Dominique Quesnel

Dominique Quesnel

Рождение : 1964-03-08, Saint-Lambert, Quebec, Canada


Dominique Quesnel is a Quebec actress born March 8, 1964 in Saint-Lambert . A percussionist, she is also a founding member of the musical group Les Secretaires percutantes.


Dominique Quesnel


La mère
As a civil war shakes the Quebec province of Canada, Valerie is the sole survivor of a mass execution where her boyfriend is killed. Years later, she’s in a close relationship with her new partner, Gabriel. At the Long Term Care Center where she works as an orderly, she befriends Jeanne, an erudite and funny woman, dealing with an important physical handicap. Mixing realism and worrying strangeness, The Laugh presents a humane exploration of the survivor’s syndrome, the grieving process, the distance of time, the power of love, and the joy of being alive.
Pauline Julien, intime et politique
Elle-même (voix)
A documentary on Pauline Julien, singer and political activist.
Coming from the countryside to visit a friend, Solange 75, rediscovers Montreal. She talks to everyone with confidence and does some portraits of the people she meets. She meets Tom, a younger, moody and disillusioned man. Fictional scenes are interwoven with documentary scenes: portraits of Montrealers and snatches of conversations taken from life.
Le Pier
The Torrent
It’s 1922 in the Quebec countryside, and Claudine Perreault has big plans for her son, François. He’ll enter the pries- thood so that God will forgive her for bearing a child out of wedlock. But 17-year-old François is dead set against joining the seminary. Enraged, Claudine strikes him so violently he goes deaf. After his mother’s death, François begins a different kind of relationship with a woman when he buys the wild and aloof young Amica from an Innu pedlar.
7 дней
Marise Pleau
Бруно Хемель 38-летний хирург. Он живёт в Драммонвилле со своей женой Сильвией и 8-летней дочерью Жасмин. Как и большинство счастливых семей, они живут в мире и согласии. До тех пор пока одним осенним днём его дочь не находят изнасилованной и убитой. Убийцу немедленно арестовывают. Однако Бруно не находит покоя, и в его голове созревает план. Выкрасть «монстра» из рук полиции и сообщить им, что насильник и убийца будет подвергаться жесточайшим пыткам в течение 7 дней. После чего он будет умерщвлён. Как только это произойдёт, главный герой обещает сдаться властям.
Интимные подробности холостяцкой жизни
Как известно, кризис среднего возраста на мужчин сказывается по-разному. Вот и наши герои, подойдя к важному рубежу своей жизни, ждут больших перемен. Жан-Жак устал от женщин и по совету психолога решает сменить ориентацию. Жерар на грани развода, Патрис вдруг понимает, что он неудачник, а Серж, в поисках новых ощущений, совершает массу нелепых ошибок. Но поскольку все четверо неисправимые оптимисты — все будет круто!
Continental, a Film Without Guns
Femme de chambre
The mysterious disappearance of a man affects the lives of four different people, all living in loneliness in the suburbs of Quebec: the wife of the missing person, an aging ex-gambler, a young receptionist who want to share her life with somebody, and a father looking to help his family.
May God Bless America
Carole Migneault
On the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, six people become suspicious about a stranger in their neighborhood.
Dodging the Clock
The passage of time is probably the only concrete proof we have that justice exists in this cruel world. Some people would like to stop time in its tracks, while others choose to follow its path. In this story, three men in their early thirties have reached that age when it's time to start thinking about "getting a life", perhaps starting a family. But how do you handle the fact that your friendships are changing? That, slowly, your new family is becoming the center of your ever-shrinking world? What do you do when you realize your youth is a thing of the past?
Love and Magnets
Back in Montréal after spending five years in Guatemala, Julie moves in with her elder sister, Jeanne, a chronic liar and woman of rather loose sexual morals... Disillusioned with love, Jeanne is nevertheless engaged to Noël. However, Jeanne and Noël lead separate lives, and only communicate by leaving each other messages on the fridge.Everything suddenly becomes very complicated. Jeanne compels Julie to take up with Noël so she can have a fling with a passionate musician. Noël, meanwhile, sets Julie up with Michel -- without Jeanne's knowledge. Julie mixes things up even further. Egged on by her friend Marie-Ève, she alters the contents of the messages on the fridge in an attempt to breathe new life into Jeanne and Noël's relationship. Along the way, she also begins to fall for the seductive Michel. The tables are turned on everyone... In the game of love and truth, illusion leads to betrayal, but love conquers all.
Dangerous People
It has kidnapped Roxane Labelle, a Canadian singer covered gold records and awards. To his captors, no question of release without payment of a large ransom. Father and manager of the star, Paul Labelle asks a small accountant do it. Easier said than done, especially the payer also has a large sum to the Mafia and, rapidly, what Québec account scoundrels, thieves and killers are chasing the fabulous bonanza.
The Widow of Saint-Pierre
le propriétaire
In 1850, on the isolated French island of Saint-Pierre, a murder shocks the natives. Two fishermen are arrested. One of them, Louis Ollivier, dies in custody. The other, Neel Auguste, is sentenced to death by the guillotine. The island is so small that it has neither a guillotine nor an executioner. While those are sent for Auguste is placed under the supervision of an army Captain.
Иисус из Монреаля
Актер по имени Дэниэл задумал поставить пьесу на тему "Страсти Господни" на территории Монреальского собора. Сам он собирается сыграть роль Иисуса и пригласить своих друзей актеров на остальные роли. Постепенно сюжет начинает завладевать мыслями и чувствами всех. Появляется параллель между жизнью актеров и их ролями в пьесе.