John Andrews


Necromania: A Tale of Weird Love!
A couple having marital problems (the husband can't seem to rise to the occasion) visits Madame Heles, a necromancer, in hopes of ameliorating their boudoir blunders. After an elaborate ritual with a skull, Heles' lovely assistant Tanya first takes care of another client, then moves on to the couple, each in their turn. Once she's worked with each of them on a physical level, they are ready to meet the Madame, who will decide how best to help them.
Sinthia: The Devil's Doll
Cynthia Kyle enters puberty with a vengeance, murdering her parents as they make love: she's wanted her father to love only her. Eight years later, she's free and wants to marry, but nightmares plague her so she seeks psychiatric help. The doctor asks her to describe a dream: it's long and elaborate with dreams within dreams of Lucifer, Hell, and her parents in various guises. To shed her guilt, the shrink recommends that she commit suicide in her next dream. In it, she falls in love with an artist who reminds her of her father, responds to a woman who finds her attractive, and celebrates her first school-yard kiss. The dream takes her back to her parents' bedside. Is any cure possible?
Horror of the Blood Monsters
Man in Warehouse (uncredited)
Astronauts land on a planet with prehistoric creatures and a war between a human-like tribe and a race of vampires.
Оргия мертвецов
The Wolfman / Giant
Писатель Джон и его невеста Ширли отправляются ночью на кладбище, так как писателю необходим заряд вдохновения. У них ломается машина и парочка должна провести здесь всю ночь, где Повелитель мертвецов и Принцесса тьмы устраивают полночную эротичную оргию…