Isabeau Blanche

Isabeau Blanche


Isabeau Blanche


Dame sèche
When Maria thinks she's at the bottom of the barrel, she discovers that this barrel has a double bottom: no job, no money, no worthy accomplishment and now a dying mother begging her to do something with her life. before his death! She has no other choice but to get back in hand and find a career ... But what can she do with a 7-year-old BAC in communication and no work experience? Believe it or not, she can become a substitute in a high school! Thus, Maria, 30, as responsible and stable as a 14-year-old teenager, returns to high school in the role of the one to whom she threw pieces of erasers: the replacement. Too jaded teachers, rebellious teenagers, intimidated or not sufficiently denounced, she will be confronted with the reality of teachers and young people today and, who knows, may discover a vocation.
Billiard Player's Girlfriend
Яркая и взбалмошная вдова Диана забирает из интерната сына-подростка и полна решимости начать новую жизнь. Со Стивом они бы жили душа в душу, но вспышки гнева импульсивного сына то и дело подрывают шаткое равновесие в семье. На подмогу приходит скромная заикающаяся соседка Кайла, и в доме на время воцаряется идиллия, но как долго это продлится?
The Voice of the Shadow
Marie-Hélène 27 ans