Himself (archive audio)
The Man You Loved To Hate blends revealing interviews, rare photographs, and clips from von Stroheim's legendary and lesser-known works to create a fascinating tribute to one of American cinema's most complex artists.
Technical Advisor
Агенты американской и французской разведок пытаются разоблачить советских шпионов на Кубе. По полученной информации, советский разведчик внедрился в структуру НАТО. Им предстоит узнать, кто скрывается под кличкой «Топаз». Проведенное расследование приводит агентов в высшие эшелоны Французского правительства…
Director of Photography
A flying saucer hidden in a Red Chinese peasant village is sought by teams from the United States and U.S.S.R. On finding it, they band together to explore the saucer and take a trip into space.
Director of Photography
A retelling of the popular fairy tale that mixes live action and animation.
Director of Photography
Mobster Foots Pulardos, who operates a health gym as a front, plans to flee to Mexico to evade government tax officials. His girl friend, Sugar Pye, suggests that he first arrange for the cremation of a man having his own peculiar identifying characteristic--feet of different sizes--and then apply for a Diners' Club card for use in paying his fare. The request for the credit card comes to the desk of Ernie Klenk, a timid clerk. Nervous about his forthcoming marriage to the boss's secretary, Lucy, Ernie inadvertently okays the application, then, discovering his mistake, rushes to the health gym to recover the club card he has issued.
Director of Photography
Many years after a nuclear war, the human survivors have created a new society where much of the work done by androids, referred to derisively by humans as "clickers". A police official who is concerned that his sister has become involved with an android is sent to investigate a larger rumor that the androids are developing reason and emotion.
Director of Photography
Четырнадцатилетний Толли Девлин видит, как четверо неизвестных до смерти избивают его отца. Спустя двадцать лет он решает отомстить. Но к тому времени эти четверо уже стали лидерами криминальной группировки…
Director of Photography
Океанский лайнер отправляется в свой последний круиз. Но спокойной «последней гастроли» не выходит: происходит взрыв в бойлерной, и судно медленно, но верно идет ко дну. Пока капитан пытается взять ситуацию под контроль и эвакуировать команду и пассажиров, один из последних — герой Роберта Стака — старается спасти жену, которая оказалась в ловушке в собственной каюте.
Director of Photography
Remake of "To Have and Have Not" based on Hemingway short story. Plot reset to early days of Cuban revolution. A charter boat skipper gets entangled in gunrunning scheme to get money to pay off debts. Sort of a sea-going film noir with bad girl, smarmy villain, and the "innocent" drawn into wrong side of law by circumstances.
Director of Photography
В Сан-Франциско гангстер-психопат и его наставник возвращают себе пакеты с героином, которые оказываются у непримечательных туристов.
Director of Photography
Famed Depression-era gangster “Baby Face Nelson” (Mickey Rooney) robs and kills while accompanied by his beautiful moll (Carolyn Jones).
Director of Photography
A crusading politician falls prey to the temptations of power.
Director of Photography
Джонни – главарь банды байкеров, ворвавшейся в сонный калифорнийский городишко. Против чего восстал Джонни? Да, против всего. Кажется, юного байкера в кожаной куртке поджидают неприятности, пока он не влюбляется в Кэти – хорошую девочку, у которой отец – полицейский. К сожалению Джонни, его единственная попытка избавления прервана врагом – неуравновешенным Чино, к тому же, жители города настроены враждебно из-за предрассудков. Страсти накаляются и приводят к взрывной кульминации!
Director of Photography
12-летняя Фрэнки Аддамс взволнована известием о приезде своего старшего брата Джарвиса и его предстоящей свадьбе. Она уверена, что молодожены заберут ее с собой из этого городка, где жизнь для Фрэнки стала невыносимой. Ее угнетает медленное взросление при том, что она считает себя уже достаточно самостоятельной. Чтобы доказать это, Фрэнки совершает поход в местный бар, но этот поступок не помогает ей самоутвердиться. И свадьба брата приносит одни разочарования. Но так и должно было быть — ведь все лучшее ждет Фрэнки впереди.
Director of Photography
In turn-of-the-century New York, the marriage of John and Abby Edwards unfolds over the years.
Director of Photography
Верн Хэскелл, вернувшись в городок после недолгой отлучки, узнает, что бандиты убили его любимую девушку во время ограбления магазина, в котором она работала. Верн бросается в погоню, одержимый жаждой мести и, в конце концов, настигает одного из убийц, которого смертельно ранили свои же подельники.
Director of Photography
A young man zigzags through the sordid vortex of downtown Los Angeles while seeking vengeance on the man that beat his father.
Director of Photography
Frank Johnson, a sole witness to a gangland murder, goes into hiding and is trailed by Police Inspector Ferris, on the theory that Frank is trying to escape from possible retaliation. Frank's wife, Eleanor, suspects he is actually running away from their unsuccessful marriage. Aided by a newspaperman, Danny Leggett, Eleanor sets out to locate her husband. The killer is also looking for him, and keeps close tabs on Eleanor.
Director of Photography
In flashback from a 'Rebecca'-style beginning: Ellen Foster, visiting her aunt on the California coast, meets neighbor Jeff Cohalan and his ultramodern clifftop house. Ellen is strongly attracted to Jeff, who's being plagued by unexplainable accidents, major and minor. Bad luck, persecution...or paranoia? Warned that Jeff could be dangerous, Ellen fears that he's in danger, as the menacing atmosphere darkens.
Director of Photography
A guard (William Bendix) befriends a wayward youth (Allen Martin Jr.) sent to the Indiana Boys School.
Director of Photography
A man kills his terminally ill wife to prevent her further suffering.
Director of Photography
This 'prequel' to The Little Foxes tells how the ruthless members of the old-South Hubbard family got that way.
Director of Photography
In a long flashback, a New York publisher is in Venice pursuing the lost love letters of an early-19th-century poet, Jeffrey Ashton, who disappeared mysteriously. Using a false name, Lewis Venable rents a room from Juliana Bordereau, once Jeffrey Ashton's lover, now an aged recluse. Running the household is Juliana's severe niece, Tina, who mistrusts Venable from the first moment. He realizes all is not right when late one night he finds Tina, her hair unpinned and wild, at the piano. She calls him Jeffrey and throws herself at him. The family priest warns Venable to tread carefully around her fantasies, but he wants the letters at any cost, even Tina's sanity.
Director of Photography
A beautiful cabaret dancer inspires composer Rimsky-Korsakov.
Director of Photography
A small-town girl tells a small fib to a wealthy businessman; complications ensue.
Director of Photography
A young woman who wants to break into the theater schemes to become the protege of a famous Broadway star.
Director of Photography
During the Austrian-Prussian war, Anna Marie is a dancer who is forced to flee her country after she is accused of being a spy. She ends up in a lawless western town in Arizona, where she uses her charms and dancing skills to transform herself into "Salome" during her dance routines.
Director of Photography
In this romantic comedy, three man-hungry sisters consult a fortune-teller to help them with their romantic futures.
Director of Photography
A rich but naive young woman is in possession of some priceless jewels. She herself doesn't know it, but a gang of jewel thieves does.
Director of Photography
Старый доктор Фридрих Хонер служит врачом в Венской Опере. Никто не знает о том, что в свое время, Хонер, охваченный ревностью, задушил свою возлюбленную, оперную диву Марселлину, которая не пожелала отказаться от блестящей карьеры ради уединенной семейной жизни с ним. Прошло десять лет, все считают Марселлину пропавшей без вести, полиция прекратила безуспешные поиски. Однажды, придя на службу в Оперу, доктор слышит, как ему кажется, пение Марселлины и с удивлением узнает, что обладательница голоса удивительной красоты - молодая певица Анжела Клатт, возлюбленная молодого композитора Франца Мюнцера ...
Director of Photography
In this WW II musical, a young man suddenly finds himself in charge of his family when his father is called to war. To help the flagging spirits of local factory workers, the plucky lad, his siblings and his schoolmates put on a lively little show. With a little work, he even convinces Count Basie to come with his band.
Director of Photography
Сара и Курт Муллер с тремя детьми возвращаются в дом ее матери в Вашингтоне после 18 лет, проведенных в Европе. Румынский князь, проживающий там, находит чемодан Курта полный денег…
Director of Photography
Скромный и тихий скрипач средних лет Эрик Клодин отказывает себе во всем и тратит все сбережения на тайное спонсирование уроков пения юной Кристин Дюбуа, к которой питает тайную страсть. Та об этом не подозревает и не обращает никакого внимания на музыканта, у неё уже есть два поклонника - оперный тенор Анатоль Гаррон и Рауль Д`Обер, инспектор Сюртэ. Доведенный до отчаяния Эрик совершает убийство музыкального издателя, но в результате его лицо становится обезображенным кислотой. Теперь цель его жизни - уничтожить всех, кто окружает Кристин...
Director of Photography
Tim Hanley, an American agent, posing as a lawyer with the United States Embassy in London, and Reggie Oliver, a Scotland Yard detective, posing as a music critic are both keeping their eye on Carla Nillson, a famous singer, whom they suspect of espionage. They all meet in London, then in Lisbon, and eventually in New York City, where Carla sings on the radio.
Director of Photography
Jimmy, the owner of a failed music shop, goes to work with his uncle, the owner of a food factory. Before he gets there, he befriends an Irish family who happens to be his uncle's worst enemy because of their love for music and in-house band who constantly practices. Soon, Jimmy finds himself trying to help the band by getting them gigs and trying to reconcile the family with his uncle.
Director of Photography
Young lawyer Tod Jackson arrives in pioneer Kansas to visit his prosperous rancher friends the Daltons, just as the latter are in danger of losing their land to a crooked development company. When Tod tries to help them, a faked murder charge turns the Daltons into outlaws, but more victims than villains in this fictionalized version. Will Tod stay loyal to his friends despite falling in love with Bob Dalton's former fiancée Julie?
Director of Photography
Опытная проститутка, испытавшая в этой жизни абсолютно все, перебывала в объятиях сотни мужчин, но не утратила нежного, ранимого сердца, которое, как и много лет назад, открыто любви и верности, которое готово раскрыться навстречу искреннему чувству. Даже если это будет стоить жизни. И вот в маленьком, захолустном американском городишке появляется странноватый парень по имени Том Дестри. Он вежлив, вроде умен, довольно красив. И он один встает против всего города, чтобы навести порядок и установить торжество закона.
Director of Photography
Diabolical French capitalist Paul Reynard is forced to leave Irene, his bride of one year, when he is arrested for the crimes of forgery and embezzlement and sentenced to a penal colony off the coast of South America.
Director of Photography
The life of a young kid, who starts stealing small things to fit in with the "cool crowd".
Director of Photography
In Vermont, college student Ives Towner refuses to marry his longtime girlfriend, Julie Weir, until he has a career. Soon after, Julie meets and grows infatuated with handsome writer Michael Shaw, and they marry and move to Paris. Years later, after Michael's accidental death, Julie and her daughter move back to Vermont to live with her aunt and Julie finds Ives, now a professor, disinterested in resuming their romantic relationship.
College Student
In Vermont, college student Ives Towner refuses to marry his longtime girlfriend, Julie Weir, until he has a career. Soon after, Julie meets and grows infatuated with handsome writer Michael Shaw, and they marry and move to Paris. Years later, after Michael's accidental death, Julie and her daughter move back to Vermont to live with her aunt and Julie finds Ives, now a professor, disinterested in resuming their romantic relationship.
In this drama, a girl from a small town in Pennsylvania dreams of being a star while she goes to school. The trouble is, no one notices her. Later a mentor turns her into a successful Broadway entertainer. She returns to her former college to get sweet revenge.
Director of Photography
God, heaven, and several Old Testament stories, including the Creation and Noah's Ark, are described supposedly using the perspective of rural, black Americans.
Director of Photography
Неподкупный комиссар решил очистить полицию от «оборотней в погонах». Блейк так зол, что «чистит нюхалку» бывшему другу на глазах у авторитета Крюгера. Крюгер же давно имеет виды на Блейка, который знает изнанку Нью-Йорка, как никто другой в городе. «Бывший» полицейский наконец-то соглашается на предложение короля рэкетиров, и они начинают работать вместе. Но это совсем не нравится правой руке Крюгера Нику «Психу» Феннеру, который считает Блейка стукачом. Тем временем комиссар Макларен, очистив ряды правоохранительных органов от пособников мафии, начинает крупномасштабную войну против организованной преступности. Нити расследования ведут в коридоры высшей власти…
Director of Photography
Несчастный Джон Эллман обвиняется в убийстве судьи. После того, как его осуждают и приговоривают к смертной казни, появляются свидетели и доказывают его невиновность. Но уже слишком поздно, и Эллмана казнят. Врачебный эксперимент возвращает его к жизни, но результат отличается от ожидаемого.
Director of Photography
Англия конца XVII века, междоусобные войны в самом разгаре. Доктора Питера Блада ошибочно причисляют к мятежникам и отправляют в рабство на плантации Ямайки. Там он быстро приобретает смертельного врага в лице губернатора Ямайки полковника Бишопа, но завоёвывает сердце его прекрасной племянницы Арабеллы. Питеру с друзьями удаётся бежать с острова, захватив испанский корабль, и вскоре он становится самым знаменитым и удачливым пиратом Карибского бассейна. Но ни морские сражения, ни охота за сокровищами — ничто не даёт забыть благородному пирату образ его возлюбленной…
Director of Photography
Тезур — герцог Афинский собирается жениться на Ипполите, королеве амазонок. Деметриус ухаживает за Хермией, но она влюблена в Лизандра, а в Деметриуса влюблена Елена. А в это время Оберон и Титания из царства фей поспорили между собой, кому должен принадлежать маленький мальчик, которого они нашли. Оберон пытается заполучить ребенка, применив некоторые магические приемы против предводительницы фей и ее окружения.
И в эту круговерть нечаянно попадают запутавшиеся влюбленные, а так же некоторые странствующие актеры, которые прибыли, чтобы играть на свадьбе герцога и королевы. Из-за Оберона и его шаловливого сатиренка все запутывается еще больше…
Director of Photography
Heiress Hedda Nillson certain that her family is about to lose all its money, takes a job as a maid. After the usual trials and tribulations, Hedda falls in love with humble chauffeur Eric Landstrom.
Director of Photography
Catherine and Mack and their close friends Chris and Madge graduate from a West Coast college and fly to New York City to find work.
Director of Photography
Rogers plays a small town banker in the 1890s whose chief rival is the deacon (Middleton) with whom he has traded horse flesh. Taylor is a bank teller who places a winning $4,500 bet on a 10-1 harness racing horse, making him Rogers' bank partner.
Director of Photography
The French Foreign Legion is the setting for this episodic adventure yarn. Victor Jory plays a Legion doctor falsely accused of murdering his commander over the love of Loretta Young. Jory escapes prosecution by heading for parts unknown, but when a deadly illness strikes his old fort, he returns to aid his comrades. He is arrested, but clears himself of the murder charge and ends up with Young. Devil's in Love is distinguished by the surprise appearance of Bela Lugosi, who shows up unbilled as a relentless prosecuting attorney in the courtroom scenes.
Director of Photography
Vicki Meredith, an American ballet student in Paris, falls in love with Randall Williams, another American studying architecture in Paree, and they set up some light housekeeping together until she learns that Randall has forgotten to mention that he has a wife back in the USA. This miffs Vicki to the point where she ups and heads for South America where she meets and falls in love with Philip Fletcher, a construction engineer from America. But he hustles off to build Boulder Dam. They meet again in New York City and discover their separation has made their love even stronger. Then, Randall and his wife show up and sophistication rears its ugly head.
Director of Photography
The Warrior's Husband is a satire of the male and female roles in society set in 800 B.C.. Queen Hippolyta (Marjorie Rambeau) rules Pontus with masculine authority; in fact, it is the women of Pontus who do all the laboring, fighting, and governing. Hippolyta's husband Sapiens (Ernest Truex) is truly a sissy of the first order, and is not unlike most of Pontus' male inhabitants.
Director of Photography
Семья Фрэйков отправилась на ярмарку штата Айова. И пока отец с матерью принимали участие в различных соревнованиях и конкурсах, их сын с дочерью нашли свои вторые половинки.
Director of Photography
When Captain Howland decides that his daughter Tess is getting a bit to old to continue to go to sea with him, they move into a small cottage on the coast of Maine, but not for long. A local millionaire, Frederick Garfield, lays a false claim to the property and has them evicted. Later, when Tess saves a young man about her age from drowning, she is a bit dismayed to learn that he is Garfield's son. But when her father is jailed on a false-accusation charge of murder, the younger Garfield comes to their aid and proves he himself.
Director of Photography
Grace Livingston is leading a happy life in her small town, with her mother and father, being courted by two men, the steady but predictable Tommy Tucker and the more ambitious, flashy, and worldly Dick Loring, who seems closer to Grace in his desire for travel and adventure.
Director of Photography
A recently impoverished but formerly wealthy young woman ends up working as a nightclub hostess. There she meets a handsome, sophisticated and wealthy fellow who hires her to help him spice up his weekend parties. She begins helping him and regains her lost wealth and posh lifestyle.
Director of Photography
A wealthy girl hires a male escort to make one of her male friends jealous. She spreads rumours about her character that makes her popular amongst all bachelors in the city including her friend.
Director of Photography
In order to keep his lover, Maria Draga, in luxury, Captain Alex Pastitsch contracts huge debts which threaten his military career. To save Alex's career, his superior officer, Colonel Strádimirovitsch has an idea of how to fix it.
Director of Photography
A young Londoner (Ann Harding) disguises herself to become governess of the son of the barrister (Leslie Howard) she loves.
Director of Photography
A gambler, hopelessly in debt, agrees to pay off his debt by allowing his creditor to take out a life insurance policy on him and collecting once the one-year suicide clause has elapsed.
Director of Photography
It is 1915 in Vienna and the Great War has caused many casualties. Elsa, a beautiful prostitute, wants to help the war effort, but is rejected as a nurse, but a government official thinks that she will make an excellent spy.
Director of Photography
A group of strangers find themselves aboard an unmanned ship, surrounded by fog and uncertain of their destination. As they attempt to make sense of their situation, the group of passengers discover that all they have in common is that each is dead and en route to their final judgment.
Director of Photography
Mort Bradley, New York political boss and underworld czar, controls not only the city's most popular nightclub but also much of the press; however, the managing editor of the Times is determined to expose him. Jay Grant, a San Francisco reporter, is assigned to investigate Mort, who believes Jay to be a country boy and is delighted to see him fall in love with Connie Colton, of whom Mort has tired. Dismayed to learn that Jay is a reporter, Mort plans to have his gunman, Francis, kill him, but both Mort and Francis are shot by rival gangsters. Jay, believing that Mort will recover, rushes to the newspaper with an exposé, but while writing it he learns of Mort's death and decides their friendship would not permit him to submit the story. He leaves his paper and embarks on a new life with Connie.
Director of Photography
Gus, the trusty family retainer, has hopes of riding his boss' horse, Big Boy, to victory at the Kentucky Derby.
Director of Photography
Фильм провозгласил новую эру в звуковом и цветном развлекательном кинематографе, создав богатую насыщенную палитру мелодичных звуков и фантастического смешения красок. Этот фильм - гимн американской популярной музыки под названием ДЖАЗ. Жанр фильма - музыкальное ревю, в котором чередуются музыкальные номера, короткие комедийные эскизы-скетчи и два анимационных фрагмента. Все вместе они представлены в виде отдельных страниц, объединённых в альбом Пола Уайтмэна.
Director of Photography
Having spent several wasted months in a Shanghai opium dem, former prostitute Cassie Cook yearns to start her life afresh. Likewise, ex-convict Badlands McKinney also wants to clean up his act.
Director of Photography
A middle-aged magician is in love with his beautiful young assistant. She, on the other hand, is in love with the magician's young protege, who turns out to be a bum and a thief.
Director of Photography
A naive young dancer in a Broadway show innocently gets involved in backstage bootlegging and murder.
Director of Photography
A producer decides to reopen a theater, that had been closed five years previously when one of the actors was murdered during a performance, by staging a production of the same play with the remaining members of the original cast.
Director of Photography
The Biblical story of Noah and the Great Flood, with a parallel story of soldiers in the First World War.
Director of Photography
Vitaphone production reels #2471-2478; third Warner Bros. feature film - the first being The Jazz Singer and the second Tenderloin - to include talking sequences, along with the by now usual Vitaphone musical score and sound effects. A copy of this film survives at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C., but the sound disks are lost.
Director of Photography
Rose Shannon, a dancing girl at "Kelly's," in the 'Tenderloin' district of New York City, worships at a distance Chuck White, a younger member of the gang that uses the place as their hangout. Chuck's interest in her is only just as another toy to play with. Rose is unknowingly placed in a position in which she is implicated in a crime which she knows nothing about.
Director of Photography
День премьеры фильма "Певец джаза" - 10 октября 1927 г. - официально считается днем рождения звукового кино. Эл Джолсон, один из лучших американских певцов 20-х годов XX века, сыграл в этой картине главную роль - молодого парня Джеки, единственного и любимого сына кантора синагоги Рабиновича. Джеки, как и отец, должен был стать раввином, но его страсть - джаз, и он мечтает о карьере музыканта. После того, как отец узнает, что Джеки поет в кафе, он отрекается от сына и выгоняет его из дома. По прошествии нескольких лет Джеки, теперь уже признанный певец Джек Робин, возвращается в отчий дом, но отец не желает видеть сына, потому что по-прежнему не одобряет его выбор. Финальная сцена их примирения до сих пор является одной из красивейших и эмоциональных в истории кинематографа.
Director of Photography
In San Francisco, a villainous landowner with underworld connections seeks to steal the property of an old Spanish family.
Director of Photography
At the outbreak of the War Between the States, Maryland Calvert is loved by Maj. Alan Kendrick, son of a Virginia general, and Capt. Fulton Thorpe. Nancy, whom Thorpe has loved unwisely, follows him to Washington and commits suicide when she learns he will not marry her; as a result, Alan is forced to request his resignation. When Fort Sumter is fired upon, Alan, who admires Lincoln's principles, joins the Union Army though his father is among the Secessionist leaders; as a result, he is estranged from Maryland. Thorpe, who has joined the Confederacy as a spy, is responsible for Alan's arrest, but Maryland victoriously comes to his aid by ringing the alarm bell.
Director of Photography
Alicia, a circus artist, deserts her husband and child to elope with Underwood, her handsome lover. Fifteen years later, Annie Martin, Alicia's deserted daughter, is a trapeze performer in a sideshow at Coney Island, operated by Mr. and Mrs. Chubb, and has married Howard Jeffries in spite of opposition by his wealthy parents. Jeffries, Sr., hires a man (Underwood) to separate the young couple. Underwood convinces the newlyweds that each is being unfaithful to the other, and consequently, he is threatened by Howard. Driven to fury by Underwood's uncontrollable demands, Alicia shoots him in a quarrel and makes her escape just as Howard enters; despite his innocence, Howard confesses to the crime when subjected to the third degree. Annie, realizing her mother's guilt, claims to be guilty, but Alicia then confesses. Annie is saved from suicide by Howard, and they are united by love.
Director of Photography
Посреди болот на юге Америки находится ферма, где зловещая семья Гримсов содержит приют для сирот. Приют больше похож на тюрьму, так как с детьми плохо обращаются и морят их голодом. Старшая девочка Молли заботится о своих маленьких товарищах по несчастью и пытается всячески поддерживать их дух. Когда на ферму обращает внимание полиция, Гримс приказывает своему сыну Эмброузу утопить Дорис, похищенную ранее из города, в болоте.
Director of Photography
A Broadway actress becomes a star due to the guidance of her director. The two fall in love, but are prevented from marrying due to a clause put into her contract by her producer.
Director of Photography
A feisty little girl, the daughter of a beat cop, faces the challenges of growing up in a tough city neighborhood.
Director of Photography
A general store clerk and aspiring detective investigates a mysterious disappearance that took place quite close to an empty insane asylum.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
A clerk in a failing antiques store gets a big idea on how to move the merchandise so that he can save the store and possibly win the girl.
A clerk in a failing antiques store gets a big idea on how to move the merchandise so that he can save the store and possibly win the girl.
A clerk in a failing antiques store gets a big idea on how to move the merchandise so that he can save the store and possibly win the girl.
A 9-part movie serial