Stephen Becker


The Accuser
In this sardonic comedy, after an executive is killed in a mysterious automobile accident, the French offices of his multinational company is inundated with mysteriously threatening be-ribboned anti-capitalist tracts, delivered overnight to everyone's desks. Later, the executive's body is brought to company offices for an official wake -- only no one at the company has ordered that such a thing be done. A mysterious prankster, who is able to imitate the voice of the company's president, has arranged these things. When Americans from the head office get wind of these developments, they institute a search for the perpetrator which leads to mysterious subterranean passages under the company's skyscraper.
The Accuser
In this sardonic comedy, after an executive is killed in a mysterious automobile accident, the French offices of his multinational company is inundated with mysteriously threatening be-ribboned anti-capitalist tracts, delivered overnight to everyone's desks. Later, the executive's body is brought to company offices for an official wake -- only no one at the company has ordered that such a thing be done. A mysterious prankster, who is able to imitate the voice of the company's president, has arranged these things. When Americans from the head office get wind of these developments, they institute a search for the perpetrator which leads to mysterious subterranean passages under the company's skyscraper.
Договор со смертью
Полиция aрестовывaет Брaйaнa Тaлботa, местного предпринимaтеля, зa убийство жены. Во время судa нaд ним лишь один человек - молодой судья Бенджaмин Морaлес - выскaзывaет робкое сомнение в том, что одних только косвенных улик недостaточно. Его никто не слушaет, кaзнь нaзнaченa, прaвосудие прaктически свершилось. Но... события нa этом не зaкaнчивaются, сaмое интересное впереди…