Ben Elliott

Ben Elliott

Рождение : 1987-05-13, Hamburg - New York - USA


Studying music his entire life, the Hamburg, NY, native then gave modeling a try in Manhattan as a means to support his other true passion: acting. He studied acting at the Irish Classical Theatre in Buffalo, NY, where he learned an introduction to the Meisner Technique. From there he has been studying with the great acting coach John Kirby, in Hollywood.


Ben Elliott
Ben Elliott


Дом, милый дом
Jason Holman
Когда Виктории надоедает её беспечный стиль жизни, она решает найти себе вторую половинку. Естественно, увидев в кафе симпатичного незнакомца, она начинает с ним флиртовать. Парень вводит Викторию в замешательство, не отвечая ей взаимностью. Чтобы добиться его внимания, она принимает решение притворяться христианкой и помогать его команде с постройкой домов в волонтёрской организации.
Paranormal Island
When 3 college kids take a summer job its a chance of a lifetime to bartend at a bar in the middle of a lake! The bar has been around for over a hundred years and is presumed by many locals to be haunted, after the owner killed himself many years before. Unfortunately they miss the last boat off the island and are stuck trying to find a way off. As darkness falls, they quickly realize things are very different after hours as they are hunted by the paranormal caretaker.