Reza Davoudnejad


A Minor
Nadi loves playing music, but her father is a staunch opponent of music, and the story of her problems begins here...
La minor
Laminar, means the first step and chords that guitar learners learn. This movie is about a girl musician.
Without Her
Roya and Babak are a young couple who intend to emigrate from Iran. Roya's encounter with an anonymous girl is the beginning of strange events in their life.
Reza is a divorced author who is trying to adopt to his new life after divorce while he finds a new romance.
Sweet Agony 2
The story of "Sweet Agony 2" is the sequel to "Sweet Agony"
An 18 years old girl comes to Tehran to take a picture with an 8 Billion Tomans Ferrari, but that will put her in some more troubles.
Actors Studio
The story is about a family who their only interest is money and fortunes, so they forget about family relationships and respect.
Everything is Calm
A comedy directed by Mostafa Mansouryar.
The Big Trouble
'The Big Trouble' is a delightful comedy brimming with action, suspense and countless moments of laughter. A group of amateur crooks find themselves working with a helpless womanizer who, as it happens, is also a successful criminal - all in the aid of uniting and stopping their internal disputes. The unforgettably animated performances of the cast highlight their clumsy efforts to steal money and an assortment of other valuables. Coupled with their remarkable failures, this team of unlawful amateurs are masters at causing trouble.
Ehteram is a wealthy old lady who lives with her grand son in a villa in the north of Iran. One day her sister Ashraf Sadat comes to visit her from Tehran but she actually is after her grand daughter.
Nish O Zanboor
Two swindlers who mostly deceive old rich ladies fall in trap while their families are unaware of their source of income.
Twenty years after their relationship ends, Atta and Nazanin reconnect. Atta, now a taxi driver, is completely besotted with cars, while Nazanin is now obsessed with dogs. However, this only scratches the surface of their vast differences. As they become embroiled in a complicated series of car chases and twists, it is uncertain whether the two will put aside their misgivings about one another. A comedic drama with plenty of thrills, this film offers something for all audiences.
Left Handed
Four women from various walks of life attempt to embezzle money from a credit institution
Наше время
Документальный фильм, освещающий участие женщин в политической жизни и их участие в иранских выборах 2001 года.
Banooye Kuchak
A grieving woman dealing with the loss of her son seeks therapy to move on
Bachehaye bad
When best friends Reza and Siavash pick up a mysterious, deadly young woman on the north road out of the city, they cannot hope to comprehend the chilling events that are to follow them on their journey. Caught up in a strange calamitous world, one preceded by a terrible accident in the past, the friends find themselves alone in the forest with their enigmatic passenger and the heart of a perplexing mystery in this gripping, twisting drama.
Sweet Agony
A boy and a girl, betrothed since childhood, are still fond of each other as teenagers.
Khiyabanhaye Aram