After years abroad, a naval officer reunites with his mother, who has planned an arranged marriage to a beautiful and affluent heiress. But, he is madly in love with another woman. They say love is blind. Can he have the love of his life?
Erotic tangles forced Fani and Panai to leave from Athens to Chalkida, there they await new adventures with women, which will result in marriage, but Panai will escape the wedding night.
В современной Греции отец Алексиса — чрезвычайно богатый судоходный магнат — женится на молоденькой девушке Федре. Когда Алексис встречает свою мачеху, между ними вспыхивает страсть, и они начинают встречаться…
A barber wants to marry his daughter to a scientist. He believes that he has found the proper candidate in the face of a trainee lawyer.
A young lean teacher is hired as a philologist at a private girls' school and is confronted with the spoiled girls. A beautiful schoolgirl, Liza Papastavrou, is constantly harassing the newcomer and he undertakes to comply with it. Lisa tries to avenge the professor with a few mischief..