Nasim Adabi

Nasim Adabi

Рождение : 1976-09-08, Tehran, Iran


Nasim Adabi (born in 1976) is a famous Iranian theatre actress and stage director. In 2010, Nasim Adabi started working for camera in Amin Farajpour's feature film 'Running Among the Clouds', she then played in Hossein Shahabi's 2015 feature 'The Sale'. Nasim Adabi also starred in serials 'Halgheye Sabz' and 'Gomshodeh'. More recently, she played alongside Shahab Hosseini in Soroush Mohammadzadeh's 2016 feature film 'Wednesday' (Chaharshanbeh).


Nasim Adabi
Nasim Adabi


Summer of that Year
7-year-old Atta is taken to a fortune teller to identify the thief of her aunt's gold during a ceremony. Atta, who has no idea of the outcome of what she utters in that situation, to get out of that situation, tells everything from her aunt's definitions about Dawood, her other cousin.
Panah, a Middle-aged transgender male parent, is trying to leave Iran, in order to have sex reassignment procedures. He receives a phone call that his visa and medical docs have been rejected. Now, his only hope and motivation are to see his son once more and be accepted by him for his authentic true self.
Own Goal
"Own Goal" with a musical atmosphere is the first experience of writing and directing "Ahmad Tajri" who participated in the 39th Fajr Film Festival. The film itself, with a happy and musical atmosphere, tells the story of the dreams and aspirations of several children who enter into fantasy and fascinating adventures with the help of a few puppets.
Killing a Traitor
In coincidence with the Nationalization of Iranian Oil Industry, when the Iranian government faces budget deficits due to the fact that the entire world stops acquiring oil from the country, Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh asks the people for support. So a group of university students decide to rob the National Bank of Iran for good, but simultaneously some robbers enter the bank and steal the money. It seems that the destiny would be marked in the confrontation of the student activists and the opportunist thieves…
Without Aban
Aban is a ranger with a wedding scheduled for a month from now. While chasing wood smugglers, he finds the corpse of a little girl on the road. Everyone suspects him of being responsible for this death, but Aban denies it. Even so, he admits to killing a girl 15 years ago in a similar situation, burying the body in secret. The police ask for evidence or documents, but he has nothing to present—and the place where he allegedly buried the girl has turned into a highway.
Hotel New Moon
Noushin is a single mother who lives by her girl alone and has a peaceful life but when a foreign guy enters their life everything changes for them and new secrets reveal.
It tells the story of a social and enigmatic story chronicles the hardships of the 1960s and 1990s and points to a misconception that has overshadowed family life for decades.
Snake Venom
Heshmat's Neighbor
Heshmat is a religious guy and a candidate for the election of Tehran but when a troubled old friend finds him his troubles begin. He has to find a way to cope with these troubles.
The Agitation
The story of a twin brothers Bardia And Barbod who meet each other after many years. But during a quarrel between them Bardia who is a rich successful man gets killed. His brother Barbod replaces him and takes over everything but that will has terrible consequences for him.
Человек без тени
Махан - режиссер-документалист. Он снимает ленту об убийстве в защиту чести, но телекомпания отвергает его работу, и Махана увольняют. Личная жизнь режиссера тоже в опасности, так как он подвергается нападкам со стороны семьи жертвы убийства. Чтобы помочь Махану, его жена Сайе находит хорошую работу в крупной компании. Сайе едет в Испанию со своим боссом, чтобы подписать крупную сделку, но по возвращении домой бесследно исчезает.
پسر کشی
The story of this film takes place in the two decades of the 40's and 70's and is a story about the complexities of family relationships that have been in crisis for decades due to a misconception.
Ziba's mother
35-летний Реза, давно приехавший в провинцию из Тегерана, занимается разведением золотых рыбок. Его размеренной семейной жизни мешает некая компания, представленная в регионе местным мэром-взяточником. Организации необходима земля, где стоит дом главного героя. Реза упорно сопротивляется и не соглашается на хитроумные схемы, благодаря которым мог бы расплатиться с долгами, но потерял жилище. От противостояния страдают жена и сын, кроме того, конфликт обостряется.
Latex Ceiling
Kaveh Dehghanpour's first film "Matte Roof" is directed by him and was made in 1996 in one of the locations around Tehran. In this film, which has a social theme and is about the problems of a 30-year-old woman, Shahed Ahmad Lou, Nasim Adabi, and Nima Shahrokh Shahi have played roles. The story of The Matte Roof is about a 30-year-old woman named Pooneh. Pooneh works in a garbage dump and is looking to make a living, but judgments and failures make things harder for her. He wants to marry a man but ...
A story of three women in a hair salon - Pegah is getting ready for her wedding when her fiancé puts her in a difficult situation, Shahla is pregnant and worries about the father’s reaction when he finds out, and Haydedeh gets a surprise visit from her ex-husband who is leaving the country.
The Sale
Forough is a middle aged woman whose husband has temporarily married with another woman. Even though that was kept secret from her, but his action is considered legal in Iran. Now the husband is in prison, due to not being able to pay second wife’s “Mehrieh” (the bride’s marriage portion).The second wife intends to receive her Mehrieh by asking the court’s permission to sell his house. Forough, the first wife, in order to not lose her home, intends to sell all she has to pay for her husband’s debt and release him from the jail.
Time to Love
Bita (Hatami), a successful lawyer specializing in championing the cause of women’s rights in divorce cases, is blind to the trouble brewing in her own marriage. A snatch of gossip and a problem client with an unwanted pregnancy unexpectedly bring Bita’s problems home. (Gene Siskel Film Center)