Frances Raymond

Frances Raymond

Рождение : 1869-05-24,

Смерть : 1961-06-18


Frances Raymond


West Point Widow
Old Lady at Beach
In this romance, a hospital nurse marries a West Point football hero. She soon gets pregnant, but this doesn't stop her from annulling the marriage so as not to interfere with her husband's military career.
Леди Ева
Old Lady on Ship (uncredited)
После года проведенного на Амазонке, хороший знаток змей, но плохой знаток женщин, на океанском лайнере возвращается домой Чарльз Пайк. Он сын пивного короля и каждая девушка мечтает о знакомстве с ним. Но только Джин удается с маху преодолеть его рассеянность и застенчивость. Бедняга как муха на мед летит в объятия напористой искусительницы, не подозревая, что у Джин совсем не романтические планы… Она и ее отец — знаменитые карточные шулера и для нее охмурить мужчину, что передернуть колоду…
Cafe Society
Justice of the Peace's Wife
A pampered heiress (Madeleine Carroll) elopes with a shipboard reporter (Fred MacMurray) just to get her name in a society column.
С собой не унесешь
Neighbor (uncredited)
Тони — сын одного из самых богатых воротил бизнеса в Нью-Йорке влюблен в Алису — простую девушку секретаря и молодые хотят обвенчаться. Однако эксцентричное поведение родственников и друзей будущей невесты наводит родителей жениха на мысль, что у них с головами не все в порядке. Их дом — это клуб по интересам «городских сумасшедших». Мать Алисы — Пенни пишет пьесы, потому что пишущую машинку когда-то доставили в их дом по ошибке. Ее бездарная сестра Эсси грезит балетом и берет уроки танца у сумасшедшего русского по имени Потап Коленков, который не прочь отобедать за чужой счет. Папа с друзьями Алисы тратит все свое время, создавая фейерверки и запуская их прямо в доме. Но больше всех отличается эксцентричным поведением дедушка, который отказывается платить налоги по убеждениям. Весь этот балаган шумит, поёт, танцует и прыгает одновременно, под аккомпанемент губной гармоники дедушки и ксилофона мужа Эсси, мешая делать большой бизнес корпорации Энтони П. Кирби — отца Тони.
Ужасная правда
Minor Role (uncredited)
Необоснованные подозрения заставляют супружескую пару начать бракоразводный процесс, после чего они начинают разрушать попытки друг друга завести новый роман.
Вальс шампанского
Concert Attendee
Эльза — дочь Штрауса, автора многочисленных вальсов. Однажды ей пришлось прийти к Баззи, руководителю джазового оркестра, из-за которого популярность нового музыкального стиля стала стремительно расти. Она хотела попросить его уехать из города, но даже не подозревала, что он настолько симпатичный...
Everything’s Rosie
A little orphan girl walks into the life of a hand-to-mouth carnival huckster. He teaches her the ropes and raises her as his own.
Mrs. Y
A vaudeville magician team is broken up when Carlee, an ex--circus performer, becomes infatuated with socialite Hilda Schmittlap. Meanwhile his vaudeville partner, Claire, has chosen a new partner, but her "heart isn't in it" because she is disconsolate over Carlee. Curious about her new act, Carlee attends a performance and sees Claire nearly killed when she fails to substitute fake bullets for real ones. Rushing to her aid, Carlee realizes how much Claire means to him.
The Gay Defender
Aunt Emily
Real-life outlaw Joaquin Murietta, who (according to this film, anyway) is a latter-day Robin Hood, dedicated to driving land-grabbers and corrupt politicians out of Spanish California.
Получите вашего мужчину
Mrs. Worthington
Молодая американка Нэнси, будучи первый раз в Париже, влюбляется в молодого и красивого сына французского герцога. Однако он, согласно древнему семейному обычаю, уже с детских лет обручён с дочерью маркиза. Нэнси задумывает преодолеть это препятствие и получить желаемого мужчину.
Three's a Crowd
Harry, The Odd Fellow, is a tenement worker who lives alone in a shack alongside a warehouse and longs for the companionship of a wife and children like other men. One day he spies a pretty girl in his telescope and sends her by carrier pigeon a note that, alas, is received by the wrong party. The Girl marries and, poverty-striken, leaves her husband during a snowstorm. Harry takes her in, and minutes later her child is born. He works like a slave for the mother and child, pretending they are his own. Meanwhile, the husband finds her and comes to the shack on Christmas Eve as Harry is preparing to play Santa Claus. Not realizing the unhappiness she is causing him, The Girl thanks him profusely and leaves with her husband. Overcome, Harry sits overnight on the doorstep and the next morning is found frozen stiff except for his eyes--with amusing results.
Behind the Front
Mrs. Bartlett-Cooper
During World War I a young man joins the army and winds up befriending another young recruit, not knowing that it's the same pickpocket who stole his watch. After finishing basic training, the two are sent to the front lines in France, where they wind up in trouble with the MPs, getting involved with some cute French girls and "volunteering" for a dangerous front-line mission, and their antics result in their endangering the armistice.
What Happened to Jones
Mrs. Bigbee
On the night before his wedding, a young man plays poker with friends. When the game is raided by the police, he escapes into a Turkish bath on ladies night, ending up disguised in drag and with difficult explanations to make.
Satan in Sables
A young lady plans her devious revenge on a Russian aristocrat of fantastic wealth, who will not give her his permanent affections.
California Straight Ahead
Mrs. Hayden
Wealthy racing driver Tom Hayden (Reginald Denny) loses his inheritance and his fiance due to a wacky mishap on his wedding day.
Seven Chances
Mrs. Jones
Struggling stockbroker Jimmie Shannon learns that, if he gets married by 7 p.m. on his 27th birthday -- which is today -- he'll inherit $7 million from an eccentric relative.
Flirting with Love
Mrs. Cameron
When Wade Cameron, chairman of the Better Plays Society, stops the production of actress Gilda Lamont's first stage success, she attempts to revenge herself by affecting another personality and earning his confidence. He assigns her a role in an improvised production of a new play as an unknown actress, derails her attempt to expose him, and ends by winning her heart.
The Dramatic Life of Abraham Lincoln
Scott's mother
A biographical film featuring the presidency and assassination of Abraham Lincoln during the American Civil War.
A Chapter in Her Life
Madge Everingham
Jewel stays with her grizzled, angry grandfather while her parents are overseas on business. Family squabbling is brought to heel through love and understanding from Jewel's pure love for others and trust in Divine Love. Complete copies are held by many film archives in Europe and the United States.
Money, Money, Money
Mrs. Hobbs
Money, Money, Money is a 1923 silent film.
The Ghost Breaker
Aunt Mary Jarvis
A young man and his manservant, escaping from a backwoods family feud, are persuaded by a beautiful young heiress to help her rid her newly-gained Spanish castle of ghosts.
Hurricane's Gal
Mrs. Fairfield
Allen Holubar silent seafaring pirate ship adventure thriller
One a Minute
Granma Knight
An excellent silent comedy starring unjustly forgotten star Douglas MacLean. Its indictment of pharmaceutical entrepreneurs is far sharper than Side Effects'.
The Midlanders
A Light Woman
The Mother
Young Doris Kane suspects that her fiance, Paul Evans, doesn't love her anymore. She finds out that he is now infatuated with a "vamp", Jeanne DuPre. Paul's father is appalled at his son's behavior, and devises a plan to break up the romance between his son and the vamp by making her fall for him and exposing her perfidy to his son.
Li Ting Lang
Priscilla Mayhew
In a day and age when interracial marriages were considered taboo, film star Sessue Hayakawa rarely got the girl in his pictures. The issue of prejudice is broached here -- and Hayakawa still doesn't get the girl, who in this case is society girl Marion Halstead (Doris Pawn).
The Best of Luck
The Countess of Strathcaird
Leslie MacLeod (Kathryn Adams) comes to England from the U.S. so that she can settle financial affairs with Lord Glenayr (Jack Holt), whom she has never met. She encounters Duke Lanzana (Fred Malatesta), who sees her as a way to pay off his mounting debts. He captures her and then heads to a nearby cape to steal a buried treasure that actually should belong to the MacLeods.
Miss Hobbs
Mrs. Kingsearl
She was a very modern young woman, was Miss Hobbs. Her ideas were about fifty years ahead of time. For one thing she hated men, thought them all brutes. But love has a way of smashing such an idea. Then she went in for barefoot dancing, futurist art and other advanced notions. Well, the upshot of it was the young man took upon himself to tame her, to make her a regular girl.
The Last of the Duanes
Buck's mother (as Frankie Raymond)
Buck Duane guns down the man who killed his father and flees from the law. He rescues a girl he once loved from outlaws, but the wife of outlaw chief has her own designs on him.
The Other Half
Mrs. Boone
Social drama about a friendship that is pressurized by class differences.
The Best Man
Mrs. Hathaway
The Library of Congress lists this as a ‘lost’ film, however a copy exists in the UK. Gordon, disguised as Hayne, meets with the criminals and manages to purloin the stolen code but the real Hayne, who the police have failed to apprehend, gives chase. Gordon escapes in a taxi that had been pre-booked to take Hayne to church to marry Celia. Arriving at the church, and remembering his instructions ‘Let Nothing Hinder You’, Gordon allows himself to be married to Celia while planning how he will escape.
Fools For Luck
Mama (as Frankie Raymond)
Philander has embraced every superstition imaginable, from hoarding rabbit's foots and horseshoes to avoiding the third light on a match. But his luck manages to run out anyway -- he loses his girl, Brunhilda and his job.
The Chaperon
Mrs. Hemingway
Jim Ogden, secretly engaged to Madge Hemmingway, wealthy heiress, becomes sensitive over his lack of money and breaks the engagement. In a moment of pique she marries Count Van Tuyle. After six months she returns from Europe, minus her husband. Trying to forget her error, she goes to the country.
The Strange Case of Mary Page
Mrs. Page
A 15-episode movie serial.
The Misleading Lady
Mrs. Cannell
Helen Steele, who has theatrical aspirations, has been told by Sidney Parker that, owing to her lack of stage experience he cannot entertain her proposition of giving her the leading part in his new production, "The Siren." Believing that she can get Parker to consent if she is persuasive enough, Helen has her fiancé, Henry Tracey, invite the theatrical manager to the party to be given by John W. Cannell so that she may work upon him. At the affair Helen manages to obtain Parker's consent to give her a trial it she is successful in having Jack Craigen, a friend of Cannell, who has been living in Patagonia for a long time and who is a woman hater, propose to her.