Jean-Yves Bouvier


Maman les petits bateaux
Day-Dreams of a famous young actress during the shoot of an important scene.
What a Flash!
The producers of this French film took approximately 100 people, put them on a soundstage and had them improvise this film based on the premise that they are on a spaceship escaping from the dictators of earth and only have a few days to live. Improvisation is a dangerous art-form; unprepared amateurs invariably come up with gross caricatures when challenged to improvise. The actors' choices in this film include an allegorical pageant of the life of Jesus, a marriage, an orgy, and some genuinely affectionate moments. Nonetheless, as an experimental effort in large-group improvisation, the film is instructive. - Clarke Fountain, Rovi
Зази в метро
Сумасбродные приключения 11-летней провинциальной девчонки Зази в Париже, которая желала во что бы то ни стало увидеть метро, но так и не попала в него за свой недолгий срок пребывания во французской столице. Зази приезжает в Париж вместе с матерью, которая сразу отправляется к своему любовнику, оставив дочь на попечение дяди Габриэля.