used to work for. As an immigrant to Tasmania, he has been won over by the island's immense natural beauty, and he is conscience-bound to oppose his former employer's ecologically unsound practices. He is also estranged from his grown son, who still resides in Japan. When his son comes to Tasmania for a visit, he must face the challenge of renewing their relationship.
Кадокура и Мидзута вместе служили в армии и стали неразлучными друзьями. Только Мидзута потом женился на прекрасной Тами и воспитывает прелестную дочку, а Кадокура живет с нелюбимой женой и бездетен. Зато он красив и богат. Он не только во всем помогает другу, но холит и лелеет его жену и дочь. Что это, обычная галантность или любовь?
The Ni Family is the most well know and respected group of firefighters in the Kanto region. When their leader dies and the successor disappears, Tsuruji, a beautiful yet tough geisha, becomes the boss. But will she be able to confront a yakuza gang trying to take over the area?
The final chapter of the Hibotan Bakuto series. Oryu the Red Peony visits an old dying Boss of an ally family and promised her that she would help guide the new Boss. Meanwhile a turf war breaks out. When the family is betrayed from within and the rival family becomes violent, Oryu takes things into her own hands…
A boss from a trucking company has run-ins with evil yakuza during the American occupation of Okinawa. Her hometown is threatened by usurers, gangsters and indirectly by American GI influences. She must battle a yakuza organization with her employees to help settle things.
Bunta Sugawara replaces Koji Tsuruta as the leading man for this sequel of Okoma, the Orphan Gambler.
Takiko Yano
The seventh chapter of the stunning Hibotan Bakuto series. Many years have passed since Oryu the Red Peony began her soul-searching journey after her father was killed. In her travels, she meets villagers whose crops and livelihoods are being destroyed by pollution from a local factory. They seem to work out an agreement, but Oryu must help the poor villagers when the greedy factory owner and corrupt politicians betray them…
A dramatic captivating tale tells of widowed Tei (Junko Fuji), she has become a coalmine operator and is determined to be successful despite mining being a predominately male domain. Overcoming the natural hardships, a more serious threat to Tei and her mine, the menacing presence of rival mining gangs who sense her vulnerability... Nihon jokyo-den:ketto midarw-bana is an outstanding drama, highlighted by wonderful characterizations/performances. Yamashita's excellent direction maintains a rich emotional flow from the opening seconds to the last. Intense and bloody encounters punctuate throughout the engaging multi layered tale!
Tsumagoi Okoma
Taking place in Shinshu in the 1920s, Tsumakoi Okoma, while traveling to hone her gambling skills, teams up with the vagabond Tsukuba Tsuneji and comes into conflict with gamblers plotting to take over a rustic hot-spring town. Handling a gun and sword as skillfully as a man, Fuji Junko portrays an appealing personality that differs from Oryu in the Red Peony Gambler series. Tsuruta Koji stars as the vagabond Tsukuba Tsuneji that tops the list of an impressive all-star cast that includes Endo Tatsuo, Kogure Michiyo, Ashiya Gannosuke, Kitamura Eizo, and many others. This film is an authentic yakuza movie that conveys the true "Matatabi" (wandering gambler) feeling.
The Silk Hat Boss becomes involved in a car imports business during his trip to Atami.
1945 год. Терпя поражения по всем фронтам от сил союзников, Япония прибегает к последнему средству – использованию пилотов-камикадзе для атак вражеских кораблей. Но эффективность этих атак не высока, половина пилотов погибает, даже ещё не долетев до своих целей, часть из них сбивают вражеские самолёты, часть силы ПВО противника. Для увеличения эффективности, командование принимает решение создать отряд эскорта, пилоты которого будут прикрывать, и сопровождать пилотов-камикадзе до целей. На должность командира отряда назначают капитана Масато Мунакату, в прошлом он сам участвовал в атаке смертников в заливе Лейте, но остался в живых. Капитан Мунаката отказывается возглавить отряд, так как убеждён, что таким способом не победить в войне. Но переубедить командование невозможно, и осознав, что без эскорта пилоты и дальше будут напрасно гибнуть, не выполнив свой долг, Мунаката вступает в должность.
Young geisha Koshizu's wish of reuniting with the man, Yukichi, who helped her ten years ago comes true. When she learns of the trouble Yukichi's business is facing, she stands ready to come to his aid, and thus repay a debt that's long overdue.
A story about a man who stakes his life on horse racing.
8th part of the Gamblers / Bakuchi-uchi series.
Oryu searches for blind child she left behind and get involved in a Yakuza turf war that takes place in the Tokyo Theater.
In a strange outfit and full of youthful energy, the explosive Boss Kumatora raises hell like there's no tomorrow. The first movie of a new series starring Wakayama Tomisaburo as everybody's favorite character Boss Kumatora from the Red Peony Gambler series. Having made a fortune in the Russo-Japanese War, the Kumatora Family migrates to Kyushu to take on a military-related job. There they encounter the evil and malicious interference of the Chindai family of Kumamoto, and Boss Kumatora boldly fights back with the help of O'Ryu the Red Peony. A super entertaining film with non-stop comedy and action directed by Suzuki Norifumi.
An exciting tale of action on the distant northern island of Hokkaido around the beginning of the 20th Century starring two of the biggest names in Yakuza film history, Fuji Junko and Takakura Ken. Since the death of death of her father, Yuki who has traveled from her home in the southernmost part of Japan must fight corrupt local officials seeking to fill her late father's post. As her life is in danger a mysterious rifleman, played by Takakura Ken watches from the shadows. Can she finish the work her dear departed father started in an untamed land?
Ken Takakura stars as Ryoji one of the Aramasa family's loyal lieutenants whao takes the burden of his family being insulted by the Tanuma's family goons, by retaliating on his own. After injuring the head of Tanuma's family, and slaying others along the way, he then surrenders to the law and serves time.
Before his last year to serve, the head of the Aramasa family falls ill and decides to retire, Ryoji miss chance to be successor, his old friend is reluctant but accepts. Now this gives the Tanuma family a chance for revenge! But with Tomisaburo Wakayama (Sekine) always having your back, how can you go wrong?
Young yakuza Shujiro Hanada goes to prison after losing his cool in a rigged gambling game and slashing a few other players. When he's released in 1927, the world has changed. His sister died in the Great Kanto Earthquake and his father is also gone. His brother Jukichi invites him to stay at his in-laws and works in their family pub. He lies low, helping his blind mother-in-law and slowly developing a relationship with Ikuye, the hostess who helped him before his arrest. But trouble lurks when the resident gang decides to show its strength.
A yakuza member embarks on a trail of revenge for his murdered boss. Senzo, the successor of the Mita Family, searches for the man bearing a tattoo of a dragon who is said to be responsible for the death of their former leader.
This anthology film consists of nine incidents in the late 19th and early 20th centuries when assassins changed the course of Japanese history.
Ryuko Yano/Oryu-The Red Peony
Junko Fuji returns as Oryu the Red Peony, a wandering female yakuza on a soul-searching journey after the death of her father. After collecting her sickly follower from jail, she is taken in by a fishing village. Feeling indebed to their generosity, she stays to work for the village and promises to leave her yakuza ways behind. When a dispute breaks out for the gambling rights to a local festival, the villagers are harrassed by a gang of thugs. When the harrassment turns violent, Oryu must decide wither to keep her promise or protect the villagers.
Prisoners with special skills from all over Japan are sent to the battlefront on a mission.
Popular geisha Shinji (Fuji Junko) must defy a gang who plot to steal a lucrative coal business from struggling miners during the turbulent Meiji Era. With a stellar all-star cast, thrilling story and Takakura Ken's violent swordplay, makes this into a classic Yakuza movie!
Ryuko Yano
The industrual revolution comes to Japan with the introduction of the railroad system. This led to clashes between boatmen, who livihoods are threatened, and the railroad construction workers. Oryu the Red Peony returns to her home in Kumamoto to accept her position as second generation leader of the Yano Family. But the ceremony is interrupted by fighting between local boatmen and railroad works. And it seems a rival family is pulling the strings behind the clashes.
Hidejuro is sent to prison after killing the boss of a rival family. After being released, he discovers that his family has scattered and he is taken in by a company of quarry workers, whose boss has a strict code of non-violence. When the rival family tries to take over the company and kills their boss, Hidejuro must choose between his promise of non-violence and his yakuza code of revenge...
Just released on parole, one young man hurtles towards a face-off with the gangsters controlling Shinjuku and its lucrative prostitutes.
Red Peony Oryu
The third chapter of the ‘Red Peony Gambler’ saga depicts the happiness and sadness of Red Peony Oryu’s life as she seals her femininity with a red peony tattoo and lives in world of chivalry and honor of the yakuza. This story takes place in the middle of the Meiji era in Nagoya. Oryu is wandering the country, training herself to reinstate her family name. With a written recommendation from Kumatora, she appears at the door of the Nishinomaru family. At the same time, the family is preparing for the gambling competition at the Netsuda Shrine Festival, which they have been hosting for generations. Meanwhile, the crooked Kinbara family is plotting to take over the competition. And now Oryu is forced to get involved in the struggle…
Historical Yakuza gangster film set the early years of the Showa era.
Второй фильм о женщине якудза Орю по прозвищу «Красный пион». В небольшом городке местный босс якудза устраивает празднования и нанимает для этого Орю. Босс добр к Орю, он разрешает ей жить в своём доме, она присматривает за его детьми. Когда конкурирующий клан якудза, желающий подчинить себе все кланы города, убивает босса, Орю принимает на себя обязательство защитить его детей и клан.
Hibotan no Ryu
Это история Рюко Сэндзо, которая с ранних лет, после смерти матери, воспитывалась отцом, игроком по имени Сэндзо Яно в Кумамото. В год, когда Рюко исполнилось 18 лет, её отец был убит и ограблен. Убийца так и не был найден, но на месте преступления был обнаружен кошелёк, который он случайно обронил во время нападения. Одержимая местью, Рюко покидает свой клан и отправляется в странствие по стране в надежде отыскать убийцу отца. Проходят годы. Рюко становится известной под именем игрок Орю и за татуировку цветка на плече, получает прозвище «Красный Пион». Странствия приводят её в Осаку...
Хисякаку освобождает свою возлюбленную Отоё из публичного дома, которым управляют босс Оёкота и другие гангстеры. Хисякаку убивает нескольких членов банды, включая своего лучшего друга, который его предал, и бежит, преследуемый полицией. Он находит убежище в странном доме, где встречает Кирацунэ, пожилого человека, который спокойно приглашает его к себе, угощает и советует сдаться. Пораженный благородством и мудростью старика, Хисякаку следует его совету. Проходит четыре года после ареста Хисякаку. Теперь в Отоё влюблен телохранитель Миягава. Но ни он, ни Отоё не дают волю вспыхнувшему чувству, так как это нарушило бы «рыцарский кодекс» якудза. Хисякаку выходит из тюрьмы с помощью Кирацунэ и присоединяется к Отоё и Миягаве. Банда подсылает убийцу к Хисякаку, Миягава спасает его, но погибает сам. Теперь наступает очередь Хисякаку отомстить за смерть друга…
The film is dedicated to the souls of flight school graduates killed in World War II. Young boys dream about becoming pilots and apply to flight schools. However, the flight schools have extremely demanding, harsh training, and once they finally become pilots, they must become suicide bombers and give their lives for their homeland.
Rival gangs fight over ownership of bicycle race track.
Pinku from 1968.
Tetsu, is a honourable and noble yakuza caught in a conflict between rival clans, and obligations each has toward their yakuza boss and brothers. A railroad line brings changing times to a community. Because Tetsu can't stand by and allow a bunch of yakuza men to molest women, it forces him to battle it out with a knife wielding rival, the unfortunate incident leads to his boss losing face and him having to leave the family to protect it. But the rival family won't stop until they destroy Tetsu who will risk life and love for his brothers.
Tokyo, 1934. The boss of the clan that controls gambling agonizes and some of his followers propose to Nakai to take his place, but he refuses the offer and suggests they choose Matsuda, who is in prison. Other clan members oppose and Ishido is elected. When Matsuda is freed, he doesn't accept this decision.
Два главных героя, капитан-лейтенант Осато и лейтенант Мисима прилагают все усилия для развития подводных диверсионных сил, торпед-камикадзе и их использования в японском флоте. Однако они наталкиваются на стену непонимания и неприятия. Только в тот момент, когда поражение Японии в войне почти неизбежно, принято решение о внедрении этого разрушительного оружия. При одном из тренировочных погружений Осато погибает и теперь завершить дело всей его жизни должен Мисима.
The Domain: Where The Blade Enters
Three tales of women that resided in the Shogun's harem (o-oku) during the Edo period.
Fierce war breaks out when Shujiro’s rival clan attempts to sabotage his lucrative construction business.
Reiko Shiratori
A story of young students trained to become Kamikaze pilots in World War II.
Ryoma is a former military man who gets to know the leader of a yakuza group and begins to work with them, helping them defend themselves against other yakuza gangs.
Part two.
The Domain: White Blade
A man finds great camaraderie while traveling.
The life of entertainers in Asakusa’s pleasure quarters. An exciting yakuza story with superb action.
Yakuza families clash over a lucrative fishery business.
Part one.
The Domain: Kanda Festival Showdown
Because of trickery, the Jinya Group has only seven days to complete a mountain road project or it will forfeit a major dam construction job to the scheming Ojika Group.
Based on a novel by Kôen Hasegawa
The continuing adventures of the Jirocho gang.
Third part of Nihon Kyokakuden series is set in Kanto in 1924. Ken Takakura playing a ship's mate befriending fish shop owners harassed by yakuza.
A crime film released in 1965
A tale of three Yakuza gamblers who traveled Japan during the samurai era living by their wits and sword skills. Told in 3 separate vignettes, each part tells the story of a different drifter’s life. Part 1: A man is on the run after killing two Hasshu Officials to avenge his Boss. He must make a life or death decision as he is asked to protect a gang from attack. Part 2: A pair of gamblers chased out of a crooked game must fight not only their pursuers, but the ghosts of their pasts as well. Part 3: A wanderer who wants to live according to the Yakuza Code, but is not sure that he can do so when asked to save a town from an evil official.
Osaka, 1907: Asajiro lives between a rock and a hard place: he has to keep his business clean and running, tame his late oyabun’s hot-blooded son and suffer the throes of his impossible love for beautiful geisha Hatsue.
A good set-in-per-WW2 ninkyô type film with outstanding performances.
Komatsu Takioka is boss of a Yakuza group rival to Masakichi Kijima boss of the Kikuya group which supports the town vendors unlike Takioka, who will stop at nothing to undermine the vendors and take over the territory. Masakichi will do all he can to protect and support the people. Ryutaro Kijima is senior son to Masakichi, though disowned, he keeps interest in the family from a distance. He will be there for his father and his hot tempered younger brother Katsuo, if they should need his loyal help.
A headstrong young man seeks to join the Shinsengumi, but while his determination impresses his superiors, questions begin to arise as to his true identity and intentions.
Yukiko Matsuhashi
An early ninkyo film from before the genre had truly established its form. Koji Tsuruta plays an honourable outlaw who saves an older man from an ambush. It turns out the man is the head of a hard working clan appointed to a railway construction project. A ruthless yakuza gang is also trying to get their share of the project and attempts to sabotage the work. After the old man dies, his son (Sonny Chiba) and daughter (Junko Fuji) try to complete the project. Tsuruta joins them while also falling in love with a local woman working in a bar (after all, Tsuruta always was more of a lover than his stoic colleague Takakura).
The feud between two rival delivery companies, Kibamasa and Okiyama, heats up as the head of Kibamasa falls ill.
The main character Tachibana Isaburo is released from prison and discovers that his boss is dead. He is offered to become the leader of the group, but refuses. A young fashion villain, a Yakuza boss wants to get into politics. He makes a deal with the Osaka Railway Company, leaving many poor people homeless. Tachibana engages in a fierce battle with villains for the poor.
After Aoi Shingo, the illegitimate son of Shogun Yoshimune has gained prominence as the finest swordsman in the land, he tries to lead a peaceful life with his mother far away from the seat of government in Edo. Not wanting to inconvenience his father anymore his plan is to stay away from the city and enjoy life like a normal man. Unfortunately for him, his past comes back to haunt him in the person of his mortal enemy, the one swordsman that is skillful enough to defeat him. This is the most perilous moment of Shingo's life as he must face his deadliest foe in a battle to the death!
Richshaw man Tatsu has wandered to Osaka from Tokyo. He has quarrels with Kimiyakko, a geisha, and throws her into the river. But later, he falls in love with her. Yasaburo, the oyabun of the Nishikawa Gang, loves her very much too. However, as he likes Tatsu's dynamic personality, he volunteers to become a go-between for their marriage. Yasaburo gets tipped off by Yajima who wants to take over the territory of the Nishikawa Gang, and is arrested and imprisoned. After his release, Yajima tries to kill him. Ginjiro, a lover of Tamaryu respects Kimiyakko as an older sister and a follower of Tatsu, is murdered. After the third marriage ceremony just between Tatsu and Kimiyakko, Tatsu goes off to the place of fighting.
Young swordsman Shintaro must fight against evil officials who plot to overthrow the youthful Shogun.
The third part of the story about feudal boss Jirocho and his underlings.
The famed ninja Yagyu Jubei fights to suppress a coup d’etat plotted against Tokugawa Shogunate.
A sadistic Daimyo (feudal lord) rapes a woman and murders both her and her husband, but even when one of his own vassals commits suicide to bring attention to the crime, the matter is quickly hushed up. Not only will there be no punishment, but because the Daimyo is the Shogun's younger brother, he will soon be appointed to a high political position from which he could wreak even more havoc. Convinced that the fate of the Shogunate hangs in the balance, a plot is hatched to assassinate the Daimyo. The two most brilliant strategic minds of their generation find themselves pitted against each other; one is tasked to defend a man he despises, and has a small army at his disposal. The other is given a suicide mission, and has 12 brave men. They are the 13 Assassins.
Jirocho and his henchmen befriend Ishimatsu, a wanderer in Mishima.
The tale of real-life Yakuza boss Shimizu Jirocho is told from his earliest beginnings as a gambler on the road as he forms his gang and sets out on the path to fame and fortune. One of the smartest and strongest of all the gang bosses, he went on to survive the end of the samurai era and become a successful businessman. But first, he must survive against all odds in order to build his reputation and develop his strength. Powerful portrayals of the group are led by the great Tsuruta Koji with help from the likes of Matsukata Hiroki.
Yagyu Jubei must protect the Yagyu scroll that holds the secret of the infamous assassination plotted by the Tokugawa government 30 years ago.
This is one of the many films based on the legend of Chuji Kunisada, a wandering gambler and a defender of the weak in the Edo period. In other words, he was the Japanese Robin Hood. In this film Kunisada (Chiezo Kataoka) arrives to a small town terrorized by an evil gang. He insists that he is not Kunisada, as the word is Kunisada has been executed, but of course the audience know better. Sonny Chiba plays an unusual supporting role as a helpless young man unable to defend himself from the gangsters. He does, however, get to play taiko drums and dance with Junko Fuji (who makes her film debut here). Chiba's father, an old judge who helps Kunisada, is played by Takashi Shimura. The film hardly anything exceptional, but it's a pretty decent jidai geki / yakuza drama.