Marie-Hélène Lentini

Marie-Hélène Lentini

Рождение : , Perpignan, Pyrénées-Orientales, France


Marie-Hélène Lentini


Самая безумная свадьба
Собрались как-то араб, китаец, африканец и еврей сыграть свадьбу. И сыграли… с дочерьми одной добропорядочной французской пары. Продолжение уморительной неполиткорректной комедии о злоключениях семьи Клода и Мари Верней, чьи дочери выбрали себе мужей «неправильной» национальности. В этот раз несчастным буржуа придется столкнуться с еще более серьезным испытанием. И то, что их первый внук окажется черней самого черного сенегальца, будет не самой большой их проблемой!
Artem Silendi
Soeur Marie-Hélène
Fleur de cactus
Mrs. Durand-Bénéchol
Coiffure et confidences
Welcome, Kaniusha
A teacher goes the distance to help a new student whose family is threatened with deportation.
La cage aux folles
Mrs Dieulafoi, mother of Muriel
"La Cage aux Folles" is a club which has a transvestite show, starring Zaza (whose real name Albin). It forms Renato old homosexual couple. The latter was previously a son, Laurent, who announces his future marriage with the daughter of a deputy. The meeting with the conservative politician is unavoidable ...
Another Woman
Before Nicholas had a family and children, he was a doctor. It was 10 years ago when he left them to create a new life. Now Nicholas is Lea. When a business trip brings Lea to Paris the urge to see her children again is too great to resist, Lea pretends to be a musical journalist and interviews her daughter Emma, a pianist. Through gradual revelation the children learn the truth. Lea’s unwavering determination and spirit lead her to find reconciliation with her family no matter what the price.
La juge Beaulieu
Sophie Beaulieu, examining magistrate, cannot manage to find the limits between her work and her family life. The boundaries are further blurred when, following the violent death of her son, the judge finds herself involved in the investigation. Beaulieu thinks he knows who the murderer is, but he manages to escape justice.