2nd Old Lady
In this silly soft-core sex comedy, Tony Kenyon is Custer Firkeshaw, the owner of a girlie magazine. He stands to inherit a fortune… If he can get married and have a baby within a year. When he (and his relatives) find out from his doctor that he only has 13 more…uh, attempts-at-procreating left in him, the relatives set out to ensure that he uses them all up, so that they can inherit the property.
Girl Slave
Конец девятнадцатого века. Группа ученых решает провести испытания новой буровой машины под названием «Iron Mole», способной проникать в глубь земли. Доктор Абнер Перри и его молодой американский коллега Дэвид Инс считают, что под всеми известными слоями почвы могут быть огромные запасы полезных ископаемых. Но там, к своему огромному удивлению, они обнаруживают необычный мир, населенный динозаврами, гигантскими монстрами, летающими чудовищами, огромными птицами, обладающими телепатическими способностями, людьми-рабами.
Either you've got it or you haven't - some like randy young Timothy Lea (Robin Askwith), manage to get it all the time! Signing up with a pop group, our boisterous hero progresses rapidly from local gigs to scoring a titillating hit with The Climax Sisters, with plenty of ribald adventures along the way!
Window Dresser
Young Timmy starts as a window cleaner in the little company of his brother. Soon he learns that some female customers expect additional service. Young and curious as he is, he reluctantly accepts the juicy duty. However his heart belongs to Liz, who demands the highest commitment until she lets him go all the way.