David Fanshawe

David Fanshawe


David Fanshawe


African Sanctus - Revisited
David Fanshawe
Herbert Chappell's highly acclaimed original BBC Film is the story of a remarkable journey made by the composer and explorer David Fanshawe which inspired his celebrated work African Sanctus. The film retraces his musical steps up the river Nile to the source of the Nile's music. Featuring many of the original musicians he first recorded in 1969, Fanshawe explains the ethos behind his work and the process of composition. On a quest to find his African mentor, The Hippo Man, he ventures forth. The Updated Film, 1995, projects stirring and poignant images of Africa, This film combines authentic footage spanning 20 years, with Fanshawe's innovative score. We see glimpses of the performance with The Bournemouth Symphony Chorus, Choristers of St Georges Cathedral, solo Wilhelmenia Fernandez, conducted by Neville Creed. The film also introduces Fanshawe's new work Dona Nobis Pacem - A Hymn for World Peace.
Выдра по имени Тарка
Это правдивая история жизни маленького любопытного зверька по имени Тарка. Тарка родился на берегах реки Торридж в Англии и с самого рождения своей любознательностью доставлял много хлопот и забот как своим родителям, так и другим обитателям этой местности.
The Safety Net
A BAFTA award nominated docu-drama that illustrates the fact that every individual working in any potentially hazardous situation is responsible for his own safety and for the safety of others.
Трое в лодке, не считая собаки
Конец 19 века. Трое молодых лондонцев с собакой отправляются в путешествие на лодке по Темзе из Кингстона в Оксфорд с целью набраться новых впечатлений и поправить здоровье. Вперемешку с собственными приключениями, по пути они вспоминают и истории, которые произошли с ними и их друзьями раньше.
Requiem for a Village
The idyllic, rural past of a Suffolk village comes to life through the memories of an old man who tends a country graveyard.
A Day Out
Alan Bennett's debut play for television follows the members of a Halifax cycling club, on an outing from Halifax to the ruins of Fountains Abbey. Set in the summer of 1911 and projects an idyllic vision of Edwardian England .