Director of Photography
The second of two films based on the novel by Futaro Yamada.
Seventh movie of the Wakadaishō series directed by Kengo Furusawa
Director of Photography
The first of two films based on the novel by Futaro Yamada.
Director of Photography
Ая Фудзимура исполнилось 46 лет, она всю жизнь прожила в Чайном Доме, и скрывала от своей дочери Мияко, кто её отец. Её тайной любовью стал Ита, повар, который не может забыть войну, он утверждает, что погиб на этой войне. Все заходит в тупик, когда выясняется, что Мияко тоже влюблена в Ита.
Director of Photography
Юрико Сирояма приезжает из префектуры Окаяма в столицу Японии. Здесь она поступает в школу кройки и шитья. Кэндзиро Ябуки — ее бывший одноклассник, он тоже учится в Токио, на факультете экономики. Юноша давно влюблен в Юрико, но их отношения все не складываются и окончательно ухудшаются после того, как герои фильма «Однажды я» вместе идут на вечер для выходцев из префектуры Окаяма. На самом деле это мероприятие оказывается частью предвыборной кампании одного японского парламентария, организовавшего званый вечер для голодных студентов. Кэндзиро не видит в этом ничего плохого, а Юрико склонна согласиться с Дайскэ — студентом медучилища, единственным, кто открыто выступил против политика с разоблачительной речью. Вскоре у девушки завязывается роман с этим смелым парнем, но мать почему-то не одобряет их отношения...
Director of Photography
An American scientist tells two colleagues about the finding of an abominable snowman living in the Japanese alps, where it is worshipped by a remote tribe as a god, and how it was discovered by modern man after it raided a ski-ers' shelter following an avalanche, killing all inside. This is an adaptation of the Japanese film Ju Jin Yuki Otoko with added American-made footage, narration and music track.
Historical drama about a sleepy-eyed ronin.
Director of Photography
In the Tokugawa Era, the clan of Lord Yagyu has hidden away three scrolls containing clan secrets which, if revealed, would cause revolution and disaster for the clan. The information is divided among the three scrolls, all of which must be possessed for the secrets to be understood. When Princess Yuhime steals the scrolls, Tasaburo, a samurai with magical powers, and his brother Senshiro are sent to retrieve them.
Masahiko Koseki, a judo master, gets in several fights as a result of protecting a young woman. Despite his success, Koseki is expelled from his judo school because of his propensity for street fighting. He goes to work for a gangster named Joji, but when he realizes that Joji is mixed up in the slave trade, Koseki helps the police in their attempts to foil Joji.
Director of Photography
Period romantic drama.
Director of Photography
Йети терроризирует людей на вершине горы Фудзи
Director of Photography
An Ishiro Honda film.
Director of Photography
An Ishiro Honda film.
A narcotics investigator for the harbor police, Eiichi Tsuda, is driven by thoughts of vengeance for the overdose death of his brother and the subsequent decline and death of their mother. Tsuda acts viciously and with disdain for legal niceties in his exploration of the criminal facts behind the explosion of a freighter in the harbor. He goes undercover with a band of drug smugglers, but his methods threaten to destroy him as well as his case.
Director of Photography
A legendary gangster raises himself out of a small town and gathers followers on his rise to power.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
A wandering Jirocho stumbles upon his wife's possible murder and has other adventures while on the run.
Story about a poor Japanese woman living near an American army base who resorts to prostitution.
Director of Photography
Jirocho and his followers chase the Kurokomas into the Kai Province.
Director of Photography
A story of unhappy youths and the perils of lack of sex education.
Director of Photography
Following the Second World War, the lives of various people in a poverty-stricken area of Tokyo are entertwined. Pachinko parlor girls, shoeshine boys, a maker of costume jewelry, and a streetcorner artist all struggle to make their livings and to find happiness in difficult surroundings.
Япония периода Сэнгоку (Эпоха воюющих провинций), смутное и кровавое время бесконечных междоусобных войн. Действие картины охватывает период с 1573 по 1576 годы, происходя на фоне таких исторических событий как взятие Одой Нобунагой замка Одани, принадлежащего роду Адзаи; битва при Нагасино, ставшая переломным моментом в противостоянии между Нобунагой и Такэдой Кацуёри; война с провинцией Тамба, возглавляемой Хатано Хидэхару. В центре внимания режиссёра оказываются судьбы троих самураев: Кагами Яхэйдзи — преданный своему господину вассал, намеревающийся вместе с ним умереть в бою; Сацута Хаятэноскэ — опытный боец, не желающий мириться с необходимостью принимать смерть во имя гибнущего клана; Татибана Дзюрота — честолюбивый и расчётливый карьерист, считающий достижение поставленных целей превыше любых обязательств.
Director of Photography
Melodrama by Kon Ichikawa
Director of Photography
Though recognized worldwide almost exclusively for his colorful kaiju fare, director Ishirō Honda (Godzilla, Rodan, Mothra) was a natural humanist with a particular understanding of the relationship between people and their social environs. His debut fiction feature, The Blue Pearl (Aoi Shinju) – virtually unseen in the west until now – depicts the melodramatic, but keenly-observed interplay between a young man from Tokyo and two ama (pearl divers; literally “women of the sea”) in a superstitious coastal town. Though raised within the same tradition-bound crucible, the two women – Noe and Riu – are portrayed as diametric opposites; the former meek but affectionate, the latter strong-willed but jaded by a tryst with metropolitan life. Nonetheless, Honda provides equal weight to their desires and their ambitions to break free from the social mold imposed upon them from birth.