Dr. Augustus Fagan
A young man's attempts at seduction and social climbing lead to mayhem.
Капитан Нолан - ревностный британский офицер, презирающий своего командира, лорда Кардигана. Лорд Раглан - недалекий офицер с набором бессмысленных военных стратегий и короткой памятью. В результате русского вторжения эту парочку направляют в Турцию. Действие фильма достигает своего высшего напряжения, когда, движимые высокомерием и некомпетентностью, они отправляют сотни кавалеристов на верную смерть.
Abe Brown
Successful businessman Joe Lampton is married to the wealthy Susan, has two children, and lives in the mill town of Warley in northern England. But his career seems to have plateaued, leaving him disillusioned. This feeling is only exacerbated when he discovers his wife's infidelity with local man Mark. So he takes up with attractive TV host Norah and moves with her to London, aiming to reignite the fire that drove him to the top.
A woman attempts to cover up the thefts committed by the manager at the shop she works at.
Bishop Folliot
Генрих II окружен завистниками и интриганами. Единственный человек, которому правитель Англии всецело доверяет, — Томас Бекет. Он — слуга и наставник, военный советник и соучастник амурных похождений короля. Чтобы подчинить себе могучего противника — католическую церковь, — Генрих добивается избрания Бекета архиепископом Кентерберийским. Но веселый гуляка, плюющий на законы, неожиданно превращается в жесткого и целеустремленного политика, жаждущего укрепить авторитет церкви. Бывшие друзья превращаются в злейших врагов, и между ними разгорается тотальная война…
R.D. Muir (as Sir Donald Wolfit)
A British physician stands trial for murdering his wife after he and his mistress are captured while fleeing to Canada.
General Murray
Фильм рассказывает о легендарном герое Первой мировой войны — английском разведчике Т. Э. Лоуренсе, действовавшем среди арабских племен и возглавившем их в походе против турок.
A man who served prison time for intent to molest a child tries to build a new life with the help of a sympathetic psychiatrist.
Professor Volchett
Famed concert pianist Stephen Orlac survives a plane crash, but his hands are permanently destroyed. Helpful surgeon Volcheff grafts a pair of new hands on the hapless Orlac. Unfortunately, they're the hands of an executed murderer - useless for a pianist, but quite handy for less delicate work...
Inspector Van Der Stoor
A ship's captain gets mixed up with murder during the hunt for lost Nazi treasure.
Lord Drewell
Young blonde woman seems to destroy everyone she comes in contact with.
Dr. Stergion
Nazis chase a U.S. newsman (Robert Mitchum) paid to smuggle names of Greek resistance leaders to London.
Mr. Brown
В провинциальный английский городок приезжает демобилизованный сержант Джо Лэмптон. Он полон честолюбивых замыслов и готов на всё, чтобы разбогатеть и пробиться в «высшее общество». Ради этого Джо заводит роман с Сьюзан, дочерью одного из «отцов» города.
Doctor Callistratus
A man and wife are terrorized by Mad Scientist Dr. Callistratus who was executed but has returned to life with a heart transplant. Along with his crippled assistant Carl, the 'anemic' Mad Scientist, believed to be a vampire, conducts blood deficiency research on the inmates of a prison hospital for the criminally insane to sustain his return to life.
Gen. Mercier
Alfred Dreyfus, a German-Jewish captain serving in the French Army, is falsely accused of treason and made a scapegoat for military espionage in an act of institutional anti-Semitism. Sent to prison, he becomes a cause célèbre for the novelist Émile Zola, who dubs it the "Dreyfus Affair." Eventually, Dreyfus is pardoned when the military cover-up is made public, and he returns to France. But his name is forever tarnished by the accusations of treason.
Halvard Solness
Halvard Solness is a middle-aged architect whose ruthlessness in his business makes him a hardened individual. Affected by his ambitions are his wife and his colleagues, until a young woman shows up asking for a promised kingdom.
Colonel Price
One time members of a resistance group come together every year to remember their dead leader, betrayed to and executed by the Nazis. When it seems that they might finally know the name of the traitor - and that he or she comes from within their own unit - their annual gathering becomes a deadly trial...
Prof. Merrity
Журналисты со всего мира приехали на территорию военно-воздушной базы Великобритании, чтобы присутствовать на знаменательном событии. В ближайшие дни, нет — часы должен состояться триумф британской науки и техники. Учёные разработали и создали летательный аппарат, способный преодолеть оковы земной гравитации и выйти на орбиту Земли с человеком на борту. За основу взят реактивный самолёт, снабжённый усовершенствованными турбинами, форсированным двигателем и современной системой герметизацией. Экипажем, совершающим первый в истории человечества прорыв во внеземное пространство, руководит Майкл Хейдон. Восторг по поводу предстоящего полета не разделяет энергичная журналистка Ким Хэммилтон. Она спрашивает организаторов "за чей счет этот банкет?",но тем не менее, под покровом ночи залезет на охраняемый объект и затаится в трюме космического корабля. А экипажу за несколько часов перед стартом открывают тайну государственного масштаба: на самом деле научная цель экспедиции всего лишь фикция.
Convinced that a wartime resistance heroine is innocent of a murder charge, Nap Rumbold, a solicitor / private detective travels to France searching for evidence to clear her name.
Prof. Cattrell
A brilliant scientist who has lost his memory is hunted by Communist agents out to obtain a secret formula.
This weird short manages to pack in fraud, murder, alcoholism and transvestitism, with two somewhat obvious plot twists but a acertain amount of interest in the characterisation and mise-en-scene. You can see Losey's long-take style in its early stages. If anything, his filming is TOO articulate, tipping his hand and giving away plot turns before they happen.
Alfie Stratton
A U.S. sergeant, a British sergeant and a British pilot hijack gold for a German refugee's war orphans.
Willie, the boy's uncle
Around the turn of the century, in England, alcoholic Uncle Willie is the bane of his family, of which his brother-in-law is the family spokesman. It is decided to let Uncle Willie buy a bicycle shop in order to impress Virginia van Stuyden, an American heiress in love with Frank. This pleases Uncle Willie's young nephew, Charles. Complications arise when stuffy lord, Sir George Probus, at whose home Virginia is staying, becomes shocked when she attends a carnival.
A man hypnotizes a young woman into being an opera singer.
Dr. Lomond
An underhand solicitor receives threatening notes, and the police are called in to protect him.
Sergeant Buzfuz
Британская комедия, основанная на классическом произведении Чарльза Диккенса. «Посмертные записки Пиквикского клуба» — первый роман писателя, рассказывающий о клубе чудаков, путешествующих по Англии и наблюдающих «человеческую природу». Основатель клуба и главный герой романа — Сэмюэл Пиквик, внешне наивный и смешной, но обладающий истинной человечностью.
"The Claydon Treasure Mystery" stars reliable John Stuart as an engineer (Peter Kerrigan) interested in solving mysteries, who becomes involved in investigating murders at Marsh Manor, home of the wealthy Claydon family. Plenty of suspects to choose from, Kerrigan believes that the murders may be connected to hidden treasure on the estate.
Dick Finlay
Calling the Tune offers a fascinating look at the fledgeling gramophone industry as it tries to solve the problems of reliable recording and production methods. 'I predict that the gramophone will be the democratic entertainment of the future' states unscrupulous record label boss Mr Gordon (Sam Livesey), who finally gets his comeuppance after one dirty trick too far against his rivals. If the film's love story is perfunctory, the real interest comes with watching performers of the day, from Henry Wood and his orchestra to George Robey and Charles 'the laughing policeman' Penrose laying down their recordings direct to record. And something very like a prototype laser disc makes a crucial appearance too.
Inspector Greville
A newspaper reporter sets out to track down the murderer of a policeman.
Jack Barton
A fence for a gang of jewel thieves comes under suspicion from the police.
Thomas Doughty
Imposing Canadian-born stage actor and playwright Matherson Lang was one of the twentieth century's great Shakespearean players, and became Britain's foremost screen actor during the 1920s; in Drake of England, one of his final films, he takes the title role in Arthur Woods' portrayal of the life and times of the flamboyant piratical adventurer who founded Britain's sea fortunes. From clandestine romance at the court of Elizabeth I to conquests in the newly discovered lands of South America and spectacular victory over the Armada, Drake of England offers a panoramic overview of Drake's life.
Henry Camberley
A really well made British murder mystery from British Gaumont studios. Story opens with a dead body found in a trunk. Who's the cold-blooded killer?
George Francis Howard
A dead man's curse on a London party house seems to echo from 1780 to 1936.
Sydney Parsons
An actor is murdered live on air whilst a play is being broadcast. Everyone in the play and broadcasting house fall under suspicion.
A murderous skipper involved in dope trafficking.