Roberto Ciotti


L'anno prossimo vado a letto alle dieci
Se stesso
This rollicking Italian black comedy follows the hellish, bizarre New Year's Eve night of two average guys who find themselves stumbling from one outlandish situation to the next. After being dumped by his girlfriend, a man tags along to the party his friend is attending, leading to a series of misadventures.
A woman wants to graduate to the Italian Naval Academy in the 60s. She has to fight her family, her friends and a world not ready to accept her.
Two stage actors leave on a tournée, but there's a matter to be settled: one has become the lover of the other's girlfriend and since they are very good friends, cannot bring himself to tell him.
Marrakech Express
Original Music Composer
After a mysterious girl tells Marco her boyfriend (and estranged longtime friend of his) Rudy has been arrested in Morocco, he and four other friends leave for Marrakech with a large sum of money to get him out of jail.
В фильме описывается история очень богатой вдовы и ее падчериц. Ванесса, так звали вдову, решила нанять для своих названных дочерей репетитора. И остановила свой выбор на старом знакомом профессоре. Но не прошло много времени, как обычные отношения переросли в сексуальные. Но каково было удивление Ванессы, когда она узнала, что падчерицы тоже «положили глаз» на репетитора.