Jochem Myjer

Jochem Myjer

Рождение : 1977-04-22, Leiden, South Holland, Netherlands


Jochem Myjer


Jochem Myjer - Nog Eentje Dan
It was a year of extremes for Jochem Myjer: he performed in Carré one-hundred times but at the same time struggled with the tumors growing in his back. How did he keep himself going?
Jochem Myjer: Adem In, Adem Uit
Jochem Myjer: Adem In, Adem Uit
Jochem Myjer
Jochem Myjer: Even Geduld Aub!
Jochem Myjers fifth show Even geduld AUB! After four sold-out theatre seasons now available on DVD. Halfway through the try-outs in 2011 a tumor was discovered in his spinal cord . The comedian, beloved by young and old, underwent a serious operation and stormed the podium again after a year. With spectacular staging and raving reviews Even geduld AUB! is a must-see for all fans. Recorded at Royal Theatre Carré on 25 and April 26, 2015.
French Fries
It is Halloween and three kids go out for 'tricks or treats'. It is a windy night and the only welcoming friendly person in the small town is unfortunately treated to a rather frightning and truly horrific sight.
Jochem Myjer: De Rust Zelve
Jochem Myjer: Yeee-haa!
80 VARA Toppers!
VARA exists 80 years! We celebrate this with the DVD you have in your hands. About 5 hours top entertainment from VARA's entertainment cabinet. Fragments that will take you from 1958 to now. You still remember Dorus with his mouse trap? Or the "Kopspijkers" cabaret with the song "One Day Fly", Theo Maassen with his farewell speech of Henk van den Tillaart or Harry Vermegen and Henk Spaan with Popie Jopie? That's all on this DVD, and more!
Jochem Myjer: Adéhadé
Destressing? Do that at home, will you! In 'Adéhadé', everything goes in overdrive, with many Dutch celebrity impressions.
Jochem Myjer: Adéhadé
Destressing? Do that at home, will you! In 'Adéhadé', everything goes in overdrive, with many Dutch celebrity impressions.
Jochem Myjer: Adéhadé
Destressing? Do that at home, will you! In 'Adéhadé', everything goes in overdrive, with many Dutch celebrity impressions.