The girls of St. Trinian's decide they are being asked to do too much work so they go on strike.
Executive Producer
Charlie Tully and womanising Reggie Peek con two rich Italians out of £500,000 but during their flight out Charlie is arrested for coning an American and a dog. Reggie stores the money in a Swiss Bank and after Charlie is released is about to tell him which Bank when he is killed by Sid Sabbath's gang whose girlfriend Reggie had an affair with. The only lead is four tattoos that is on the girls Reggie had affairs with while Charlie was in jail. But Sabbath is on Charlie's trail to kill him and the Italians contract the mob - to find the money and then kill him.....
Executive Producer
Экранизация одноименного романа Агаты Кристи (другое название книги - "Ночная тьма"). Молодой авантюрист Майкл Роджерс, работающий водителем по найму, одержим идеей построить дом в живописном местечке под названием "Цыганское подворье". А когда желание становится неодолимым, глядишь - и средства объявятся. Вскоре Майкл удачно женится на богатой наследнице Фенелле Томсен и его мечта претворяется в жизнь. Но будет ли счастлива молодая парочка? Ведь за Цыганским подворьем тянется дурная слава.
The all-girl school foil an attempt by train robbers to recover two and a half million pounds hidden in their school.
The all-girl school foil an attempt by train robbers to recover two and a half million pounds hidden in their school.
While posters urge austerity and vigilance in wartime Britain, 'Joey Boy' Thompson has never had it better. In a cellar beneath his East London fish shop, a gambling club thrives – and austerity provides a nice black-market sideline. But the dolce vita crumbles when police arrive in a lightning raid, and offer Joey and his fellow reprobates a stark choice: sign up for active service, or face another stint inside. Thus the lads find themselves heading off to Italy, determined to make the best of it...
While posters urge austerity and vigilance in wartime Britain, 'Joey Boy' Thompson has never had it better. In a cellar beneath his East London fish shop, a gambling club thrives – and austerity provides a nice black-market sideline. But the dolce vita crumbles when police arrive in a lightning raid, and offer Joey and his fellow reprobates a stark choice: sign up for active service, or face another stint inside. Thus the lads find themselves heading off to Italy, determined to make the best of it...
The film is based on the actual events of the Portland Spy Ring trial in the U.K. A disgruntled Navy Clerk is transferred to a secret research establishment and is subsequently black-mailed/paid by Czech intelligence to procure secrets for them. He seduces the secretary who controls the most secret documents, and they enjoy the fruits of their treachery until the British authorities begin to close in on them.
The fourth form monsters' latest trick is their best ever – they have burned down St Trinian’s school! As the girls stand trial, the police breathe a sigh of relief, but miraculously the judge's infatuation with a student means the school is freed. For the authorities, it means a new reign of terror as the girls of St Trinian’s regroup with gleeful anticipation.
The fourth form monsters' latest trick is their best ever – they have burned down St Trinian’s school! As the girls stand trial, the police breathe a sigh of relief, but miraculously the judge's infatuation with a student means the school is freed. For the authorities, it means a new reign of terror as the girls of St Trinian’s regroup with gleeful anticipation.
The fourth form monsters' latest trick is their best ever – they have burned down St Trinian’s school! As the girls stand trial, the police breathe a sigh of relief, but miraculously the judge's infatuation with a student means the school is freed. For the authorities, it means a new reign of terror as the girls of St Trinian’s regroup with gleeful anticipation.
Based on a novel by Nigel Tranter, The Bridal Path is a light-hearted look at the somewhat unfortunate results that can come of the continued marrying of fairly close cousins in a restricted and remote community. Set in the Hebrides off Scotland, the story tells how Ewan MacEwan leaves the isle of Eorsa in search of the perfect wife, but finally returns to marry Katie.
Based on a novel by Nigel Tranter, The Bridal Path is a light-hearted look at the somewhat unfortunate results that can come of the continued marrying of fairly close cousins in a restricted and remote community. Set in the Hebrides off Scotland, the story tells how Ewan MacEwan leaves the isle of Eorsa in search of the perfect wife, but finally returns to marry Katie.
На довыборах в парламент телевизионная знаменитость Боб Уилкот от консерваторов соперничает со Стеллой Стокер от социалистов. Что будет, если политические конкуренты влюбятся? Агенты противоборствующих партий вступают в сговор чтобы предотвратить электоральную катастрофу.
With their headmistress under lock and key in her majesty's prison, the St Trinian's girls find themselves under the protection of the army. However, when the sixth form take a fancy to winning a trip to Italy through means fair or foul, the army discover this is one battle they can't win. Let loose in Europe, it is not long before St Trinian's have succeeded in endangering European relations.
With their headmistress under lock and key in her majesty's prison, the St Trinian's girls find themselves under the protection of the army. However, when the sixth form take a fancy to winning a trip to Italy through means fair or foul, the army discover this is one battle they can't win. Let loose in Europe, it is not long before St Trinian's have succeeded in endangering European relations.
With their headmistress under lock and key in her majesty's prison, the St Trinian's girls find themselves under the protection of the army. However, when the sixth form take a fancy to winning a trip to Italy through means fair or foul, the army discover this is one battle they can't win. Let loose in Europe, it is not long before St Trinian's have succeeded in endangering European relations.
An insurance man discovers his ex-girlfriend and her husband's art-forgery/arson scam.
Theatre Play
Unknown to everyone but his shady Middle Eastern bosses, watchmaker Hawkins is actually a professional hired assassin with a predilection for killing his targets with bombs. After disposing of a dictator and millionaire, Hawkins is assigned to kill a politician who is heading to a remote hotel, The Green Man, for a secret tryst with his secretary. There, however, Hawkins' plot is discovered by vacuum salesman William Blake, who determines to stop him.
Unknown to everyone but his shady Middle Eastern bosses, watchmaker Hawkins is actually a professional hired assassin with a predilection for killing his targets with bombs. After disposing of a dictator and millionaire, Hawkins is assigned to kill a politician who is heading to a remote hotel, The Green Man, for a secret tryst with his secretary. There, however, Hawkins' plot is discovered by vacuum salesman William Blake, who determines to stop him.
Unknown to everyone but his shady Middle Eastern bosses, watchmaker Hawkins is actually a professional hired assassin with a predilection for killing his targets with bombs. After disposing of a dictator and millionaire, Hawkins is assigned to kill a politician who is heading to a remote hotel, The Green Man, for a secret tryst with his secretary. There, however, Hawkins' plot is discovered by vacuum salesman William Blake, who determines to stop him.
По новелле Дэвида Уолкера о том, как юный сын лесничего, скромный, застенчивый Джорди, отличавшийся высоким ростом и большой физической силой, стал чемпионом олимпийских игр и как из-за этой победы он чуть было не лишился любви Джейн, с которой вместе вырос.
По новелле Дэвида Уолкера о том, как юный сын лесничего, скромный, застенчивый Джорди, отличавшийся высоким ростом и большой физической силой, стал чемпионом олимпийских игр и как из-за этой победы он чуть было не лишился любви Джейн, с которой вместе вырос.
По новелле Дэвида Уолкера о том, как юный сын лесничего, скромный, застенчивый Джорди, отличавшийся высоким ростом и большой физической силой, стал чемпионом олимпийских игр и как из-за этой победы он чуть было не лишился любви Джейн, с которой вместе вырос.
Charles Hathaway wakes up in West Wales with no recollection of who he is or how he got there. With the help of a Cardiff specialist he traces his life back to his gorgeous wife and their large London house, so all seems well with the world. But more detective work starts to uncover an alarming chain of further stunning wives and a way of going on that the new Charles finds pretty unacceptable.
Приезд дочери султана принцессы Фатимы в известную и престижную английскую «Школу для юных леди» принес больше суматохи, чем обычно. Конь её отца — Арабский Мальчик вскоре должен участвовать в скачках, поэтому Кларенс Фиттон, брат директриссы Миллисент, просит свою дочь докладывать ему об успехах коня. В то же время полиция устраивает сержанта Руби Гейтса в качестве учителя в школу, а Министерство образования отправляет уже третьего по счету инспектора, так как первые два бесследно исчезли.
Приезд дочери султана принцессы Фатимы в известную и престижную английскую «Школу для юных леди» принес больше суматохи, чем обычно. Конь её отца — Арабский Мальчик вскоре должен участвовать в скачках, поэтому Кларенс Фиттон, брат директриссы Миллисент, просит свою дочь докладывать ему об успехах коня. В то же время полиция устраивает сержанта Руби Гейтса в качестве учителя в школу, а Министерство образования отправляет уже третьего по счету инспектора, так как первые два бесследно исчезли.
Приезд дочери султана принцессы Фатимы в известную и престижную английскую «Школу для юных леди» принес больше суматохи, чем обычно. Конь её отца — Арабский Мальчик вскоре должен участвовать в скачках, поэтому Кларенс Фиттон, брат директриссы Миллисент, просит свою дочь докладывать ему об успехах коня. В то же время полиция устраивает сержанта Руби Гейтса в качестве учителя в школу, а Министерство образования отправляет уже третьего по счету инспектора, так как первые два бесследно исчезли.
A newly-arrived army chaplain is put in charge of camp entertainment and has the idea of putting on a Brains Trust with local notables. Unfortunately for him, it emerges from a question on the rights and wrongs of marriage that there is more going on between three of the panelists than he wants to know about - though the audience obviously thinks differently.
A newly-arrived army chaplain is put in charge of camp entertainment and has the idea of putting on a Brains Trust with local notables. Unfortunately for him, it emerges from a question on the rights and wrongs of marriage that there is more going on between three of the panelists than he wants to know about - though the audience obviously thinks differently.
Симпатичная официантка ради смеха решает участвовать в конкурсе красоты и неожиданно его выигрывает. Но погружение в шоу-бизнес оказывается не таким радужным, как казалось ранее. Её начинают преследовать неудачи, и она чуть не скатывается до стриптиз-ревю. Но есть надежда, что всё кончится хорошо.
Симпатичная официантка ради смеха решает участвовать в конкурсе красоты и неожиданно его выигрывает. Но погружение в шоу-бизнес оказывается не таким радужным, как казалось ранее. Её начинают преследовать неудачи, и она чуть не скатывается до стриптиз-ревю. Но есть надежда, что всё кончится хорошо.
Посетив Англию, американский хирург доктор Джон Марлоу приглашается в среднеевропейскую страну Воснию. Он соглашается. Во время операции он осознаёт, что его пациент — сам генерал Нива, диктатор страны, который должен быть переизбран на свой пост через несколько дней. Известие о его болезни скрывали от народа. Когда последний умирает, его заменяет двойник, но затем Марлоу становится объектом жестокого преследования со стороны тайной полиции Воснии, поскольку жизненно важно, чтобы о смерти диктатора не стало известно. Спасаясь бегством, он ищет помощи у актрисы Лизы Робинсон, и их обоих преследуют в сельской местности.
Nutbourne College, an old established, all-boys, boarding school is told that another school is to be billeted with due to wartime restrictions. The shock is that it's an all-girls school that has been sent. The two head teachers are soon battling for the upper hand with each other and the Ministry. But a crisis (or two) forces them to work together.
Nutbourne College, an old established, all-boys, boarding school is told that another school is to be billeted with due to wartime restrictions. The shock is that it's an all-girls school that has been sent. The two head teachers are soon battling for the upper hand with each other and the Ministry. But a crisis (or two) forces them to work together.
Nutbourne College, an old established, all-boys, boarding school is told that another school is to be billeted with due to wartime restrictions. The shock is that it's an all-girls school that has been sent. The two head teachers are soon battling for the upper hand with each other and the Ministry. But a crisis (or two) forces them to work together.
In the Victorian period, two British children survive a shipwreck in the South Pacific. After days afloat, they are marooned on a lush tropical island in the company of kindly old sailor. Together they survive solely on their resourcefulness and the bounty of their remote paradise.
In the Victorian period, two British children survive a shipwreck in the South Pacific. After days afloat, they are marooned on a lush tropical island in the company of kindly old sailor. Together they survive solely on their resourcefulness and the bounty of their remote paradise.
In the Victorian period, two British children survive a shipwreck in the South Pacific. After days afloat, they are marooned on a lush tropical island in the company of kindly old sailor. Together they survive solely on their resourcefulness and the bounty of their remote paradise.
Classic British drama about the residents of a large terrace house in London between Christmas 1938 and September 1939. Percy Boon lives with his mother in a shared rented house with an assortment of characters in central London. Although well intentioned, he becomes mixed up with gangsters and murder. The story focuses on the effects this has on Percy and the other residents.
Based on real events, this historical drama is set in 19th-century Ireland, when poverty-stricken tenants dispossessed by greedy landowner Capt. Boycott (Cecil Parker) band together to assert their rights. Patriotic farmer Hugh Davin (Stewart Granger) leads the rebels. Choosing nonviolent resistance, the villagers ostracize their nemesis, who squanders his fortune to repair his ruined reputation and wagers what's left on a horse race.
Based on real events, this historical drama is set in 19th-century Ireland, when poverty-stricken tenants dispossessed by greedy landowner Capt. Boycott (Cecil Parker) band together to assert their rights. Patriotic farmer Hugh Davin (Stewart Granger) leads the rebels. Choosing nonviolent resistance, the villagers ostracize their nemesis, who squanders his fortune to repair his ruined reputation and wagers what's left on a horse race.
Based on real events, this historical drama is set in 19th-century Ireland, when poverty-stricken tenants dispossessed by greedy landowner Capt. Boycott (Cecil Parker) band together to assert their rights. Patriotic farmer Hugh Davin (Stewart Granger) leads the rebels. Choosing nonviolent resistance, the villagers ostracize their nemesis, who squanders his fortune to repair his ruined reputation and wagers what's left on a horse race.
In the midst of Nazi air raids, a postman dies on the operating table at a rural hospital. But was the death accidental?
Determined, independent Bridie Quilty comes of age in 1944 Ireland thinking all Englishmen are devils. Her desire to join the IRA meets no encouragement, but a German spy finds her easy to recruit. We next find her working in a pub near a British military prison, using her sex appeal in the service of the enemy. But chance puts a really vital secret into her hands, leading to a chase involving Bridie, a British officer who's fallen for her, a German agent unknown to them both, and the police...paralleled by Bridie's own internal conflicts.
Determined, independent Bridie Quilty comes of age in 1944 Ireland thinking all Englishmen are devils. Her desire to join the IRA meets no encouragement, but a German spy finds her easy to recruit. We next find her working in a pub near a British military prison, using her sex appeal in the service of the enemy. But chance puts a really vital secret into her hands, leading to a chase involving Bridie, a British officer who's fallen for her, a German agent unknown to them both, and the police...paralleled by Bridie's own internal conflicts.
Determined, independent Bridie Quilty comes of age in 1944 Ireland thinking all Englishmen are devils. Her desire to join the IRA meets no encouragement, but a German spy finds her easy to recruit. We next find her working in a pub near a British military prison, using her sex appeal in the service of the enemy. But chance puts a really vital secret into her hands, leading to a chase involving Bridie, a British officer who's fallen for her, a German agent unknown to them both, and the police...paralleled by Bridie's own internal conflicts.
Determined, independent Bridie Quilty comes of age in 1944 Ireland thinking all Englishmen are devils. Her desire to join the IRA meets no encouragement, but a German spy finds her easy to recruit. We next find her working in a pub near a British military prison, using her sex appeal in the service of the enemy. But chance puts a really vital secret into her hands, leading to a chase involving Bridie, a British officer who's fallen for her, a German agent unknown to them both, and the police...paralleled by Bridie's own internal conflicts.
Vivian Kenway, a young Englishman from an aristocratic background, flunks out of Oxford, and decides to use his considerable charm to achieve his goal of, apparently, making dissipation his career. His derelictions include seduction, betrayals of sweethearts, family and friends, and Marriage for money. All this with no signs of remorse or redemption, since his life as a completely unprincipled rake is quite enjoyable...for him, at least. Then, World War II breaks out and he is given a chance to die a heroic death for flag and country. Maybe.
Vivian Kenway, a young Englishman from an aristocratic background, flunks out of Oxford, and decides to use his considerable charm to achieve his goal of, apparently, making dissipation his career. His derelictions include seduction, betrayals of sweethearts, family and friends, and Marriage for money. All this with no signs of remorse or redemption, since his life as a completely unprincipled rake is quite enjoyable...for him, at least. Then, World War II breaks out and he is given a chance to die a heroic death for flag and country. Maybe.
During the Second World War, three downed English airmen hide out with women's internment camp in France.
During the Second World War, three downed English airmen hide out with women's internment camp in France.
Life aboard merchant ships with the Maritime Regiment of the Royal Artillery.
Millions Like Us is a 1943 British propaganda film, showing life in a wartime aircraft factory in documentary detail. It stars Patricia Roc, Eric Portman, Megs Jenkins, and Anne Crawford, was written by Sidney Gilliat, and directed by Gilliat and Frank Launder. It was filmed at Gainsborough Studios. When Celia Crowson (Roc) is called up for war service, she hopes for a glamorous job in one of the services, but as a single girl she is directed into a factory making aircraft parts. Here she meets other girls from all different walks of life, and begins a relationship with a young airman.
Millions Like Us is a 1943 British propaganda film, showing life in a wartime aircraft factory in documentary detail. It stars Patricia Roc, Eric Portman, Megs Jenkins, and Anne Crawford, was written by Sidney Gilliat, and directed by Gilliat and Frank Launder. It was filmed at Gainsborough Studios. When Celia Crowson (Roc) is called up for war service, she hopes for a glamorous job in one of the services, but as a single girl she is directed into a factory making aircraft parts. Here she meets other girls from all different walks of life, and begins a relationship with a young airman.
This biopic tells the story of the life of Pitt The Younger, who became Prime Minister of Great Britain at the age of 24.
A parallel is drawn between a housewife's dealings with her butcher, and a burglar and his fence (receiver).
A parallel is drawn between a housewife's dealings with her butcher, and a burglar and his fence (receiver).
Third and final film in the 'Inspector Hornleigh’ series of comedy-thrillers. Inspector Hornleigh (Gordon Harker), disappointed at not being handed an important spy case, is assigned by Scotland Yard to an army barracks to investigate the mundane thefts of supplies from the stores. This accidentally leads Hornleigh and Sergeant Bingham (Alastair Sim) to a nest of fifth columnists when his dim-witted assistant carelessly talks to a girl in the cafeteria – and that night, news of Hornleigh and Bingham’s arrival is embarrassingly transmitted back to Germany.
Charters and Caldicott are touring the Middle East. After visiting Saudi Arabia they find themselves in Bagdad where they are mistaken by a group of German spies for the messengers who are to carry a song record by beautiful singer La Palermo which contains secret instructions of the German Intelligence. Realizing their error, the German spies follow Charters and Caldicott to Istanbul and Budapest, trying to eliminate them and retrieve the record.
осле захвата Гитлером Чехословакии Анна Бомаш арестована. Ее отец, Аксель, располагающий ценной и нужной нацистам технической информацией, бежал в Англию. Анна заключена в концлагерь. Там она знакомится с Карлом Марсеном, с которым ей удается бежать в Англию, а в Лондоне она вступает в контакт с исполнителем мьюзик-холла Гасом Беннеттом, якобы британским агентом, в надежде, что тот свяжет ее с отцом. Но и дочь, и отец обмануты Марсеном, он оказывается агентом гестапо, и попадают в Германию. Нацисты угрожают Анне расправой, чтобы добиться согласия отца на сотрудничество. Беннет следует за ними в Германию, где и узнает, что дочь и отец должны быть на ночном поезде в Мюнхен. Он садится на тот же поезд и освобождает отца и дочь. Вся троица бежит в Швейцарию. За ними гонятся Марсен и эсэсовцы.
During a holiday by the British seaside, Hornleigh and Bingham grow bored and turn their hand to investigating a local crime.
A run-away school-girl falls among chorus girls planning to marry into the nobility.
Действие фильма происходит накануне второй Мировой Войны. В поезде, едущем из Тироля в Лондон, загадочным образом исчезает пожилая леди. Ее попутчица начинает расследовать это происшествие вместе с молодым человеком. Постепенно они, вместе с остальными пассажирами, оказываются втянутыми в шпионскую интригу.
Original Story
Comedy in which a bungling railway worker is given the job of stationmaster at a rundown station in rural Ireland, where his sidekicks are a toothless old gaffer and a portly young loudmouth. Hilarious adventures ensue, including a locomotive chase after gunrunners make off with a train.
Cockney racing tipster Evans (Miller) is asked by a nouveau riche and socially aspirant couple to train a racehorse they have bought.
Ed Harwood, a wisecracking private investigator from New York, discovers a crime at an hotel in Nice during a carnival. The unraveling of the mystery which lies behind will lead him and Caryl Fenton, a female insurance agent, who will become his companion, first to Paris, then to London, later through the English countryside and finally to Southampton, in search of a criminal train wrecker.
'Honeymoon wife learns of husband's past and runs away.' (British Film Catalogue)
A convicted killer escapes and seeks revenge on the jurors who put him in prison. He kills two of them and the rest end up hiding in the large home of another juror, an actor. It is the actor who saves them from the murderous fugitive.
A sacked engineer stows away on another vessel
British crime film directed by Ralph Ince
A Smithfield porter becomes a butler, and later finds himself heir to a fortune.
The owner of a small Italian restaurant in central London is left a million pound inheritance, the only stipulation to the will being that he cannot speak or write anything for a period of one month.
The owner of a small Italian restaurant in central London is left a million pound inheritance, the only stipulation to the will being that he cannot speak or write anything for a period of one month.
Scenario Writer
Erich Kästner’s beloved novel has been adapted for film or television six times since its publication in 1929; this 1935 British version was the first in English. Believed lost for decades, it was recently rediscovered by the BFI and has now been restored. The film moves the action from Berlin to London, where Emil goes to stay with his grandmother and cousin. Thereafter, the tale of Emil’s adventures with a gang of streetwise London children faithfully follows the original plot.
A young Spanish woman marries a lowly Englishman, rather than the aristocrat her father had intended, much to his displeasure.
A young musician invents an anti-theft device for cars, but works as a jazz conductor while waiting for his invention to be successful.
A rich American businessman in London makes believe he's lost all his money so that his daughter will marry a composer.
A butcher and a draper stand for election to the local council.
A useless secretary and his private detective friend try to help an heiress from being swindled by her guardian.
Scenario Writer
A henpecked husband is mistaken for a famous toreador while holidaying in Spain!
A frugal coal miner turns into a spendthrift when he wins £20,000 on the football pools!
A bird's-eye view of life in a City of London office.
Charting the military escapades of serial bungler Tommy Josser, Josser in the Army sees the hapless hero in France during wartime, where he masquerades as a German general, unmasks a spy, gets captured and then makes a spectacular airborne escape!
The arrival of Mr. Knox, the new sports instructor at a British public school, heralds trouble. He imposes his dominant personality to influence colleagues and the headmaster alike, and then attempts to force himself on Millicent, the assistant matron.
A coarse boot-shop owner becomes outraged when his eldest daughter decides to marry a meek cobbler.
An Earl's daughter is torn between loving opposing parliamentary candidates.
Scenario Writer
'Rich man suspects wife loves poet.' (British Film Catalogue)
A casual date at a high-class hotel leads Binnie, an aspiring showgirl, to be mistaken for model and actress Lia de Marita – landing her an audition for the producer of a new musical stage show. Marvelling at her good fortune, what Binnie doesn't know is that Lia is also the wife of a notorious jewel thief and that she's already fled the country in possession of a valuable, ill-gotten necklace!
'Captain tries to hide accidental female passengers from admiral.' (British Film Catalogue)
An ex-French Foreign Legion soldier comes to Soho and ends up as a singer in a cafe.
A tense WWI spy thriller in which Colonel Duncan Grant (British star Brian Aherne, in his first talking role), parachutes into Germany to gather intelligence on the enemy’s secret ‘W Plan’ and to assist Allied POWs in digging escape tunnels.
A girl organist is blamed for ousting the village choir.
Scenario Writer
A girl organist is blamed for ousting the village choir.