Gladys George

Gladys George

Рождение : 1900-09-13, Patten, Maine, U.S.

Смерть : 1954-12-08


Gladys George was an American actress. George went on the stage at the age of 3 and toured the United States, appearing with her parents. She starred on stage in the 1920s, although she had made several films in the early part of that decade. She starred in Personal Appearance, a comedy by Lawrence Riley. This role was reprised by Mae West in the classic film, Go West, Young Man, which West adapted from the play. In 1936 George was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress for Valiant Is the Word for Carrie. George's Broadway credits include The Distant City, Lady in Waiting, and The Betrothal. Her only other first billed roles were in Madame X (1937) and Love is a Headache.[6] She also appeared in The Roaring Twenties (1939), The Way of All Flesh (1940), The Best Years of Our Lives (1946) and He Ran All the Way (1951). She played the widow of Miles Archer (Iva Archer) in The Maltese Falcon and Mme. Du Barry in Marie Antoinette. Her last successful roles were as Lute Mae Sanders in Flamingo Road, her brief appearance as the corrupt nurse Miss Hatch in Detective Story, and Lullaby of Broadway as the alcoholic mother of Doris Day's wholesome character. Description above from the Wikipedia article Gladys George, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Gladys George
Gladys George


It Happens Every Thursday
Mrs. Holmes
New York reporter Bob MacAvoy is persuaded by pregnant wife Jane to buy a broken-down weekly newspaper in Eden, California. They have humorous problems with small town mores and eccentric citizens. But their schemes to increase circulation get them in over their heads.
Silver City
Mrs. Barber
Having masterminded the hold up of his company office, a mining engineer is barred from the industry. He then sets up shop as an assayer, scheming to acquire a rich silver mine lease from its operators.
Детективная история
Miss Hatch
Фильм рассказывает о детективе МакЛеоде, который жесток и бескомпромиссен по отношению ко всем нарушителям закона. Он даже готов пойти на крайние меры и выбить из подозреваемых признание, если на них не набирается достаточно улик. Нелегально занимающийся врачебной практикой Шнейдер долгое время ходит у МакЛеода в подозреваемых. Несмотря на отсутствие серьезных улик и свидетелей, детектив мечтает посадить доктора в тюрьму.
He Ran All the Way
Mrs. Robey
A crook on the run hides out in an innocent girl's apartment.
Lullaby of Broadway
Jessica Howard
Pretty Melinda Howard has been abroad singing with a musical troupe. She decides to return home to surprise her mother whom she thinks is a successful Broadway star with a mansion in Manhattan. She doesn't know that her mother is actually a burnt-out cabaret singer with a love for whiskey. When she arrives at the mansion, she is taken in by the two servants who are friends of her mother's. The house actually belongs to Adolph Hubbell, a kind-hearted Broadway producer who also gets drawn into the charade. Hubbell takes a shine to Melinda and agrees to star her in his next show. Melinda also finds romance with a handsome hoofer who's also in the show. All is going well for Melinda except that she wants to see her mother who keeps putting off their reunion.
Undercover Girl
After her father is murdered, a girl joins the police force in an effort to track down the killers.
Яркий лист
В 1894 году Брант Роял возвращается в южный город, который он вынужден был оставить с отцом из-за Синглтона, крупнейшего и богатейшего предпринимателя табачной отрасли. Роял, среди прочих планов, собирается жениться на дочери Синглтона, Маргарет, и принять в качестве приданного шикарный особняк «Яркий лист». Брант получает финансовую поддержку и возможность конкурировать с продукцией Синглтона. Наводнят ли рынок сигареты Рояла? Выберет он любовь или холодный расчет?
Flamingo Road
Lute Mae Sanders
A stranded carnival dancer takes on a corrupt political boss when she marries into small-town society.
Alias a Gentleman
Madge Parkson
Aging ex-con tries to stop his daughter from getting involved with shady characters.
Millie's Daughter
Millie Maitland
An errant mother tries to teach her daughter to avoid the same errors she made by choosing a different lifestyle.
Лучшие годы нашей жизни
Hortense Derry
Фильм рассказывает историю о трех офицерах американской армии, которые с войны возвращаются домой к своим семьям. Эл, Фред и Хомер — эта история о них, у Эла дома жена и двое уже подросших детей, которые как раз вступают во взрослую жизнь, он пытается наверстать упущенное, узнать их заново и вновь завоевать семейную любовь и доверие, по возвращению его приглашают работать в банке на более высокую должность, нежели он был до того как отправился на войну. У Фреда в свою очередь красавица жена, которая начала самостоятельную жизнь, уехав от родителей Фреда и поселившись в отеле и как видимо не очень то скучала без мужа, к тому же на работу Фреда брать не торопятся и у него, серьезные финансовые проблемы, после совместной выпивки в баре Фред попадает домой к Элу и там он влюбляется в дочь Эла, Пегги.
Steppin' in Society
Penelope Webster
In this crime comedy, a prominent judge's vacation is interrupted during a sudden storm that forces him to seek refuge in a shady nightclub where he is mistaken by the mobsters for a highly esteemed racketeer.
Рождественские каникулы
Valerie de Merode
Лейтенант Чарльз Мэйсон от которого недавно ушла жена, оказывается вместе с компанией друзей в Новоорлеанском публичном доме. Здесь он встречает певицу Джекки Ламонт - женщину с таинственным прошлым. Ее настоящее имя - Абигейл Монетт, а ее муж - Роберт Монетт отбывает наказание втюрьме за убийство. Роберт бежит из тюрьмы, чтобы отомстить супруге заизмену. Тем временем Джекки мечтает начать новую жизнь. Она ужестроит планы в отношении лейтенанта, в которого искренне влюблена.
Minstrel Man
Mae White
Unusually elaborate for a PRC film, Minstrel Man is a lively musical drama built around the talents of veteran vaudevillian Benny Fields. The star is cast as Dixie Boy Johnson, who rises from the ranks of minstrel shows to become a top Broadway attraction. On the opening night of his greatest stage triumph, Dixie Boy's wife dies in childbirth. Profoundly shaken, he walks out of the show, leaving the baby to be raised by his showbiz pals Mae and Lasses White (Gladys George, Roscoe Karns). The kid grows up to be an attractive young woman named Caroline (Judy Clark), who follows in her dad's footsteps by billing herself as-that's right-Dixie Girl Johnson. This leads to a tearful reunion between Caroline and the father she'd long assumed to be dead. If Minstrel Man seems at times to be a dress rehearsal for Columbia's The Jolson Story (1946), it shouldn't surprising: the PRC film was directed by Joseph H. Lewis, who went on to helm Jolson Story's musical highlights.
Nobody's Darling
Eve Hawthorne
Ugly duckling Janie Farnsworth is a student at Pennington High School, and has a crush on Charles Grant, Jr., who is the writer and producer of the upcoming school play. But Chuck thinks that she is too untalented and unglamorous to have a part in his production....
The Crystal Ball
Madame Zenobia
A young woman pretends to be a fortune teller in order to find romance.
The Hard Way
Lily Emery
Helen Chernen pushes her younger sister Katherine into show business in order to escape their small town poverty.
Мальтийский сокол
Iva Archer
Частный детектив Сэм Спэйд начинает смертельную охоту за таинственно исчезнувшей бесценной статуэткой «мальтийского сокола». Эта реликвия пришла в современный мир из глубины веков и символизирует собою возможность управления людьми, народами, странами. Человечеством, в конце концов. Более-менее подкованному человеку известно, что миром правят секретные ордены и организации, а поэтому интерес к этой теме вечен и непререкаем.
Hit the Road
Molly Ryan
Kids look to get revenge when their fathers are all killed in a mob war.
The Lady from Cheyenne
Fictionalized story of the 1869 adoption of women's suffrage in Wyoming Territory. In the new-founded railroad town of Laraville, Boss Jim Cork hopes to manipulate the sale of town lots to give him control, but Quaker schoolmarm Annie Morgan bags one of the key lots. Cork's lawyer Steve Lewis tries romancing Annie to get the lot back, finding her so overpoweringly liberated she leaves him dizzy. Still, Steve attains his nefarious object...almost...then has cause to deeply regret having aroused the sleeping giant of feminism!
The Way of All Flesh
Anna Kriza
Paul Kriza is a cashier of a bank in a small town, and the happy husband of Anna and the father of four children. He is sent to New York to deliver some securities for the bank. There, he is tagged as easy-pickings by a con-game gang and Mary Brown, gang accomplice, proves he is. Waking up in the morning he discovers he has been robbed of the securities and, when he confronts the gang, he is hit on the head and taken out to be left on a railroad track. He comes to, struggles with the henchman and the man is killed when a train comes roaring by. Paul escapes but his watch is found and he is reported as the dead man. But he can't go home again.
The House Across the Bay
Mary Bogel
Nightclub owner Steve Larwitt (George Raft) sees his empire of investments collapse as he faces tax evasion charges and attacks by rivals. Believing Steve will be safer in prison for one year, his wife, Brenda (Joan Bennett), testifies against him on advice from his lawyer, Slant Kolma (Lloyd Nolan), who is in love with her. After Steve receives 10 years in Alcatraz, Brenda moves to be near him and avoids advances of airplane builder Tim Nolan (Walter Pidgeon), who knows nothing about her past.
A Child Is Born
Florette Laverne
A pregnant prison inmate shares her problems with the patients in a maternity ward.
Ревущие двадцатые, или Судьба солдата в Америке
Panama Smith
Шли «ревущие 20-е» годы, время, когда спор решали пулями, а автоматные очереди все чаще нарушали тишину улиц. Вернувшиеся в Чикаго по окончании Первой мировой войны, Джордж и Эдди начинают сколачивать свои капиталы, торгуя контрабандным спиртным и организовав крупную банду. Их рэкет процветает, пока «здоровая» конкуренция не вмешивается в их дружбу. Выясняется, что уложить всех вокруг себя гораздо проще, чем договориться…
Here I Am a Stranger
Clara Paulding
The story of a young man's discovery of his father.
I'm from Missouri
Julie Bliss
Sweeney Bliss, champion mule raiser in Missouri, takes his prize mule Samson to London, where the British government is trying to decide whether to buy mules or tractors for its colonial troops. He is accompanied by his ritzy wife Julie who has high society aspirations and hopes to have her younger sister Lola Pike marry a British diplomat. Complicating matters is a business rival, Porgie Rowe, who is trying to sell tractors to the government and keeps knocking Sweeney's prize Missouri mules.
Mme. du Barry
16 мая 1770 г. 15-летняя Мария-Антуанетта была выдана матерью-императрицей Австрии замуж за Луи Августа, наследника трона Франции. Супруг не вызвал у возвышенной девушки восхищения: одутловатый и туповатый - он только раздражал юную принцессу. Еще больше расстраивали Марию ехидный, извращенный и больной король Людовик XV и его фаворитка - интриганка мадемуазель дю Барри, почувствовавшая угрозу со стороны будущей королевы. Следуя совету герцога Орлеанского, Мария ищет развлечения в светской бурлящей жизни и состоит в любовной связи с графом Акселем де Ферсеном. Однажды дело доходит до скандала, когда Мария публично на балу оскорбляет дю Барри, ее даже намерены с позором отправить обратно в Австрию, но король внезапно умирает, и Мария становится королевой Франции
Love Is a Headache
Carlotta 'Charlie' Lee
A press agent for a Broadway actress whose career is going downhill, attempts to get her some publicity by having her adopt two orphans, without her knowledge.
Мадам Икс
Jacqueline Fleuriot / Miss Pran / Madame X
Жаклин Флорио, жена дипломата закрутила роман и по этой причине вынуждена оставить мужа и сына. После этого она погружается в пучину разврата, в проституцию, шантаж и, в конечном итоге, становится подозреваемой в убийстве. Её сын Рэймонд, к тому времени уже взрослый мужчина и известный адвокат, призван быть её защитником. Он не знает, что женщина, которую он защищает, — его давно потерянная мать, а Жаклин пытается скрыть своё прошлое от успешного сына.
The Romance of Celluloid
Several behind the scenes aspects of the movie-making business, which results in the enjoyment the movie going public has in going to the theater, are presented. They include: the production of celluloid aka film stock, the materials used in the production of which include cotton and silver; construction crews who build sets including those to look like cities, towns and villages around the world; a visit with Jack Dawn who demonstrates the process of creating a makeup design; the screen testing process, where many an acting hopeful gets his/her start; the work of the candid camera man, the prying eyes behind the movie camera; a visit with Adrian, who designs the clothes worn by many of the stars on screen; and a visit with Herbert Stothart as he conducts his musical score for Conquest (1937). These behind the scenes looks provide the opportunity to get acquainted with the cavalcade of MGM stars and their productions that will grace the silver screen in the 1937/38 movie season.
They Gave Him a Gun
Rose Duffy
With no other prospects, a World War I veteran puts the skills they taught him in the War to use.
Valiant Is the Word for Carrie
Carrie Snyder
Carrie Snyder is a prostitute, who is forced out of the fictional southern town of Crebillon, after forming a friendship with a young boy named Paul, whose dying mother is unable to protest against her son visiting such a woman. After Carrie has left town Paul runs away from his abusive father, and meets a girl named Lady who has run away from a burning trainwreck, not wanting to go back to the people she was with. Carrie comes back for Paul and ends up taking Paul and Lady to New York with her.
Straight Is the Way
Just out of prison, Benny Horowitz tries to go straight. Things are complicated by his former girlfriend and his former gangster buddies.
The House That Jazz Built
Lila Drake
Cora and Frank Rodham are happily married until Frank lands a lucrative position. He doesn't want to see his pretty wife slaving away at domestic chores so he hires servants to do the work for her. As a result, Cora becomes fat and lazy. Frank is very unhappy with his wife's change in attitude and appearance and starts to take an interest in her friend, Lila Drake, who is secretly just as lazy.
Below the Surface
A widely respected deep-sea diver is approached by a ring of con artists who want him to be the front man for a phony scheme to recover gold from sunken ships. When he refuses, they send a sexy young woman to seduce his son, and then blackmail the father into going along with their scheme.
The Woman in the Suitcase
Mary Moreland discovers the photograph of a woman not her mother in her father's suitcase and sets out to find her in hopes of returning her father to his rightful place in the family.