rada Burdych
Original Music Composer
Karel Hašler
"Grandmother" is a highly romanticized autobiographical novel by a Czech 19th century writer, Bozena Nemcova. It's a classical, compulsory reading in Czech schools, about a wise, working-class woman, happier in her simplicity and good heart than the nobles whom she serves.
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Venice Film Festival 1938
MUDr. Marvan
Original Music Composer
Production Manager
Jánošík has been topic of many Slovak and Polish legends, books and films. According to the legend, he robbed nobles and gave the loot to the poor. The legend were also known in neighboring Silesia, the Margraviate of Moravia and later spread to the Kingdom of Bohemia. The actual robber had little to do with the modern legend, whose content partly reflects the ubiquitous folk myths of a hero taking from the rich and giving to the poor. However, the legend was also shaped in important ways by the activists and writers in the 19th century when Jánošík became the key highwayman character in stories that spread in the north counties of the Kingdom of Hungary (present Slovakia) and among the local Gorals and Polish tourists in the Podhale region north of the Tatras.
Jánošík has been topic of many Slovak and Polish legends, books and films. According to the legend, he robbed nobles and gave the loot to the poor. The legend were also known in neighboring Silesia, the Margraviate of Moravia and later spread to the Kingdom of Bohemia. The actual robber had little to do with the modern legend, whose content partly reflects the ubiquitous folk myths of a hero taking from the rich and giving to the poor. However, the legend was also shaped in important ways by the activists and writers in the 19th century when Jánošík became the key highwayman character in stories that spread in the north counties of the Kingdom of Hungary (present Slovakia) and among the local Gorals and Polish tourists in the Podhale region north of the Tatras.
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
okresní hejtman
Petr Kornel
Петр Сук, крайне безответственный молодой человек, к крайнему неудовольствию своего дяди ведёт безнравственный образ жизни: пьёт, играет в карты, волочится за дамами и не вылезает из долгов. Однажды врач путает рентгеновские снимки и по ошибке сообщает юноше, что ему осталось жить 24 часа. Петр договаривается о собственных похоронах и отправляется погулять напоследок. Незадолго до того, как, по его мнению, он должен умереть, он соглашается жениться на медсестре, которая должна разбогатеть, если выйдет замуж. А затем он узнает, что диагноз был ошибочным, и решает начать новую жизнь. Но как это сделать, когда формально ты уже мёртв?
Original Music Composer
Josef Dobrovský
Original Music Composer
В пабе «Под Эмаузы» работает хорошенькая Аполенка. Девушка считает трактирщика Дудека своим отцом и понятия не имеет, что он скрывает её происхождение. Её возлюбленный, Ян Мартин, регулярно следует за ней. Графиня Любецка в панике. Её брат узнаёт, что у неё есть внебрачная дочь, воспитанная хозяином паба «Под Эмаузы».
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
The gullible buyer Žemla Martin (Francis Smolik) finally opened his dream shop. After a while, you get a lot of friends. Especially the former captain Kyllijána (Vlasta Burian), who come to him to drink brandy debt and sit on a bag of peas, where he talks nonsense. Its debt is starting to grow nicely. Later dupe marry an evil Pavlina Šustrová (Ela Poznerová). It can also bring their calculating mother, widow Catherine Šustrová (Antonie Nedošínská). These two together with a bun Kyllijánem use, but outside him are friendly. Later, when Žemla catches his wife cheating when he has become the father of a foreign child, and when he discovers that the shop is broke and completely vyjedený, poisoning. A best friend Žemlův captain Kylliján happily drunk debt for plum deleted.
The gullible buyer Žemla Martin (Francis Smolik) finally opened his dream shop. After a while, you get a lot of friends. Especially the former captain Kyllijána (Vlasta Burian), who come to him to drink brandy debt and sit on a bag of peas, where he talks nonsense. Its debt is starting to grow nicely. Later dupe marry an evil Pavlina Šustrová (Ela Poznerová). It can also bring their calculating mother, widow Catherine Šustrová (Antonie Nedošínská). These two together with a bun Kyllijánem use, but outside him are friendly. Later, when Žemla catches his wife cheating when he has become the father of a foreign child, and when he discovers that the shop is broke and completely vyjedený, poisoning. A best friend Žemlův captain Kylliján happily drunk debt for plum deleted.
Original Music Composer
von Hellford
Original Music Composer
Music Director
Деревенская девушка Тонка становится в Праге проституткой. Но она тоскует по дому и возвращается ненадолго к матери. Там она встречает своего бывшего парня Яна, который все еще любит ее и хочет на ней жениться. Но Тонка не хочет сделать его несчастным и возвращается в Прагу.
Деревенская девушка Тонка становится в Праге проституткой. Но она тоскует по дому и возвращается ненадолго к матери. Там она встречает своего бывшего парня Яна, который все еще любит ее и хочет на ней жениться. Но Тонка не хочет сделать его несчастным и возвращается в Прагу.
Деревенская девушка Тонка становится в Праге проституткой. Но она тоскует по дому и возвращается ненадолго к матери. Там она встречает своего бывшего парня Яна, который все еще любит ее и хочет на ней жениться. Но Тонка не хочет сделать его несчастным и возвращается в Прагу.
The most important silent film by director Martin Frič. Poet Vitezslav Nezval did scenographic modifications to the original story by Václav Wasserman. Film producer Jaroslav Stransky didn’t witness premier; because of fear of financial collapse, he killed himself.
JUDr. Frantisek Uher
Skid-row epic about a lawyer's decline.
Dr. Karel Verner
The film depicts the troubles of Herr Verner ( Herr Karel Hasler ), a middle-aged bachelor dentist who wants to marry.
The film begins with shots of the castles of Bezděz, Točník and Karlštejn. In a restaurant at Karlštejn the guests remind Hašler that he is performing at the Varieté club. Hašler misses the train so he starts walking along the main road in the hope of getting a lift. In despair he forces a car to stop and makes the chauffeur to drive backwards to Prague. They stop at the wharf but, because he misses the steamboat , he uses a motorboat. The rest of the journey is spent on a tram. Hašler then quickly changes his clothes in his flat he reaches the Varieté club across the rooftops.
The film begins with shots of the castles of Bezděz, Točník and Karlštejn. In a restaurant at Karlštejn the guests remind Hašler that he is performing at the Varieté club. Hašler misses the train so he starts walking along the main road in the hope of getting a lift. In despair he forces a car to stop and makes the chauffeur to drive backwards to Prague. They stop at the wharf but, because he misses the steamboat , he uses a motorboat. The rest of the journey is spent on a tram. Hašler then quickly changes his clothes in his flat he reaches the Varieté club across the rooftops.
The film begins with shots of the castles of Bezděz, Točník and Karlštejn. In a restaurant at Karlštejn the guests remind Hašler that he is performing at the Varieté club. Hašler misses the train so he starts walking along the main road in the hope of getting a lift. In despair he forces a car to stop and makes the chauffeur to drive backwards to Prague. They stop at the wharf but, because he misses the steamboat , he uses a motorboat. The rest of the journey is spent on a tram. Hašler then quickly changes his clothes in his flat he reaches the Varieté club across the rooftops.