Charles Waldo


The Ultimate Impostor
Costume Design
A series pilot about a secret agent who is armed with skills learned by a computer-brain link-up -- lasting only 72 hours at a time -- and is sent to rescue a Russian submarine commander, a defector who has been kidnapped by an agent for another nation.
Капитан Америка
Costume Design
An artist, Steve Rogers, is nearly murdered by spies, looking for his late father's national secrets. He is saved during surgery when a secret formula is injected into him; this serum not only heals him but also gives him fantastic strength and lightning reflexes. To help him solve the mystery behind his father’s murder and bring those guilty to justice, a government agency equips him with a special motorcycle loaded with gadgets and an indestructible shield. Now armed, he battles against the nation's enemies as the Sentinel of Liberty, Captain America.
The Jordan Chance
Costume Design
Jordan Chance was wrongfully imprisoned for ten years. Upon release, he becomes a lawyer and investigates the case of a Mexican woman convicted of murder. The local police give him every reason to believe she was railroaded to ease a tense racial status quo, and they will stop at almost nothing to prevent the case from being reopened.
Невероятный Халк: Свадьба
Costume Design
Физик-ядерщик Брюс Баннер в ходе научного эксперимента испытывает сильнейшее гамма-облучение, и теперь в моменты гнева он превращается в огромное зелёное существо по имени Халк. Третий фильм по комиксам MARVEL о зеленом монстре которые крушит все на своем пути, если его разозлить.
Невероятный Халк: Смерть в семье
Costume Design
Физик-ядерщик Брюс Баннер в ходе научного эксперимента испытывает сильнейшее гамма-облучение, и теперь в моменты гнева он превращается в огромное зелёное существо по имени Халк. Мир, в особенности следственый репортер Джек МакГи, считают Дэвида Брюса Баннера убитым Невероятным Халком, а тем временем сам ученый пытается избавиться от своего проклятья. Он держит путь в клинику городка Эверетт, где появилось новейщее радиологическое оборудование, способное справиться с его гамма-облучением, но по дороге останавливается, чтобы помочь незнакомой девушке.
Невероятный Халк
Costume Design
An accidental overdose of gamma radiation causes a mutation in scientist David Banner's DNA: now whenever he becomes angry, he metamorphoses into a seven-foot-tall, 330-pound, mindless muscular green creature.
Charlie Cobb: Nice Night for a Hanging
Set Designer
A California rancher hires a private detective to deliver the rancher's long-lost daughter to him. However, several people, including the rancher's new wife, his foreman and a crooked sheriff, don't want the girl--who would inherit the rancher's large spread if he died--to make it to the ranch alive.
Tail Gunner Joe
Costume Design
Senator Joseph McCarthy from Wisconsin accuses prominent people of Communist sympathies in order to give him a national power base when he later planned to run for President.
The November Plan
Costume Design
A hard-nosed private detective investigates a suspected overthrow of the U.S. government. Loosely based on The Business Plot of 1933.
Санкция на пике Эйгера
Wardrobe Designer
Джонатан Хемлок — ушедший в отставку агент правительственных спецслужб, давно ушедший в отставку и теперь занимающийся педагогической деятельностью в колледже искусств. Однако зарплаты педагога, разумеется, не хватает на удовлетворение его главной страсти — коллекционирования живописных полотен, поэтому время от времени Джонатан принимает на себя новые секретные задание. Новая миссия — одна из самых опасных в карьере. Он должен «вычислить» и уничтожить шпиона, находящегося в составе альпинистской группы. Для этого ему придется вместе со всеми совершить восхождение на опасный пик Эйгер в Швейцарских Альпах…
A Cry for Help
Costume Design
A talk-radio host, who specializes in abusing and insulting his audience, gets a call from a disturbed teenage girl who says she is going to commit suicide. After first encouraging her, he has a change of heart and frantically tries to get his listeners to help find the girl before she makes good on her threat.
The Chadwick Family
Costume Design
A father finds himself taking care of a family that, in addition to his son and three daughters, also consists of two sons-in-law and his youngest daughter's Chinese boyfriend.
The Execution of Private Slovik
Costume Design
The story of Eddie Slovik, who was executed by the Army in 1945, the only American soldier to be executed for desertion since the Civil War.
Double Indemnity
Costume Design
A scheming wife lures an insurance investigator into helping murder her husband and then declare it an accident. The investigator's boss, not knowing his man is involved in it, suspects murder and sets out to prove it.
All My Darling Daughters
Costume Design
A judge has to deal with his four daughters, his four future sons-in-law and four weddings all on the same day.
The Bravos
Costume Design
The commander of an isolated frontier cavalry post tries to stop an Indian war and find his son, who has been kidnapped.
Two on a Bench
Costume Design
An outgoing young girl and a square stockbroker meet on a park bench in Boston and are mistaken for international spies and chased by both sides.
San Francisco International
Costume Design
This pilot for the TV series stars Pernell Roberts as Jim Conrad, who runs an airport, much to the chagrin of his boss, "his way." In this, two plots run - a kid whose parents are splitting up decides to take off in a little red prop plane (and Conrad talks him down), and thieves played by the handsome Tab Hunter and his truly ugly sidekicks try to steal a money shipment. Roberts was replaced by Lloyd Bridges when the show went to series.
Lost Flight
Costume Design
The captain of a downed airliner must help his crew and passengers survive on a deserted jungle island in the midst of a power struggle - an adult version of "Lord of the Flies."