Katie Bryer


An Unfinished Symphony
The Miagi Orchestra is a South African orchestra dedicated to helping the nation overcome decades of violence, conflict and division through the power of music. The film follows two of its musicians: Tsepo Pooe, who grew up in Soweto Township; and Lize Schaap, who grew up in wealthy Pretoria. Through their eyes, and differing experiences of growing up in South Africa, we understand the enormous impact apartheid continues to have, but also see hope for a brighter future for the country. The Miagi Orchestra’s mission is inspired by the work and legacy of Nelson Mandela, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993.
Into the Fire
In an area of Iraq destroyed by ISIS, Hana Khider leads an all-female team of Yazidi deminers in their attempts to clear the land of mines. Their job involves painstakingly searching for booby traps in bombed out buildings and fields, where one wrong move means certain death. Hana works for the Mines Advisory Group, an organization who are part of the ‘International Campaign to Ban Landmines’, a coalition awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997.
Это история о Трейси Эдвардс, молодом капитане первой женской команды, которая приняла участие в кругосветной регате Whitbread Round the World Race в 1989 году.
Брюс Ли и Разбойник
Нику, молодой бездомный мальчик, усыновлен Брюсом Ли, печально известным «Королем подземного мира», и уезжает жить к нему в туннели под Бухарестом. Когда Нику вырастает, он начинает понимать, что, возможно, Король Подземного Мира не идеальный отец, и ему приходится выбирать между пребыванием в банде Брюса или «нормальной» жизнью над землей.
We Ride: The Story of Snowboarding
Grain Media and Burn Energy Drink tell the story of snowboarding through the eyes of the people who made it happen. From its origins in the culturally shifting 1960s, to its boom in the 90s, to its acceptance as a mainstream sport, snowboarding has had a roller coaster history. A fully immersive archive film narrated by Jason Lee and a cast of dozens of snowboarders, We Ride: The Story of Snowboarding is the first feature film to tell the story of how this outsiders' sport became huge.