László Keszég

László Keszég


László Keszég


Hello, My Life!
A popular writer with lack of inspiration (Szabolcs Thuróczy) and his never-seen son meets unexpectedly. From there they have to deal with living with the other in joy, in emtions and with the imagination of the child, this tales goes beyond reality.
Hawk and Berry are standing on a high-stand, looking for game. It would be a funny joke, if it weren't so sad.
The Grandson
After his grandfather falls victim to an elaborate scam, the life of a young man is turned upside down.
A Siege
A lonely woman in war-torn Sarajevo embarks on a journey to find water, and neither her neighbours nor sniper fire can stop her.
Grey Nobodies
Щелкунчик и Крысиный король
Rat Soldier
Вена, 1920-е годы. Девятилетняя Мэри живет в доме, который полон прекрасных вещей и одиночества. Брат Макс, неутомимый проказник, донимает ее, а родители, хотя и горячо ее любят, слишком заняты, чтобы уделять ей достаточно внимания. Мэри тоскует по общению с друзьями и приключениям. Накануне Рождества к ней приходит любимый дядюшка Альберт и дарит деревянную куклу — Щелкунчика. Воображение Мэри оживляет куклу, и она попадает в мир детских грез, где все становится возможным — снежинки-балерины кружатся в танце, игрушки на елке оживают, да и сама ель превращается в целую вселенную, в которой правит добрая Снежная Фея, так похожая на маму…
Eastern Sugar
Three young friends, from the Hungarian countryside, want more sex and excitement in their life. Together they undertake a journey to Lake Balaton, where they hope to find plenty of summer fun as well as a temporary job.
Happy Birthday
Moscow Square
1989 is an important year in the political history of Hungary. However, Petya and his friends couldn't care less. They are about to graduate high school. The only important things to them are the parties, girls, making some easy cash. And of course, passing the upcoming exam with the leaked questions.
Seaside, Dusk
Alex gets a well-paid job from his friend Zsolt: he must smuggle drugs from Germany. Alex wants to run away with the money to France, but suffering a car crash he loses his eyesight. One night, calling from a phone box in the street, he makes the acquaintance of a Hungarian woman living in a seaside town in Germany,
Guy at the Bridge
While trying to escape from her abusive boyfriend, Ágnes comes across a bridge where a stranger’s life is at risk. As their struggle becomes a spectacle for passers-by, she tries to find courage and stand up for two lives. A story about indifference based on real events.