Lola Gans


Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire de Jacques?
When their father dies, Louise, Fabien, and Estelle feel helpless as they confront the task of taking care of their schizophrenic brother Jacques. For Louise, the experience will be life-changing.
Париж, 1899 год. Выросший в нищете сирота, а ныне командир отделения жандармерии Жан Альбертини должен проникнуть в группу анархистов. Для него это реальная возможность подняться по карьерной лестнице. Но чем дальше, тем больше у него возникает сомнений. По мере того как Жан составляет полицеские рапорты на преступную группировку для своего начальника Гаспара, он сам начинает все больше симпатизировать им.
Paris 2011. Alex is 27. He's lives off dealing and pays the debts of his brother, Isaac, who after being his support has now become dead weight. When his cousin announces he's going to open a restaurant in Tel Aviv, Alex imagines he can join him and change his life. Set on emigrating, Alex has to find money, leave his beloved Paris, end his complicated love life, drop his destructive brother and find his way.
Nuits blanches
A well-known writer lives with the obsession of a past drama and, unable to write, wanders from bar to bar at night. One night he meets Marie, whose laughter suddenly resonates for him like an echo. Marie, unable to resist this man who confuses her, will be carried away in an adventure of love at first sight.