Milan Klásek

Рождение : 1932-10-05,

Смерть : 2010-04-09


Cyrano z Bergeracu
de Valvert
Žofka z Janovic
Dům na nebesích
Měsíční tónina
Panelstory or Birth of a Community
An old man is wandering round a badly signposted and as yet mostly under construction Prague housing estate looking for the high rise block into which he is supposed to be moving with his daughter's family. The old granddad from the countryside likes chatting, nothing escapes his eyes and he wants to give everyone a helping hand.
Sam Grossman
Silvestr 1978
Sunday in September 1977, a celebration of the Miners Day. The old Hepnar is sitting at the cemetery and is recalling events from ten years ago. That time the representative of the ministry Barvír announced at the miners meeting that mining in the mines would decrease. He reasoned this decision by the fact the deposits of coal are almost used up. The boss of the mine and most of the miners protested. Barvír did not take their critical objections into account. He announced at the communist district meeting the closure of the business as the mine according to new economic principles did not prosper.
Ztrácím tě, lásko
Vítězný lid
O Emínce a Havlíčkovi
Klobouk plný deště
Kronika žhavého léta
Člověk není sám
Безумно грустная принцесса
Короли двух соседних государств - Генрих и Добромысл Весёлый, заочно решают поженить своих детей, ведь тогда между этими странами всегда будет мир. Но у молодых людей другие планы - каждый из них хочет увидеть своего суженого заранее. Переодетые, они влюбляются в друга, не зная, кто есть кто. Чтобы избежать свадьбы, принцесса Елена притворяется грустной, её не может рассмешить ничто. Король ищет спасителя, который заставил бы принцессу смеяться...
The Flight
The kids were smoking secretly in a barn, set fire and fled. Feeling that the investigation closely, "sits on his tail" and soon will be declared to her parents, the protagonist escapes from home. The charred ruins of the barn, he meets a young man who is also why some carefully avoids meeting people, and tied him. According to the book Hoffmann Ota (Ota Hofman).
Škola hříšníků
Neklidnou hladinou