Ajoy Kar


Bisha Briksha
A landlord develops feelings for Kunda but is unable to marry her since he is married to Suryamukhi. Eventually, Kunda marries Suryamukhi's brother, who turns out to be an alcoholic.
The story is as this is a story of the tribals of Jhalakpukur whose basic living rights are taken away by the mean money lenders who lend little money to them and charged them with a huge amount of interests which they could not repay. As a result, they suffered torture and harassment. Sulata was a contractor who was different and genuinely cared for the tribals. However her employer Sundaram was an extremely greedy man who not only inflicted suffering to the tribals but also longed to marry Sulata. Sulata meets Satinath, a man who would always protect the tribals from any harm and starts liking him. Sundaram does not take this appropriately and one night when Satinath was away, he and another money lender try to kill, Raghu, the tribal leader so that the tribals are thoroughly weakened. His attempt becomes futile when coincidentally Satinath arrives and saves Raghu. Satinath and Sulata together start looking after the interests of the tribal people from then onwards.
Kaya Hiner Kahini
Prabir, a rich and selfish man who does not realise the value of love and relationships, ruins the life of Mallika, a beautiful woman who loves him.
The Wedding Garland
A young doctor is introduced to a girl by his cousin, but he rejects her as a potential bride and she disappears one day, leaving only a garland of dried flowers behind.
The Fiancee
Ajoy Kar's 1969 film adaptation of Sarat Chandra Chatterjee's 1914 novel, 'Parineeta'.
Kanch Kata Hirey
Subrata joins his father's business that he quits due to ideological differences. What awaits his fate now?
Saat Pake Bandha
Archana (Suchitra Sen) falls in love with Sukhendu (Soumitra Chatterjee), a serious University Lecturer, much to the chargin her snobbish and interfering mother (Chhaya Devi) for whom Sukhendu is just not good enough for her daughter or their family. Archana however, is adamant and with the approval of her father (Pahadi Sanyal) gets married to Sukhendu. The mother continues to interfere in the marriage constantly reminding her son-in-law of his poverty. Suffering from divided loyalties, Archana's problems are aggravated when Sukhendu insists she sever all ties with her mother. Archana separates from Sukhendu and stays independently completing her studies. When she finally accepts her wifely duties and returns home it is too late as Sukhendu has resigned and gone abroad.
A man mistakenly invites a family, whose girl was (and is still) betrothed to the groom. It was he who set up the cousin's alliance, would the girl forgive him, whom he had fallen in love? How to prevent her from attending the marriage?
Atal Jaler Ahwan
Sreemonto, who raises his son Jayanta single-handedly, finds solace in his friend Anuradha but soon, she leaves him. Years later, Jayanta falls in love with Anuradha's daughter.
During WWII an army doctor is brought a drunken Anglo-Indian woman, whom he'd once loved, for treatment.
During WWII an army doctor is brought a drunken Anglo-Indian woman, whom he'd once loved, for treatment.
Suno Baranari
Himangshu is a villageman who apart from practicing homeopathy helps the local people with their odds and ends. One day he gets a call from a rich man to escort his daughter Juthika to Patna. At first the rich and spoilt lady takes much disliking for the plain and simple young man but after having seen him from close quarters starts liking him. Soon her marriage is fixed to a bigshot. She confesses her feelings to Himangshu however he declines her love as he had a similar love failure in the past and did not want a broken heart again. He decides to leave the place and go away. Juthika breaks her engagement, leaves her family behind and chooses to come along with Himangshu, proving all his apprehensions wrong.
Doll's House
The story starts with the scene where Goutam chatterjee is escaping from jail. Goutam is a freedom fighter and political leader. When Goutam is escaping, he takes shelter in Ruchira Banerjee's house. Ruchira's father Roylachadur. R. C. Banerjea is a police officer. Goutam gets away from there. In the meantime, Ruchira leaves her house because her father forces her against her wish to get married with Subir. After that, suddenly Ruchira meets Goutam again. They become friends and they move from one place to another together. And the story continues with suspence in every turn.
Забытая мелодия
Попав в аварию и потеряв память, Алок Мукерджи сбегает из больницы. Он укрывается в доме доктора Рамы Банерджи в Палашпуре. Они женятся, но вскоре Алок вспоминает свою прошлую жизнь. Рама следует за ним в Калькутту, но муж ее не узнает. Он нанимает ее в качестве гувернантки к своей племяннице. Его бывшая невеста Лата, заподозрив Алока в связи с гувернанткой, жалуется матери. Раму выгоняют. Терзаемый смутными сомнениями и влюбленный в Раму Алок едет в Палашпур…
Забытая мелодия
Попав в аварию и потеряв память, Алок Мукерджи сбегает из больницы. Он укрывается в доме доктора Рамы Банерджи в Палашпуре. Они женятся, но вскоре Алок вспоминает свою прошлую жизнь. Рама следует за ним в Калькутту, но муж ее не узнает. Он нанимает ее в качестве гувернантки к своей племяннице. Его бывшая невеста Лата, заподозрив Алока в связи с гувернанткой, жалуется матери. Раму выгоняют. Терзаемый смутными сомнениями и влюбленный в Раму Алок едет в Палашпур…
Director of Photography
Это киноповесть о маленьком сироте Раджу и его приемной матери Джухи. Мальчик не хотел верить, что умершая мать больше не вернется к нему. Потихоньку от отца он ежедневно бегал на реку встречать паром, считая, что именно из-за реки приедет и мать. И вот однажды в дом богатого судьи — отца Раджу — случай забросил бедную девушку Джухи. Ребенок принимает ее за свою мать и не хочет с ней расставаться. После долгих колебаний отец был вынужден уступить просьбам ребенка и оставить Джухи в доме.
The movie revolves with the unwanted incedents happened in princly state Ratnagarh. After the murder of the king Chandrakanta, one Dr. Palit (Kamal Mitra) asked for help to one Detective Smarajit Sen (Shisir Batabyal), as a family friend. Detective Sen sent his assistant Bimal to Ratnagarh to investigate and ascertain the security of young Kumar Bahadur, new predecessors of the royal family of the estate. They observed that a mysterious lady Manjusri (Manju De) sing uncanny song in the adjacent water body near the palace. Mr Gupta (Bikash Roy), a suspicious botanist stayed in the neighbourhood also roamed in that locality. It revealed that he was deprived of real property of the royal family and took revenge by killing the members of the family. He used one deaf and dumb porter as a hired killer. Ultimately he has been killed by the detective at the end before he could commit another murder.
The movie revolves with the unwanted incedents happened in princly state Ratnagarh. After the murder of the king Chandrakanta, one Dr. Palit (Kamal Mitra) asked for help to one Detective Smarajit Sen (Shisir Batabyal), as a family friend. Detective Sen sent his assistant Bimal to Ratnagarh to investigate and ascertain the security of young Kumar Bahadur, new predecessors of the royal family of the estate. They observed that a mysterious lady Manjusri (Manju De) sing uncanny song in the adjacent water body near the palace. Mr Gupta (Bikash Roy), a suspicious botanist stayed in the neighbourhood also roamed in that locality. It revealed that he was deprived of real property of the royal family and took revenge by killing the members of the family. He used one deaf and dumb porter as a hired killer. Ultimately he has been killed by the detective at the end before he could commit another murder.
Niren Lahiri directs this social-minded melodrama about the complicated relationship between a traditional Hindu family headed by Madhab Thakur (Choudhury) and their progressive next-door neighbor Mukherjee (Chhabi Biswas). Thakur's daughter, Malati (Sheila Haldar), and Mukherjee's son, Robi (Robin Majumdar), run a school teaching traditional Hindu values which they hope will become a countrywide franchise. Their planned nuptials are impeded when Malati's older sister is forced to marry a Brahmin against her will, resulting in a full-scale revolt in both households. Eventually, the rift is settled, the hero and heroine marry, and a sort of Hindu-laden modernity reigns in the two families.