Otto Lederer

Otto Lederer

Рождение : 1886-04-17, Prague, Bohemia, Austria-Hungary [now Czech Republic]

Смерть : 1965-09-03


Otto Lederer


Whispering City
Makeup Artist
After hearing that a famous actress is dying in a hospital after being hit by a car, a reporter goes to the hospital to interview the actress. She then tells the reporter that her wealthy fiance, who was killed in an accident several years before, was actually murdered. Before long the reporter finds herself in a web of corruption, mental illness and murder.
Башня смерти
Makeup Artist
Вольная экранизация шекспировского «Ричарда III», увидевшая свет аккурат перед началом Второй мировой, относится к категории «трофейного» кино. В 15 веке герцог Ричард Глостерский при помощи своего косолапого палача Морда устраняет все препятствия, мешающие ему взойти на трон. Смерть короля Эдуарда IV приводит к тому, что Ричард осуществляет свою мечту, и ему остается только одолеть изгнанного Генри Тюдора, чтобы сохранить власть. Инфернальные звезды классических хорроров Карлофф и Прайс возглавляют блестящий актерский ансамбль, разыгрывающий необычную и в чем-то даже спорную интерпретацию шекспировской трагедии.
Дочь Дракулы
Makeup Artist
В Трансильвании живет красавица, которая ненавидит зеркала. Вместо обычного отражения графиня Залеска видит в зеркале пустоту, потому что она дочь могущественного вампира Дракулы, унаследовавшая страсть к человеческой крови. Ее красота - страшная сила, прекрасная аристократка завлекает в свои смертельные объятия молодых и красивых мужчин из высшего общества, которые или погибают от ее поцелуя, или превращаются в упырей. Профессор Ван Хельсинг, избавивший мир от графа Дракулы, начинает охоту за его дочерью. Он знает, что вампиры наиболее уязвимы во время дневного сна в гробу. Охотник за вампирами должен найти гроб, в котором почивает графиня Залеска.
Невидимый луч
Makeup Artist
Доктор Янош Рух обнаруживает источник нового излучения, которое обладает почти волшебными целебными свойствами. Но вещество таит в себе и опасность, и оно начинает влиять на разум Руха. Охваченный паранойей, он подозревает, что его открытие украли другие ученые. Одержимый жаждой мести, Рух собирается использовать собственное отравленное тело в качестве орудия убийства.
East of Java
Makeup Artist
Survivors of a shipwreck find refuge on a tropical island--but so do the ship's cargo of lions and tigers.
The Raven
Makeup Artist
A brilliant but deranged neurosurgeon becomes obsessively fixated on a judge's daughter. With the help of an escaped criminal whose face he has surgically deformed, the mad man lures her, her father, and her fiancé to his isolated castle-like home, where he has created a torture chamber with the intent of torturing them for having 'tortured' him.
Невеста Франкенштейна
Makeup Trainee
"Невеста Франкенштейна" начинается там, где закончился "Франкенштейн" Джеймса Уэйла. Доктор Франкенштейн не был убит, как изображалось ранее, и теперь он хочет уйти от безумных экспериментов. Тем не менее, когда его жена похищена его творением, Франкенштейн соглашается помочь ему создать нового монстра, на этот раз женщину.
Невеста Франкенштейна
Assistant Makeup Artist
"Невеста Франкенштейна" начинается там, где закончился "Франкенштейн" Джеймса Уэйла. Доктор Франкенштейн не был убит, как изображалось ранее, и теперь он хочет уйти от безумных экспериментов. Тем не менее, когда его жена похищена его творением, Франкенштейн соглашается помочь ему создать нового монстра, на этот раз женщину.
The Mystery of Edwin Drood
Makeup Artist
A choirmaster addicted to opium and obsessed with a beautiful young woman will stop at nothing to possess her.
Great Expectations
Assistant Makeup Artist
A young boy, Pip, encounters an escaped prisoner, Magwitch, and steals food for him. After the convict is captured, Pip meets the reclusive Miss Havisham and her niece, Estella, eventually becoming friends with the girl. Wealth comes to Pip via a mysterious benefactor and he goes off to London for an education. As adults, Pip and Estella become romantic, and Pip learns the identity of his patron.
Uncle Adolph
Papa Strauss, a widower, is being shifted around from one married-son's home to the other, and is unwelcome at all because his daughter-in-laws' object to his smelly pipe smoking. Finally the family tucks him 'out of sight and out of mind' into a nursing home, with very little 'honor thy father' thought given to it. However, unmarried daughter, Lena, who loves her father dearly, has a bright fiancée, who makes a lot of money off of a patent, and they make a home for him.
Безумная блондинка
Pawnbroker (uncredited)
Ничто никогда не могло смутить или сбить с пути Берти Харриса, нахала и плута, коридорного самого большого отеля в маленьком городке на Среднем Западе. Весь отель был ему должен после игр в кости и других мелких и не совсем законных трюков. И только перед одним человеком Берти терял свою врождённую наглость и становился ягнёнком — перед красоткой Энн Робертс, новенькой горничной, получившей в отеле место благодаря тому же Берти. Однако все ухаживания Энн отвергла, так как была девушкой с принципами, верила только в любовь и мечтала видеть рядом с собой мужчину порядочного и честного. Берти давно перерос амплуа коридорного и хотел начать работать по-крупному. И для его планов красотка Энн в роли приманки богатеньких дуралеев была как нельзя кстати. И не случившаяся любовь переросла в партнёрство. Впереди заманчиво маячила богатая Америка, так и ждущая, что бы её облапошили…
From Headquarters
Bugs McGuire
United States Marine Corps Captain "Happy" Smith and Gunnery Sergeant Wilmer lead a squadron of Marines in a search of a party of American tourists lost in a Central America banana republic jungle.
One Stolen Night
When his ne'er-do-well brother embezzles the commissary funds of their cavalry unit stationed in the Sudan, a British soldier takes the blame for him. He winds up deserting his post and joining up with a traveling vaudeville troupe. He falls in love with a pretty young woman in one of the show's acts but finds that a local Arab sheik has his own plans for the young girl.
Cyclone's Manager
a prizefighter poses as a poet as a publicity ploy. As an actress hired to impersonate his high-class love interest, she can’t help falling for the big lug, leading to an elegantly understated climax.
Твое дело — труба!
Олли и Стэн - музыканты. Стэн играет на кларнете, а Олли - на трубе. Дирижер несколько разочарован их игрой и выгоняет их. В съемных комнатах домохозяйка тоже несколько разочарована, они ей задолжали за квартиру, она тоже выгоняет их. Лорел и Харди идут играть на улицу уличными музыкантами.
Певец джаза
Moisha Yudelson
День премьеры фильма "Певец джаза" - 10 октября 1927 г. - официально считается днем рождения звукового кино. Эл Джолсон, один из лучших американских певцов 20-х годов XX века, сыграл в этой картине главную роль - молодого парня Джеки, единственного и любимого сына кантора синагоги Рабиновича. Джеки, как и отец, должен был стать раввином, но его страсть - джаз, и он мечтает о карьере музыканта. После того, как отец узнает, что Джеки поет в кафе, он отрекается от сына и выгоняет его из дома. По прошествии нескольких лет Джеки, теперь уже признанный певец Джек Робин, возвращается в отчий дом, но отец не желает видеть сына, потому что по-прежнему не одобряет его выбор. Финальная сцена их примирения до сих пор является одной из красивейших и эмоциональных в истории кинематографа.
The King of Kings
Eber - a Pharisee
The King of Kings is the Greatest Story Ever Told as only Cecil B. DeMille could tell it. In 1927, working with one of the biggest budgets in Hollywood history, DeMille spun the life and Passion of Christ into a silent-era blockbuster. Featuring text drawn directly from the Bible, a cast of thousands, and the great showman’s singular cinematic bag of tricks, The King of Kings is at once spectacular and deeply reverent—part Gospel, part Technicolor epic.
The Shamrock and the Rose
Rabbi Isaacs
The neighborly "feud" between a Jewish and an Irish families escalates when two of their youngsters fall in love.
The Cruise of the Jasper B
The film stars actor Rod La Rocque as 'Jerry Cleggert', a good-natured descendant of an infamous clan of pirates who resides aboard the rickety ship Jasper B. Cleggert is informed that in order to inherit a large inheritance, he must marry by his twenty-fifth birthday - otherwise he would relinquish all claims to his impending fortune. Jerry soon meets his ideal would-be bride Agatha Fairhaven (Mildred Harris) and the two immediately fall in love. Complications arise when Jerry's cousin, the dastardly lawyer Reginald Maltravers (Snitz Edwards) claims Agatha as his own. The courting couple suffer a series of mishaps on the way to altar; they are waylaid en route by a trio of bandits, escape from a runaway taxi cab, and outrun a mob of unscrupulous state authorities.
The Alaskan Count
Ларри, случайно оказавшись свидетелем кражи бумаг из сейфа, пускается в погоню.
The Wizard of Oz
Ambassador Wikked
A farm girl learns she is a princess and is swept away by a tornado to the land of Oz.
Gale Preston
Behind Two Guns
Olaf Ludovic - aka Dr. Betz
Medicine Man Doctor Cutter and his Indian partner arrive in a town where mysterious stage robberies have occurred. Money goes out in a locked strongbox but at the destination the still locked strongbox is opened only to find the money missing and the stage was not held up. Using binoculars to watch the next stage carrying money, Cutter sees how the money is removed and he and his partner now set out to bring in the outlaws and recover the money.
The Sword of Valor
American romantic comedy which had the well known Australian actor Snowy Baker as a cast member. The daughter of a Spanish don falls in love with an American captain the moment she sees him. Her father takes the girl to the Riveria, where she is promised to a wealthy cad, but the captain arrives in time to rescue her from him as well as a crazed gypsy who has abducted her.
Virginian Outcast
Colonel Webster
In the Deep South, plantation owner Col. Webster, who is in dire financial straits, is offered a loan by wealthy neighbor Sam Logan on the condition that Webster's beautiful daughter, Madonna, marry him. Webster turns down the offer, thus angering Logan.
Hungry Hearts
Gedalyah Mindel
A family of Russian Jews living in New York struggles to survive, while the mother strives to better their lives, but she finds that most of her efforts costs more then they are worth.
Forget Me Not
Rodolfo, The Musician
Young mother Mary Gordoon is too poor to take care of her infant daughter, Ann, and leaves the child at an orphanage. Ann grows up with a crippled leg in the orphanage, and has fallen in love with a fellow orphan, Jimmy.
The Struggle
Spirited story of West, which begins after the hero has spent four years overseas and has left the army so much of a fighting devil that he becomes embroiled in a mix-up. Learning that his antagonist has died from wounds is the reason for the hero going West, when he meets a tramp who is on his way to join a gang of outlaws and who invites the ex-soldier to join.
The Dragon's Net
King Carson
A set of eight golden lotus leaves holds the secret for eternal life. A young girl is tricked out of the one she holds, and enlists the aid of an adventurer is tracking down the entire set. Based on "The Petals of Lao-Tze".
Over the Garden Wall
James Barstow
Peggy ( Bessie Love ) and her sister Frances ( Myrtle Reeves ) live with their father, but because of his idleness, they must all move to humbler quarters. Peggy adapts quickly to their new surrounding, while Frances misses the social life she once enjoyed. Their neighbors are well off, and Peggy begins a romance with their son, whom she thinks is the chauffeur. Meanwhile, Frances has become involved with a roguish character and plans to elope with him. Peggy saves her sister from imminent disgrace, but comes close to compromising herself instead. Peggy's sweetheart comes to her rescue and now his true identity is revealed to the very grateful girl.
The Little Boss
Red O'Rourke
The Little Boss is a 1919 American silent romantic comedy film directed by David Smith and produced by Vitagraph Studios.[2] The story and screenplay were by Rida Johnson Young starring Bessie Love and Wallace MacDonald.
The Enchanted Barn
The Hollisters, a bright, spirited, wholesome family, are compelled to move into the country. After many efforts to secure a home, Shirley, eldest of the Hollisters, contrives a way out by renting a magnificent old stone barn at a ridiculously low price, transforming it into a house. The owner of the barn is not an ordinary landlord, as you will see, for he is a young man with fine ideals, and he is not content with establishing Shirley and her family in the quaintly beautiful old place, but makes the world a much happier place to live in for all of them.
The Washerwoman's War
The Washerwoman's War is a 1919 silent western.
The Woman in the Web
Col. Bormsk
An adventure serial released in 1918
Cavanaugh of the Forest Rangers
Ed Wetherford
Ed Wetherford becomes an outlaw and, to escape imprisonment, abandons his wife Eliza and daughter Virginia. After attending college in the East, Virginia returns to California, where she meets and falls in love with Ross Cavanaugh, a United States ranger.
The Wild Strain
John Calvin Hollywood
Although the prominent Hollywood family prides itself on its illustrious family tree, young Winifred Hollywood exhibits a fondness for wild adventures that greatly disturbs her parents. When Winifred becomes engaged to bank official Harold Burton, his equally snobbish parents visit the Hollywood home and are shocked by the young woman's spirited outbursts and mischievous tricks, and the engagement is broken after she decides to perform bareback feats with a traveling circus.
Through the Wall
John Harding
Through the Wall is a silent 1916 film
What Did He Whisper?
Under an assumed name, Phineas courts a widow and makes love to his own wife. He lands in court with a Breach of Promise suit looming big. He confesses, whispers in his wife's ear, and all is forgiven.
Captain Alvarez
Don Arana - the Foreign Minister
A melodrama about an American who becomes a revolutionary leader battling evil government spies in Argentina.
Anne of the Golden Heart
Upon the death of his wife, George Blake, an attorney, leaves the east. He first places his pretty young daughter, Lucy, in a convent. After traveling for a few years from place to place, in an endeavor to find some location which he might be happy in, he settles in Lariat Hollow, a mining town. He soon falls in love with a woman of the dance hall named Anne. This incites the jealousy of Larkin, the political boss of the town. To break George Blake, Larkin nominates him for mayor, purposing to have him defeated. Anne suspects the plot and tries to influence Blake to refuse the nomination. But Blake has given his word to enter the contest and goes in to win. Blake's daughter writes to her father that she wishes to remain in the convent and become a nun. The father gives his consent. Now with every eastern tie severed, he asks Anne to marry him. She accepts, but says they will wait until after the election.