Chieko Honda
Рождение : 1963-03-28, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan
Смерть : 2013-02-18
Chieko Honda was a Japanese voice actress. During her career, she was affiliated with Haikyou and Max Mix. At the time of her death in 2013, she was attached to Aoni Production.
Kozue Kaoru (voice)
Девушка не стала покорно ждать своего принца — она решила сама стать принцем. Что получила она в награду или в наказание за свою дерзость? Титул Победителя Дуэлей и вместе с ним — переходящий трофей, прелестную Невесту Роз, которая была живой собственностью победителей. Две девушки, кружащиеся в восхитительном танце под водопадом из лепестков роз — было ли это зарождением любви? Фильм оставляет больше вопросов, чем дает ответов, и может быть на самом деле это история не о любви, а о силе, способной изменить мир. Впрочем, иногда это одно и то же.
Kurumi Kasuga (voice)
Для главных героев прошло несколько лет. Таинственный телефонный звонок нарушает покой и предупреждает Кёсукэ Касугу об опасности встречных автомобилей, однако юноша не придаёт этому никакого значения. По иронии судьбы он всё-таки попадает под машину. После столкновения с автомобилем юноша из-за своих телепатических способностей отправляется на три года в будущее, в котором он, будучи 22-летним фотографом, отправился в Боснию и пропал там без вести, после чего в Японии был признан погибшим. Молодой человек начинает искать себя из будущего, чтобы вернуться в правильное время. По пути он встречает старую подругу Хикару, которая сейчас является профессиональной и знаменитой танцовщицей. В то же время Мадока впадает в уныние из-за того, что друг детства пропал. В этой истории главные герои пересекутся вновь, и отношения Мадоки и Кёсукэ будут страстными как никогда.
Little Girl (voice)
Silhouettes are robots controlled by human thoughts, originally created to help mankind. When human thoughts turn lustful, Silhouettes can be very dangerous! Rika and Sandy, two Silhouette scientists, are drawn into the world of sex crime, to uncover the evil men who have perverted their creations and they will become the next victims of the lusty Silhouettes. Based on the game by Forest
First Loves/Kakyuusei OAV (1995) is mainly centered on Kakeru and his relationship with four girls from his high school. It focuses on one girl per episode - the cute and friendly Urara, the forsaken tennis girl Rie, the dog-owning painter Hikari and the tough-fighting motorcycle girl. Which girl will Kakeru choose to be with by the end ?
Irene (voice)
Mariko, codenamed "Rose Marie", is a leader of an anti-terrorism group, CAT (Counter Attack Terrorism). She lost her husband and son in a terrorist bomb attack at an airport. Also suffering injuries in the blast, she was left with a scar that looked like a rose flower on her chest. A secret summit conference is due to be held in Switzerland, with Marie's team deployed as security. However, it becomes clear terrorists have already made a move to sabotage the meeting...
Nami Yakumo
Straight to video
Yohko trains to become a good devil hunter. Nearby a local construction site destroys a forest in which sleeping spirits lie. The spirits are disturbed by this and start harassing the construction workers. Azusa Kanzaki, a Devil Hunter in training, is introduced. Azusa came to become an apprentice to Yohko. The two team up to fight against the spirits that are harassing the workers.
Mitty (voice)
Take the characters from a number of sci-fi based animes, a stage not unlike "Wacky Races," super deformed madness, and general insanity and what you get is Scramble Wars. While Scramble Wars does include characters from the original Bubblegum Crisis, Gall Force and Genesis Survivor Gaiarth, it also has a few other characters from other animes such as AD Police and Riding Bean.
Mary Bell (voice)
Mary Bell, Yuri, Ken, Ribbon, and Tambourine go to Flower Land to see Toto (the Phoenix) on his birthday.
Nami Yamigumo (voice)
After the death of her mother Katsumi wants nothing more to do with this horrible place known as Tokyo. Forced into staying an infuriated Katsumi returns to AMP HQ where chief Rally Cheyenne pleads with her to stay and join the team. However, her pleading falls on deaf ears as Katsumi exclaims that she wants nothing more to do with them, leaving to find another way home. Meanwhile the Demons taking over Tokyo begin their final move against humanity and the AMP. They realize that the key to opening their demon world lies within Katsumi. Her unwanted abilities mean everything to them and without her their plan would fail. The stage is set once again on the destroyed Tokyo Bay Bridge. Will Katsumi choose her destiny and defend her new found friend or will she fall to the weakness and despair within her?
Francesca (voice)
Based on the novel Tottòi by Gianni Padoan. Sardinia is abundant in beautiful beaches and mysterious caves which are known as the habitat of a peculiar kind of seal on the verge of extinction. After moving to this island, Tottoi, fascinated by nature, visits different beaches and caves everyday. When he finds a seal cub and its mother in an isolated cave, he is surprised by the humorous movements and innocence of the cub and the dignity of its mother. Tottoi soon becomes attached to the seals, but his secret is revealed to heartless adults. In the name of preservation, a plan is developed to capture them for an aquarium. Now the dignity and pride of the wild seal are in danger. No matter how painful for Tottoi to be separated from his small friends, he must fight for the welfare of the wild mammals and let them go free into the sea.
A high school student's father re-enters his life and brings along his famous new wife and daughter.
Born of legendary origins, the young Madara has grown up in obscurity as an apprentice blacksmith. An encounter with the demonic Mouki reveals his destiny, and catapults him into the middle of a mystic quest. Madara fights for revenge with the help of freedom fighters, magical swords and Kirin, the master of the Majin. His goal is to defeat his brother and then overthrow his father, the despotic Miroku.
Nami Yamigumo (voice)
In a futuristic Tokyo, several policewomen fight a monster. One of them, Katsumi Liqueur, remembers where she saw it before... Katsumi Liqueur, an American-born woman of Japanese descent, travels to Tokyo to visit her mother, Fuyuka, who is sick in the hospital. She takes a shortcut through an alley after her taxi gets stuck in traffic, only to encounter a monster and two policewomen fighting it. Later, she meets their chief, Rally Cheyenne, who, it seems, has been expecting her, though Katsumi has never met her before. The policewomen want Katsumi to help them fight the monster, but Katsumi, who does not want to believe in magic, resists.
Yohko Mano is introduced. Yohko goes about her daily life; day dreaming about a cute guy named Hideki. Yohko learns that her family has a long history of being devil hunters. But this time the demons decide to take out the next devil hunter before she can fight back. After a failed attempt to take Yohko's virginity (so that she can't become a devil hunter), the demons decide to use Hideki as bait. Yohko must become the 108th devil hunter and rescue the man of her dreams. The English-dubbed "Special Edition" of this episode restores approximately 30 seconds of assorted footage that was cut from the final Japanese print of the film.
Yukari Tsuji (voice)
Hidden deep in the ancient Himalayan Mountains, a beautiful Princess is found in the ice. Frozen, but still alive, the quirky Dr. Aikawa revives the sensual Princess in his own special way. Now that the lovely Princess Surya has been brought back to life, the fun begins. With love struck eyes, Ryu, Dr. Aikawa's son, decides he must master the 48 positions of the ancient art of love, as described in the classic Indian text, the Kama Sutra. But little does he realize how much trouble a beautiful Princess can be, until he finds he must protect her from the vicious Indian cult, the Mali Clan.
A strange relationship develops between college-boy Yusuke and the beautiful twins, Yuika and Rika, he saves from a wild dog. The girls falls for their dauntless hero, but Yusuke is pathologically scared of women
Mitty (voice)
After the completion of Operation Exodus,the Earth-based forces must survive long enough for the Mars re-inforcements. During this time, Sandy Newman and her squad face a challenge to their military training in the form of a quasi-religious group called Geo Chris which endeavours to make the Earth green once more. Unknown to them, the plans Mars have drawn up will kill the machines and the forces fighting against them.
Natsuki Taga/ Barcas's Aide (voice)
История повествует о жизни обычного японского школьника по имени Cё Фукамати, случайно нашедшего блок био-брони, сделавший его почти всесильным и почти неуязвимым. Корпорация Кронос, желая заполучить данный артефакт и имея практически неограниченные возможности, начинает прибегать к самым изощренным мерам, дабы вернуть то, что принадлежит им по праву.
Mitty (voice)
The last remaining human soldiers of a devastated Earth fight against the machines for one last chance for their species to escape and survive.
Chelsea (voice)
Современный Чикаго. Бандит Боб (это не сокращение от «Роберт», а перевод прозвища «Bean») — профессиональный курьер. Что угодно, куда угодно, побольше денег и никаких вопросов. Преступление? Не проблема. Вместе со своей помощницей Ралли Винсент он готов на любое дело. Трудности не заставляют себя ждать. Боб должен доставить по адресу 10-летнюю девочку, однако оказывается, что он помогает ее похитить. И теперь вся чикагская полиция объявляет на него охоту…
Miku Himuro (voice)
Parts 3 & 4. When high school student Masato discovers that his parents aren't really his parents and that he's been selected to pilot the giant robot Zeorymer, he decides he must fight the evil corporation that built it. Unfortunately, the bad guys have already launched the mysterious Hades Project, and their giant robots outnumber Masato 7-to-1 in this Japanese animé series.
Amy (voice)
The remaining forces of the Solnoid and the Paranoid races now head toward Sigma Narse, a forgotten star system with a dying red giant for their final confrontation. The crew of five Solnoids who survived the battle at the ninth star system are sent to meet Capt. Nebulart, head of Intelligence, for what appears to be the last hope for both races.
Rulishia (voice)
Hokkaido, 1991, a series of murders take place and dragons suddenly begin appearing in the skies. The Japanese SDF begins shooting the dragons out of the sky, holding them responsible for the murders. A troubled young girl is suddenly entrusted with the care of a hatchling dragon, hoping to raise him for destruction. Everyone will soon learn who the true culprits are and why the dragons have appeared.
Kurumi Kasuga (voice)
Быть ребенком – прекрасно, но рано или поздно человек сталкивается с необходимостью взросления. Не избежали этой участи и герои «Капризов Апельсиновой улицы». Кёсукэ Касуга наконец-то понял, что настало время проститься с детской безответственностью и научиться принимать решения, какими бы тяжелыми они ни были. Теперь ему предстоит на собственном опыте познать смысл изречения «счастья без боли не бывает»... Хватит ли у Кёсукэ сил пройти путь мужчины до конца? Если да, то примут ли окружающие его выбор? Ответы вы узнаете, посмотрев развязку классического сериала, в свое время задавшего многие стандарты аниме-индустрии.
Amy (voice)
A super deformed parody which depicts the "making of " Eternal Story and Destruction. A very humorous behind-the-scenes look (if "Gall Force" were a live-action series instead of being animated).
Emi (voice)
In the 24th century, on the war-torn planet Maris the conniving Queen Adama abducts Apple, a member of an heroic trio known as the White Knights, and imprisons her in the infamous Zone. Even though no one has ever returned alive from the Zone — and despite the low ammo at their disposal — the other knights follow their companion. What they find there, however, is an enigmatic figure with a mind-bending revelation...
When Lynn's mother dies, she makes the promise that some day she will become a Lady, and travels to England to meet the rest of the family. She is not very welcomed (specially at the start by her stepsister Sara), but after some time they are all a happy family. Lynn is also very interested in horses and racing, and she wins a nice share of contests.
Miku Himuro (voice)
Parts 1 & 2. When high school student Masato discovers that his parents aren't really his parents and that he's been selected to pilot the giant robot Zeorymer, he decides he must fight the evil corporation that built it. Unfortunately, the bad guys have already launched the mysterious Hades Project, and their giant robots outnumber Masato 7-to-1 in this Japanese animé series.
Koyama Megumi (voice)
Рики Хёдо — обычный ученик старшей школы, но от других его отличает его невероятная сила. Он был участником клуба кунг-фу, но, победив всех в клубе, включая и своего сэнсэя, решил бросить его. Вскоре, однако, его невероятной силой героя заинтересовывается сам владыка тьмы... Как же выкрутится Рики?
Amy (voice)
The war between Solnoids and Paranoids continues, but the conflict reaches a new height as both races complete their Planet Destroyers. This new technology wipes out several star systems leaving only the ninth star system undamaged. As both races head towards it, a Solnoid ship finds Lufy, an attacker cryogenically preserved inside an assault trooper among space debris. Reawakened, Lufy is invited to join a group of Solnoids who are set to complete the original secret mission of her former crew.
Kaori (voice)
Makoto is the driver of a rag-tag Formula X racing team competing in the bottom rung D-Class, with aspirations of one day making it to A-Class. When a mysterious benefactor sees potential in them, he offers his engineering services and shiny new engine to help them compete in the Open Cup. This yearly event is open to all classes and the winner automatically earns A-Class standing.
Ruu (voice)
Muscat Tyler is the 108th prince of the Galaxy Empire, who is known as the eccentric persons. He travels around the universe accompanying a Walking Arsenal, K.K, and Lu of the Light Wing Race, the strongest creature in the universe. Where they go, there is a trouble.