Cahit Berkay

Cahit Berkay


Cahit Berkay


Dede Korkut Hikayeleri Salur Kazan: Zoraki Kahraman
Misafir Sanatçı
İçimde Akan Nehir
After years, Hazar Caucasian begins to question his life in his country, where he returned with severe health problems and without money. With the sale of the house left from his father, he will guarantee the future of his son, whom he has not seen for years, or save the life of the dying daughter of Nehir, where she finds love when she does not expect. Güleryüz is accompanied by names such as Tuğçe Kazaz, Nursel Köse and Hasan Kaçan in the drama, which is the scriptwriter and director of Erhan Güleryüz, the lead singer of the Mirror group.
Manda Yuvası
Сосланная корова
Идет 1977 год. Старейшины села, которые хорошо помнят и чтут древние обычаи, вспоминают, что в этот год, надо дать свободу коровам. Выбирают одну и начинают делать из нее идола. Это событие начинает расти, как лесной пожар и распространяется далеко за пределы села. В это событие уже подключены все, от старейшин и бюрократов, до военных, которые готовят парад на эту тему. Все это событие все больше набирает оборот и постепенно превращается в веселый комедийный праздник.
Сосланная корова
Original Music Composer
Идет 1977 год. Старейшины села, которые хорошо помнят и чтут древние обычаи, вспоминают, что в этот год, надо дать свободу коровам. Выбирают одну и начинают делать из нее идола. Это событие начинает расти, как лесной пожар и распространяется далеко за пределы села. В это событие уже подключены все, от старейшин и бюрократов, до военных, которые готовят парад на эту тему. Все это событие все больше набирает оборот и постепенно превращается в веселый комедийный праздник.
Пусть это будет в последний раз
Пятеро бездомных ребят: Яшар, Ковбой Али, Апо, Эртурул и Джеват создали свою группировку в окрестности Балата. Единственная их цель в жизни — жить безбедно и заливать свою страсть вином. Для достижения своей цели им сопутствует политический климат, который был в восьмидесятых годах. Благодаря этому, им нередко удается получить вино бесплатно. Однажды они попадаются в комендантский час. Их всех сажают, и тюрьма становится для них вторым домом. Положение нестабильности в стране и незнание законов тюрьмы поначалу пугает ребят. В тюрьме, как и в стране, многие военные не довольны своим и чужим назначением и продвижением по службе. Пользуясь таким положением, каждый пытается «урвать побольше». В связи с этим, лихая пятерка начинает использовать борьбу за власть для своего вольготного пребывания. Вместе с тем, ребята пытаются поменять существующие законы, а также освободить тех, кто попал сюда случайно.
A conservative Muslim girl falls in love with an agnostic journalist.
Gün Ortasında Karanlık
Koltuk Belası
Political satire comedy featuring the memories of a red leather chair. He is aware that no matter who the next governor will be, more corrupted will the system get. But only until the last governor who decides to set him on fire.
İsa, Musa, Meryem
The Teacher
Ayrı Dünyalar
Original Music Composer
Uyanık Gazeteci
Original Music Composer
A comedy of a journalist who feigns war news and makes his agency strand.
Sevimli Hırsız
Salıncakta Üç Kişi
A love story between a shy dance teacher and his student.
Severek Öldüler
Original Music Composer
Acı Dünya
The Curious
Sıcak Tatlı Yaz
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Blue Voyage
For their honeymoon, a couple decide to go on a cruise. Soon they find out that they are not alone in the ship.
Şendul Şaban
Son Darbe
Kanun Adamı
Original Music Composer
Sound Recordist
Birkaç Güzel Gün İçin
Original Music Composer
I Love You
As a coincidence, Murat founds his ex-love Selma after several years in his town. He would like to make up and regain her trust and love. However Selma already have a different life style.
Yürek Yarası
Davut is in love with Zeynep, one of the beautiful girls of the village. However, Zeynep's heart is with Haydar Aga's son, Mustafa.
Abbas in Flower
While working as an assistant to swindling driver Şakir, ingenuous Abbas falls for the same woman his boss loves.
Gazap Rüzgarı
Original Music Composer
Gülsüm Ana
Original Music Composer
The struggle of a devoted mother for her children.
My Friend
The story of a man who learns that his friend, whom he loves more than his life, is the enemy he was looking for to kill.
Aşkların En Güzeli
Original Music Composer
The marriage of a couple from different economic classes will not work. Years later, the mother will take action to take custody of her child.
O Kadın
Iffet lives in a low income neighbourhood of Istanbul with her sister and father under the strict rules of her father. She can not even go visit her aunt since she is not allowed to leave home without permission. She nevethless falls in love with Cemil…
Acı Günler
Original Music Composer
Ne Olacak Şimdi
Original Music Composer
The funny love and marriage story of 4 people 2 of who is a couple that want to divorce and the other 2 are their attorneys.
Fırat'ın Cinleri
The King of the Street Cleaners
Going through his daily routine in a stereotypical neighborhood, a street cleaner falls in love with a charwoman. Unfortunately for him, so does his superior officer.
Baş Belası
Love of Giant
Reunion of two former lovers brings the end to the society they are part of through hate through revenge and through bloodshed, especially when the lovers were obliged to stand against their associates and families.
Commissioner Cemil finds the body of a young girl on the beach as a result of the tip he received while patrolling.
Thanks a Lot, Granny
Mete the little boy of family, receives the grandmother from Italy. But the grandmother neither grand nor mother; just a young woman who will make Mete a man.