Ursula Schubert
A drama dircted by Franz Josef Gottlieb. It was followed by "Every Night of the Week".
The Film begins with an emphatically serious discussion between Kolle, the sex researcher Professor Hans Giese, and the psychologist Wolfgang Hochheimer. After that follow the first play scenes. In a buoyant conversation, two model cases of sexual difficulties in marriage and their causes are discussed. A newlywed couple one the one side and a couple already married for seven years on the other side discuss about their problems. The words are illustrated by play scenes, short comments which point to the consequences of a lack of sexual education are inserted in between. With the newlyweds, the premature orgasm of the husband causes his wife woes as she is missing the loving foreplay and aftermath. The second husband, an architect who has become father of two children in the meantime, in contrast, neglects his wife in favour of his job.
Marta Barinskaya
Ванда Мервилль едет в Лондон, чтобы вступить в права наследства. Но вместо этого ее похищают и отвозят в замок Блэквуд, где расположен женский пансион, связанный с лондонскими наркоторговцами. После того, как одна из воспитанниц пансиона была задушена таинственным Горбуном, инспектор Хопкинс принимается за поиски убийцы. Расследование преступления обретает иную окраску, когда выясняется, что глава Скотланд-Ярда сэр Джон является близким другом хозяйки пансиона…