Drama about the friendship between a lonely laborer (Atsumi) and a young woman (Hoshi) unable to enter college.
The fifth film of the desperado outpost series directed by Senkichi Taniguchi
During World War II, Japan sends gold to the Phillipines. After the war, the gold is lost in the bay of Manille. Former soldier Takeichi Matsuo is now working as a business executive. He meets Mintsura Gunji, the boss of a large company, who offers him to go to the Philippines and bring back the gold.
A historical drama that depicts the touching beauty of world obsession and human love in the style of light comedy, in the center of which is a young man who has a master license menkyo kaiden in the art of swordsmanship, but weak against lies and women. A remake of Bungaku no Issue, shot by Sadao Yamanaka in 1933.
Melodrama about a young factory girl who "chooses riches over chastity".
The third instalment in the Shacho Series.
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