In this stylish and ruthless satire, a famous performance artist faces an unexpected crisis when real-world political matters complicate her latest impeccably provocative and eminently bankable piece.
Charleen is 15, melodramatic, mega depressed, and Kurt Cobain’s biggest fan. Her best friend Isa is getting really boring, her dad is out of the picture, and her mom has hooked up with her biology teacher. Even though she has an apprenticeship preparing bodies for funerals, which is pretty cool, her musical idols are all dead. It’s about time Charleen was, too.
Фильм основан на реальной истории похищения австрийской девочки Наташи Кампуш, совершенное бывшим техником Вольфгангом Приклопилом, когда ей было 10 лет. В его плену она провела более восьми лет, или 3096 дней.