Luis de Icaza


La mesa servida
Carlos has an empty belly and tries to dominate nature by obeying it. The only two pigs in his village are seductive meat. He already has the table set, without knowing that the pig affection will tell him what the pantheons are full of.
Dark Cities
Adapted by writer/director Fernando Sariñana from the stories by Juan Madrid, Ciudades Oscuras (Dark Cities) tells a story of interwoven lives in the seedy underbelly of Mexico City. The several different story lines concern hooker Lola (Dolores Heredia); her drug addict son Fede (Diego Luna); her friend Zeze (Zaide Silvia Gutierrez); Zeze's daughter Susana (Jimena Ayala); and junkie Vicente (Roberto Sosa). Also on the scene are two corrupt cops (Alejandro Tommasi and Jesus Ochoa) and one good cop (Odiseo Bichir), while Chicken (Hector Suarez) and Casimiro (Alonso Echanove) each tell their separate stories to the same bartender (Demian Bichir). ~ Andrea LeVasseur, Rovi
Corazones rotos
Many stories of families within an urban complex.
De ida y vuelta
After working for three years in the USA, Filiberto returns to his home town in Mexico. A proud man, he is searching for the recognition that will give him a new position in life. However, he finds that things have changed. His mother is dead, and Luis, his best friend, is married to his ex-girlfriend. Filiberto gets involved in the town’s disputes over a water spring.
Хроника завтрака
A view of the end-of-the-century Mexican family. A father who comes back home after a long absence, but who would rather be somewhere else. A daughter suffering from a trapped pain. A son full of guilt and recriminations. A little kid who soaks up all the tension in the house, like a sponge, and a self-effacing mother who would like to go away and leave everything behind.
Ave María
In the colonial New Spain Ana is a missionary who decides to support the indigenous people.
Закон Ирода
Alcalde Alfredo García
В маленьком мексиканском городке молодой простак, член партии PRI по имени Хуан Варгас назначен временным мэром после того, как предыдущий мэр был убит разозленными жителями. Недостаток средств не позволяет ему работать на благо города и тогда попросив помощи у своего начальника, секретаря председателя партии, он получает томик конституции Мексики и револьвер — ему сказано, что единственный закон — это закон Ирода: «поимей их до того, как они поимели тебя».
Sex, Shame & Tears
A comedic drama featuring two couples and two old friends in Mexico City. Tomas visits Carlos and Ana, while Miguel and Andrea are joined by Maria. The presence of guests triggers lust, rejection, infidelities, reconciliation and other consequences.
La paloma de Marsella
Amelia is an old retired prostitute who lives at an asylum, where she decides to enter a T.V. contest.
Optical Fibre
When a Brazilian woman is falsely accused of killing a prominent Mexican politician, Marco, a young journalist, is hired by a stranger to discover the real motive of the crime. He is assisted by his photographer girlfriend María, and they are trapped in a web of torture, prostitution, corruption and power struggle.
Cilantro and Parsley
Galán 1
"Cilantro y perejil" is a comedy about couples from the same family, hit by the economic crisis in Mexico. The plot turns around the eternal question of whether it is worth it to live as a couple. The conclusions are fun, unpredictable and very human. After ending a ten-year marriage, Carlos and Susana try to fall in love with other people without success. As the days go by, Carlos realizes that without Susana he is unable to do many things, including distinguishing cilantro from parsley.
¡Que vivan los muertos!
De Luca
Sucesos distantes
One couple (Carlos & Irene) are having troubles, because he suspects that Irene's hiding something about her past in Russia. To make things worst her ex-husband goes to Mexico and tells Carlos that her other ex-husband also is going to claim her as his property.
Salón México
Mr. Copland
In this remake of the 40's classic, two lovers murder each other, leading to an investigation and the closing of the Saln Mxico, a famous place where people used to go to dance before WWII. The police investigation leads to several flashbacks about the life and death of a low-life dancer named Mercedes (Maria Rojo) and her lover.
Simple mortal
La Chilindrina en apuros
Tango Student
«Хронос» — это чудесное маленькое устройство, которое, сбежавший из Испании в Мексику гениальный алхимик Умберто Фальконелли, изобрел в 1536 году. Устройство, дарующее бессмертие… Правда, в 1937 году жизнь алхимика все-таки оборвалась в результате трагической случайности. Потому что «Хронос» обещал вечную жизнь при условии, что владелец будет собственной кровью питать его… Имущество особняка, где жил алхимик, было продано с молотка. И вот однажды хозяин антикварного магазина старик Хесус Грис расковырял фигурку ангела и, обнаружив внутри странную коробочку, привел в действие ее заводной механизм… Так у «Хроноса» появился новый владелец, но не только ему был известен секрет бессмертия…
Extraños caminos
During the rainy Christmas season, a troupe of five actors who are college students lose their way in the mountains of Hidalgo when they try to take a short cut. With their van in need of repairs, they are stranded in a village where a local boss, Don Elias, pays peasants to log the forest illegally. The five collegians have little sensitivity to village ways and are shocked to be treated as foreigners in their own country. When two of them witness assaults on the town's priest and on a harmless simpleton, and when Don Elias frames the troupe for murder, their cries of innocence fall on deaf ears. Vigilantes call for their deaths and give chase. Will anyone help them?
Death and the Compass
In a totalitarian future, in a nightmare metropolis, inhabited only by criminals and police, Erik Lonnrot, a gifted detective, investigates a series of strange murders and disappearances that seem to implicate a insane crime lord. (Re-released in 1996 as a feature film, 86 minutes.)
Любовь во время истерии
Mateo Mateos
Томас - молодой плейбой со шлейфом брошенных подруг. Но когда Сильвия, жертва одного из его приключений, пытается отомстить, показав «положительный» тест на СПИД, Томас впервые ощущает реалии любви и смерти.
Джей Кокрэн, лётчик ВВС США, уволившись из армии, принимает приглашение старого приятеля Тибурона Мендеса, мексиканского латифундиста, политика и, вероятно, крупного мафиози. Приехав в гости в Мексику, где, впрочем, Кокрэн приобрёл небольшую хижину в уединённом горном уголке, и встретив молодую и красивую Мирию, жену Мендеса, он, забыв об опасности, отдаётся вспыхнувшему страстному чувству. Но не так-то легко провести Тибурона, который беспощадно мстит своей жене и другу. Трагический финал "жестокой мелодрамы" неизбежен.
L'homme au masque d'or
In San Luis de la Paz, a small and and very poor town in northern Mexico, the priest Father Victorio manages an orphanage with nearly 50 children. He does wrestling, disguised with a golden mask, to get some money for the children. His dream of reconstruct the town begins to see a light when he is invited to become a professional wrestler
De super macho a super hembra
Mexican feature film
Cuando el diablo me dio el anillo
Mexican feature film
De la calle
Mexican feature film