Miroslav Lekić

Miroslav Lekić


Miroslav Lekić


Ruski Konzul
Year 1973, turmoil between Kosovo Serbs and Albanians in Autonomous province of Kosovo. A story that describes the beginning of the crisis in Kosovo.
Ruski Konzul
Year 1973, turmoil between Kosovo Serbs and Albanians in Autonomous province of Kosovo. A story that describes the beginning of the crisis in Kosovo.
Prince Rastko of Serbia
The story of the life of a Serbian prince Rastko Nemanjić - Saint Sava.
A documentary-narrative film which looks at real events and personal phenomena of artist Zarko Lausevic. "Laush" above all tells a story of an evil time we've all been through, represents both sides and is made with empathy and respect towards everyone involved in the tragic incident. Through recreations, narration, memories of colleagues and quotes from the book "A Year Passes, a Day Will Never Pass" which the artist wrote during the hardest stage of his life, the weight of his fate is presented. The aim of this project is to portray the life of brilliant actor, who in the midst of great fame, disappeared from the scene through the cruelty of dubious times.
Триллер, действие которого разворачивается в Белграде на улочках Дорчола и закоулках Калемегдана. Тайны прошлого города в устье Савы и мистические христианские секты, существовавшие когда-то на этих землях, оставляют неисчезающую печать на жизнях сегодняшних горожан и вершат судьбы людей в течении многих веков. Главный герой Боб возвращается на родину в Югославию после долгих лет отсутствия. Ему сообщает гадалка, что его друг детства Зоран не покончил собой много лет назад, а его убили. С этого момента начинается долгий путь по лабиринту познания…
Триллер, действие которого разворачивается в Белграде на улочках Дорчола и закоулках Калемегдана. Тайны прошлого города в устье Савы и мистические христианские секты, существовавшие когда-то на этих землях, оставляют неисчезающую печать на жизнях сегодняшних горожан и вершат судьбы людей в течении многих веков. Главный герой Боб возвращается на родину в Югославию после долгих лет отсутствия. Ему сообщает гадалка, что его друг детства Зоран не покончил собой много лет назад, а его убили. С этого момента начинается долгий путь по лабиринту познания…
Главного героя фильма всю жизнь мучает мысль о его происхождении, многие годы собирает он по крупицам воспоминания очевидцев о страшном рождественском дне 1942 года, когда соседи из мусульманского села Османовичи напали на сербское село Юговичи. Они согнали жителей в церковь и заживо сожгли, только его, новорожденного мальчика, оставили в живых и отдали на воспитание в ту мусульманскую семью, которая и убила всех…
Главного героя фильма всю жизнь мучает мысль о его происхождении, многие годы собирает он по крупицам воспоминания очевидцев о страшном рождественском дне 1942 года, когда соседи из мусульманского села Османовичи напали на сербское село Юговичи. Они согнали жителей в церковь и заживо сожгли, только его, новорожденного мальчика, оставили в живых и отдали на воспитание в ту мусульманскую семью, которая и убила всех…
Thief's Comeback
A con leaves the prison with a plan to deceive people by entering financial bank business.
Kir Janja
A comedy of characters in three acts by the Serbian writer Jovan Sterija Popovic from 1837. Sterija presented Kir Janja as a negative comic hero whose passion for money deformed his personality. He keeps complaining, even though he is very rich.
Kir Janja
A comedy of characters in three acts by the Serbian writer Jovan Sterija Popovic from 1837. Sterija presented Kir Janja as a negative comic hero whose passion for money deformed his personality. He keeps complaining, even though he is very rich.
Better Than Escape
A Yugoslav stage actor marries an American girl in Belgrade and has a child with her, when his career downhill out of political reasons he develops a drinking habit, his wife leaves him and takes their daughter to U.S.A.
Better Than Escape
A Yugoslav stage actor marries an American girl in Belgrade and has a child with her, when his career downhill out of political reasons he develops a drinking habit, his wife leaves him and takes their daughter to U.S.A.
It Happened on This Very Day
Belgrade in 1963. In a yard surrounded by buildings, a group of young people of different backgrounds and social status, but of similar views about love and self-affirmation, spend their time together. Their friendship is dyed with various events typical for socialism, such as working actions or Youth Day's parade. All what happens within this yard may become an allegory of one generation's destiny.
It Happened on This Very Day
Belgrade in 1963. In a yard surrounded by buildings, a group of young people of different backgrounds and social status, but of similar views about love and self-affirmation, spend their time together. Their friendship is dyed with various events typical for socialism, such as working actions or Youth Day's parade. All what happens within this yard may become an allegory of one generation's destiny.
Stairway to Heaven
A graduated architect, looking for work, leaves for small border town of Subotica full of fresh ideas. He comes back depressed and disillusioned still looking for job. He tries to join his old friends, hoping they would help him to find happiness he wants. He spends one night with his highschool friends, but memories come back to haunt him, old wounds open again... That night, he sees his generation in true colors and he's trying to salvage at least some of good memories. At dawn, one girl commits suicide, one of his friends is taken by military police, the rest are seriously shook up by events. Coming back from police station, he finds a message from Subotica asking him to come back for work...