Carl Dudley

Рождение : 1910-12-31, Little Rock, Arkansas, USA

Смерть : 1973-09-02


The Best of Cinerama
A selection of excerpts from the first Cinerama films.
South Seas Adventure
Cinerama takes you on a South Seas Adventure to tropical islands set like sparkling jewels in dreamy cerulean waters. Thrill to the lure of sunbrowned, luscious maidens and a paradise of coconut palms, coral strand and blue lagoons. Enchanted South Pacific archipelagos beckon with all the beauty and color of a painter’s palette. Stepping stones in the vast expanse of far-away seas, they promise romance, adventure, excitement—an irresistible blend of fascinating people and exotic places.
Under Carib Skies
Centuries ago, famous discoverers, explorers, pirates and soldiers made history here. Today, Jamaica is a pleasure island, tranquil in spirit and dedicated to the holiday way of life.
Mainline U.S.A.
A documentary on the railroads of America produced by the Association of American Railroads
Big Trains Rolling
A production of the association of American Railroads outlining the wonders of America's rail system.
Тобор Великий
Научно-фантастический опус о психической связи робота и маленького мальчика. Два ученых создали супер-робота для исследования открытого космоса, но механическое чудо похищено вражескими агентами. А заодно и мальчик Брайан, с помощью которого шпионы намерены перепрограммировать робота на злые цели. Удастся ли Брайану удрать от своих похитителей?
Fish Tales
In this short film, champion fisherman Ernie St. Claire tries to catch a large salmon in Oregon's Rogue River.
On the Track
This documentary explores the history of the railroads In America and their potential role in the post war era.
New Horizons
Production for the Seaboard Railroad company outlining their railroad activities in the 1940s and heading into the 1950s
New Horizons
Production for the Seaboard Railroad company outlining their railroad activities in the 1940s and heading into the 1950s
Further Prophecies of Nostradamus
This short film applies the prophecies of Nostradamus to events of World War II.
Forbidden Passage
This MGM Crime Does Not Pay series short looks at the U.S. Department of Immigration's efforts to halt the smuggling of illegal aliens into the country. Desperate immigrants, tired of waiting for legal entry, pay exorbitant fees and risk a grisly death to enter by illegal means.
Forbidden Passage
Original Story
This MGM Crime Does Not Pay series short looks at the U.S. Department of Immigration's efforts to halt the smuggling of illegal aliens into the country. Desperate immigrants, tired of waiting for legal entry, pay exorbitant fees and risk a grisly death to enter by illegal means.
Know Your Money
This MGM Crime Does Not Pay series short tells the fictitious story of a bill counterfeiting ring and explores the government's attempt to curb counterfeiting.
Know Your Money
Original Story
This MGM Crime Does Not Pay series short tells the fictitious story of a bill counterfeiting ring and explores the government's attempt to curb counterfeiting.
Men in Fright
Original Story
The kids go to the hospital to visit Darla, who's recovering from a tonsillectomy. Chaos soon ensues.
A look at various predictions Nostradamus made, such as the American and French Revolutions.
What Do You Think? Tupapaoo
An American trader disrupts life on a Polynesian island.
Life in Sometown, U.S.A.
A satirical visualization of strange and forgotten, but (at that time) nevertheless still existing laws in the U.S.A.
What Do You Think? (Number Three)
This short looks at the possibility that those who have passed on can communicate with us in ways we least expect.
What Do You Think? (Number Two)
This short presents the possibility that a dead person's spirit can intervene in the lives of the living.
I'll Name the Murderer
Original Music Composer
Gossip columnist Tommy Tilton, who excels in slinging nonsense about, is not a timid bluffer when it comes to coaxing out a murderer.