Giedrė Beinoriūtė


Sauna That Wasn't There
Despite turning 30 this year, there are still some myths and legends about the Faculty of Film and Television yet to be uncovered.
Breathing Into Marble
Based on a Lithuanian writer’s novel “Breathing Into Marble” the film focuses on the challenges of a modern family. It is a romantic ballad with the plot of a thriller. Izabele and Liudas – itellectuals living in a homestead near a big city and raising the son, Gailius, who has a case of epilepsy and is smarter than most children his age. Izabele convinces her husband to adopt a six-year-old boy who is unable to put down roots in this new family and always fights for mother’s attention. Director Giedrė Beinoriūtė speaks about relationships, invisible bonds connecting our lives and responsibility for each other.
Breathing Into Marble
Based on a Lithuanian writer’s novel “Breathing Into Marble” the film focuses on the challenges of a modern family. It is a romantic ballad with the plot of a thriller. Izabele and Liudas – itellectuals living in a homestead near a big city and raising the son, Gailius, who has a case of epilepsy and is smarter than most children his age. Izabele convinces her husband to adopt a six-year-old boy who is unable to put down roots in this new family and always fights for mother’s attention. Director Giedrė Beinoriūtė speaks about relationships, invisible bonds connecting our lives and responsibility for each other.
Conversations on Serious Topics
Conversations On Serious Topics is a film without exterior action, props, landscapes or special effects. Its main characters are children and teenagers with a special ability to describe the surrounding world. Intimate conversations with them reveal the picture of the modern world -- at times melancholic, at times comical, at times dramatic. Shot in a minimalist fashion, the film raises questions about loneliness, love, God, the world and human relations. "The world is people." "Don't you believe in God? I can teach you how to start believing..."
Waiting that makes you grow up. Saule (15) and Liucija (6) are two sisters living alone, waiting for their parents who have temporarily gone to London in search of work. The biggest responsibility falls on older Saule's shoulders - she must take care of Liucija, look after home while dealing with the usual issues of a teenager's life. With so much on her plate and the huge stress Saule is unable to fit in with her peers. The girls do their best to live on their own and struggle with reality but sometimes being a grown-up is just too hard.
Советская Литва в восьмидесятые годы. В маленьком городе живет девочка Эмилия с мамой, по соседству поселяется мальчик Роланас с отцом. Эмилия и Роланас подружились, но так как дети стесняются ходить в гости друг к другу, то всё общение происходит на балконе через перегородку, которая разделяет их квартиры. Трагические события прекращают встречи на балконе, и дети ищут другие способы общения.
Vulkanovka. After the Great Cinema
Vulkanovka is a poor village in Crimean steppe, as local people say, forgotten by God and by people. Nonetheless that place came very much alive when famous Lithuanian film director Sharunas Bartas crew stayed here for almost two years filming Seven Invisible Men. Most of local people helped filmmakers a good deal. But the Grand Cinema left and probably won’t come back. So the life of Vulkanovka returned to its usual routine. But it’s not for everyone. Film director Giedre Beinoriute with her crew came to Vulkanovka nine months later. In her documentary people speak about their “cinematographic” experience with great enthusiasm. They tell about how it was and how it was different from their earlier understanding about filmmaking. Different moods and people’s openness in the film are interwoven into daily life of Vulkanovka with its rituals of caws’ feeding, shopping in the only shop “Produkty”, collecting metal and other.
Vulkanovka. After the Great Cinema
Vulkanovka is a poor village in Crimean steppe, as local people say, forgotten by God and by people. Nonetheless that place came very much alive when famous Lithuanian film director Sharunas Bartas crew stayed here for almost two years filming Seven Invisible Men. Most of local people helped filmmakers a good deal. But the Grand Cinema left and probably won’t come back. So the life of Vulkanovka returned to its usual routine. But it’s not for everyone. Film director Giedre Beinoriute with her crew came to Vulkanovka nine months later. In her documentary people speak about their “cinematographic” experience with great enthusiasm. They tell about how it was and how it was different from their earlier understanding about filmmaking. Different moods and people’s openness in the film are interwoven into daily life of Vulkanovka with its rituals of caws’ feeding, shopping in the only shop “Produkty”, collecting metal and other.
Vulkanovka. After the Great Cinema
Vulkanovka is a poor village in Crimean steppe, as local people say, forgotten by God and by people. Nonetheless that place came very much alive when famous Lithuanian film director Sharunas Bartas crew stayed here for almost two years filming Seven Invisible Men. Most of local people helped filmmakers a good deal. But the Grand Cinema left and probably won’t come back. So the life of Vulkanovka returned to its usual routine. But it’s not for everyone. Film director Giedre Beinoriute with her crew came to Vulkanovka nine months later. In her documentary people speak about their “cinematographic” experience with great enthusiasm. They tell about how it was and how it was different from their earlier understanding about filmmaking. Different moods and people’s openness in the film are interwoven into daily life of Vulkanovka with its rituals of caws’ feeding, shopping in the only shop “Produkty”, collecting metal and other.
Trolleybus City
The documentary reveals the relationship between Vilnius public transport ticket inspectors and freeride passengers and at the same time it comments on our own daily rut, unfulfilled dreams and desire of a better life.
Trolleybus City
The documentary reveals the relationship between Vilnius public transport ticket inspectors and freeride passengers and at the same time it comments on our own daily rut, unfulfilled dreams and desire of a better life.
Trolleybus City
The documentary reveals the relationship between Vilnius public transport ticket inspectors and freeride passengers and at the same time it comments on our own daily rut, unfulfilled dreams and desire of a better life.
Grandpa and Grandma
Animated documentary telling the story of director's grandparents who were exiled to Siberia during the Soviet era.