Gene Eliot


Missing Children: A Mother's Story
Sound Effects Editor
A young mother hands her children into what she thinks is a childcare center while she finds a new home, but returns to find that they have been adopted out without her knowledge.
The Memory of Eva Ryker
Sound Editor
A young woman has spent her life tormented by the death of her mother, who was on a ship torpedoed during World War II. When her father hires an investigator to look into the circumstances of the mother's death 30 years prior, it triggers a new rash of emotional turmoil for the young woman and uncovers a heinous crime.
Hanging by a Thread
Sound Effects Editor
A group of old friends on an outing re-live various traumas and tragedies via flashback whilst trapped high above a ravine in a disabled cable-car.
Casey's Shadow
Sound Editor
Casey's family raises and trains race horses, and their latest undersized foal named Casey's Shadow does not seem to have a lot going for it, but may turn out to be a champion.
Тигровая акула
Sound Effects Editor
Стивен прибывает на фешенебельный мексиканский курорт, где встречает множество красивых женщин, а также местного рыбака, обеспокоенного появлением в прибрежных водах огромной тигровой акулы.
Адский дождь
Sound Effects Editor
Стив Престон возвращается домой во время начинающейся сильной бури. Неожиданно его лицо начинает растекаться под дождем, а он начинает что-то лепетать о какой-то священной книге и о неком сатанинском культе. Стив умирает, его жена исчезает, а Марк, один из его сыновей, оказывается в плену у Джонатана Корбиса - лидера секты поклонников Сатаны, ждущих вот уже три столетия, чтобы воцарить своего повелителя в этом мире.
Hazel's People
Sound Editor
An NYU student visits a Mennonite friend in Lancaster, Pennsylvania after a fellow Mennonite is killed while protesting the Vietnam War.
Two for the Money
Sound Effects
Two cops, who have quit the police department to become private detectives and bounty hunters, hunt for a killer who has eluded capture for years.
Sound Effects
A man thought-dead comes home to find that his wife has sold their ranch and married a Mexican revolutionary.
If Tomorrow Comes
Sound Effects
In California, a young Caucasian girl and a Japanese-American boy defy local prejudices and secretly marry on Dec. 7, 1941, minutes before Pearl Harbor is attacked.
In Broad Daylight
Sound Effects
A newly blind actor discovers his wife is cheating on him with his best friend and hatches a plot to murder her and frame his friend for it.
Sweet, Sweet Rachel
Sound Editor
An ESP expert uses his powers to try to track down a psychic who uses telepathy to commit murder.
Congratulations, It's a Boy!
Sound Effects
A bachelor's life is interrupted by the appearance of a teenager who claims to be his son.
The Forgotten Man
Sound Effects Editor
A Marine officer reported as killed in Vietnam, but who was actually a POW, returns home. Instead of being welcomed home, however, he discovers that his father has died, his wife has remarried, his daughter has been adopted, his business has been sold, and his life has completely changed.
Sound Editor
Шериф захолустного городка Дэйв Хармон (Клинт Уокер) понимает, что кто-то хочет дискредитировать его. Стражу порядка приходится приложить все усилия и смекалку, чтобы разгадать коварный план неизвестного недоброжелателя. Оказывается, козни строит брат бандита, которого шериф отправил в тюрьму.
But I Don't Want to Get Married!
Sound Editor
An accountant is widowed after 18 years of marriage. He is dumbfounded to have a herd of marriage-minded women descend upon him.
Sound Effects Editor
A Las Vegas go-go dancer moves to Los Angeles to escape the psycho who has killed her partners.