Le propriétaire du poulailler
У героя два сына: один компанейский парень, душа компании, и другой - папенькин сынок и ябеда. По замыслу родителя старший должен отправиться в скучнейшую поездку в Лондон, а младший - составить компанию юной англичанке в поездке по Франции, но вышло все совсем не так.
Le coiffeur (uncredited)
Первая мировая война. Рядовой Чарльз Плампик направляется во французский городок Марвилль, чтобы обезвредить бомбу оставленную немецкими войсками. Преследуемый немцами, он скрывается в местном сумасшедшем доме, обитатели которого объявляют его Червовым королём.
Le cafetier (uncredited)
Совершенно счастливый садовник Мартен растит свой сад и избегает суеты современной жизни. И только одна страсть каждую ночь поглощает его целиком. Мартен печатает фальшивые деньги! Вот уже 20 лет он рисует только мелкие купюры.
Зачем старику большие деньги? Но его крестники так не думают. В планах молодой парочки красивая жизнь не берегу моря, такая манящая и желанная, словно новые купюры с большим количеством нулей, которые сделает для них счастливый человек, дядюшка Мартен…
Un médecin (uncredited)
The story of the couple from the very first meeting to break up told from a view of a woman, Francoise. The film shares the same plot with "Jean-Marc ou La vie conjugale", that tells the same story from another perspective.
In a building close to the Place de la Contrescarpe in Paris, a tale of criss‑crossings in turn romantic, gourmet, interested or mystical, between an Italian gigolo and a nightclub hostess, a family of butchers and an apprentice rocker, a mystic tailor, a writer sending himself telegrams, an alert paralytic woman, a thoughtful concierge, a bird breeder and a just‑out‑of‑jail hooligan. Little by little each one discovers each other’s more or less troubled history… when a mysterious death introduces the Police within this huis clos, hastens disclosure of well‑kept secrets and ruffle this little World.
Le vendeur de tickets
Ричард Брианд-Чармери бывший командор кавалерийского эскадрона, находясь в отставке, промышляет «советами» на скачках. Он знаток всех лошадей на этом ипподроме и ловит наивных игроков, которые с охотой готовы заплатить за прогноз, тем более, если его сделал такой статный и солидный игрок как господин Брианд. Чтобы гарантировано получить свой процент, он советует делать ставки нескольким игрокам одновременно на разных скакунов и сам не остается в накладе. «Командор» привык вести широкий образ жизни, а для этого нужны новые игроки которых он «научит» и которым он «подскажет».Компаньон афериста, помогающий найти наивных новичков, рассказывает ему о рестораторе мсье Гаспаре Рипе, который имеет неплохой бизнес, но он глуп, жаден и страшно недоверчив. Чтобы уговорить его расстаться с деньгами, необходим человек с большим стажем игры на тотализаторе и великим опытом убеждения. А это, конечно же — «Командор»...
Mathias, concierge
Компания эксцентричных и неудачливых аферистов задумывает сменить специализацию и провернуть новое для себя дельце: напечатать крупную партию фальшивых купюр. Прекрасно понимая, что вопрос сбыта готовой продукции новичкам не под силу, они решают взять в долю пожилого гангстера по кличке «Папаша», уже имевшего опыт в подобных делах. Несмотря на то, что тот давно ушел на покой и осел где-то в дебрях Африки, после недолгих уговоров он соглашается и вылетает в Париж. У одного из подельников есть любовница, а её муж — великолепный гравёр. Осталось только убедить его взяться за работу, а это совсем не просто, ведь он «фраер» (на блатном жаргоне — человек, не имеющий отношения к преступному миру).
le retraité
Тереза оплакивает мужа, который таинственным образом исчез 16 лет назад. Тем временем в город прибывает бродяга, которого Тереза принимает за своего супруга. Мужчина страдает от амнезии, пытаясь восстановить воспоминания о далеком прошлом.
Dany Robin plays the title character in the French comedy Mimi Pinson. The plot is strictly formula stuff, with Mimi being thwarted on all sides by those who have designs on her money and her virtue. Happily, our heroine triumphs over her foes and predators, finding true romance in the arms of Raymond Pellegrin.
Victor, le gardien-chef de la prison
Монпаньяр — самый спокойный город Франции. Единственный возмутитель спокойствия — это рыночный торговец Блеро. Он имеет разрешение на продажу грибов на местном рынке, но поскольку спрос на рыбу высок, то Блеро в свободное время нелегально рыбачит и тайком продает рыбу без разрешения. Жандармы пытаются поймать браконьера, но безуспешно. Когда на одного из жандармов совершается нападение, подозрение падает на Блеро, и его сажают в тюрьму на месяц. Внезапно объявляется настоящий преступник, и Блеро надеется выйти на свободу. Но обстоятельства складываются иначе…
A young priest works as a barman in a Pigalle cafe in Paris. He tries to prevent the women there to prostitute themselves....
the radio dealer (uncredited)
Появление в квартале гангстера меняет жизнь многих его обитателей. Преступник находит прикрытие у доброго парня по кличке «Артист», и мало того, что не собирается уезжать в обозримом будущем, так еще и влюбляет в себя самую красивую девушку квартала.
Customs Officer
Two children run away from a Swiss boarding school and set out for Paris, with their frantic parents in hot pursuit.
A young Italian fugitive and his older protective brother hide among the grape pickers at a vineyard in Provence.
Police Commissioner
Les Louves was also released as Demoniaque and She Wolves. By any name, it's a puzzler, at least until the final fast-paced scenes. Gervais (FranÁois Perier) escapes from a German concentration camp and assumes the identity of a recently deceased fellow prisoner. Knowing that the dead man has been carrying on a romance by correspondence with Helene (Micheline Presle), a woman whom he has never seen, Gervais makes the acquaintance of the woman and moves in with her. The woman's sister, Agnes (Jeanne Moreau), dabbles in the black arts, which should be warning enough for Gervais to make himself scarce. But he sticks around, intrigued that the dead man's sister, Julia (Madeleine Robinson), refuses to blow the whistle on him.
The Doctor
Les Louves was also released as Demoniaque and She Wolves. By any name, it's a puzzler, at least until the final fast-paced scenes. Gervais (FranÁois Perier) escapes from a German concentration camp and assumes the identity of a recently deceased fellow prisoner. Knowing that the dead man has been carrying on a romance by correspondence with Helene (Micheline Presle), a woman whom he has never seen, Gervais makes the acquaintance of the woman and moves in with her. The woman's sister, Agnes (Jeanne Moreau), dabbles in the black arts, which should be warning enough for Gervais to make himself scarce. But he sticks around, intrigued that the dead man's sister, Julia (Madeleine Robinson), refuses to blow the whistle on him.
Gabriel, le jardinier de Gilbert
Princesse Nadia Vronskaïa is a veteran con artist who uses her feminine wiles to bilk wealthy, susceptible old men. Inevitably, she outsmarts herself when she falls in love with one of her victims. In concert with her new beau, she turns the tables on her former partners in crime.
M. Morin
Юная прелестница Жюльетт служит в газетной лавке и имеет заслуженную репутацию дурно воспитанной, распутной девчонки. Жюльетт любит море, солнце, горячий песок, музыку, еду и — мужчин.Одним своим нескромным аппетитным видом эта очаровательная «кошечка» — бывшая воспитанница сиротского приюта — провоцирует мужчин городка на фривольные мысли и безрассудные поступки. Поэтому, когда перед малышкой возникает реальная угроза возвращения в ненавистный приют, ее богатому поклоннику Эрику приходит в голову циничная мысль немедленно выдать Жюльетт замуж, чтобы затем продолжать пользоваться ее благосклонностью.Нужен человек, который отказался бы от своей свободы, чтобы сохранить свободу девушке с «проблемной репутацией». Таким безумцем станет Мишель — парень скучноватый и честный, но тайно влюбленный в обворожительную и беспутную «принцессу» городка. Вот только, когда шокирующая свадьба состоится? Ещё не известно, кого из всех своих мужчин выберет непредсказуемая и чувственная героиня.
Monsieur Cardinaud - père
История про сильно разбогатевшего бывшего портового грузчика Франсуа Кардино (Габен). Добившись собственного величия Франсуа внезапно узнает, что жена (Мелинан) ему изменила с оборванцем-неудачником. Пытаясь разыскать и вернуть жену, он узнает много неприятного о себе. Оказывается он никакой не король в глазах сограждан.
On a farm ,a handsome man woos three attractive women and sows discord among them.
Le curé (uncredited)
После свадебного путешествия Робер и Катрин возвращаются в дом родителей Робера. Вскоре у молодоженов рождаются близнецы — двое мальчиков. В доме начинается суета, недовольства бабушки и дедушки. Но это только начало, проходит еще какое-то время и рождается еще пара мальчиков…
Le docteur
Le cocher
An Italo-French biopic about one of the most famous women of Belle Époque, Spanish-born dancer and actress, star of Folies-Bèrgere: Carolina Otero.
По одноименному роману Стендаля. Жюльен Сорель по рождению принадлежит к самым низшим слоям общества, но он молод, умен, красив и очень амбициозен. Его путь наверх начинается в стенах духовной семинарии, а продолжается в доме состоятельных буржуа, где Сорель преподает детям латынь. Жена хозяина дома, мадам де Реналь, без памяти влюбляется в юного учителя, и тот решает использовать это искреннее чувство в своих далеко идущих жизненных планах…
Louis dit Pépère
Поддавшись на уговоры энергичного продавца, наивный механик Эмиль тратит все деньги, выделенные из семейного бюджета на покупку стиральной машины, на набор рыболовных снастей. Не осмелившись признаться в содеянном своей жене Шарлоте, Эмиль, сославшись на срочную работу, отправляется вместе со своим сыном на рыбалку. По дороге они заезжают к кузине Эмиля Аннетт, с которой Эмилю в силу сложившихся обстоятельств приходится разыгрывать семейную пару перед женой любовника Аннетт…
Le gardien chef
Four-episode Franco-Italian omnibus film. Four men from different national and cultural background take refuge in a cabin after being sidetracked by bad weather on their way to conference.
The coachman
Господин Селеcтен ведёт уроки музыки в монастырском приюте для девочек. Он сама скромность и умеренность. Но только днём, ночью же он оставляет свои добродетели и свой строгий костюм в монастыре, а сам, облачившись в щегольской наряд, превращается в мсье Флоридора - сочинителя оперетт. Монахини даже не подозревают о двойной жизни Селестена, но воспитанницам монастыря становится известно о ночных отлучках преподавателя. Одна из них - Дениза - обнаружила ноты его оперетт и выучила все партии. Она влюблена в музыку Флоридора и уговаривает Селестена взять её с собой в театр. Вскоре такой случай представился: Селестену поручают отвезти Денизу на смотрины, её отец подыскал ей жениха - молодого офицера. Учитель и ученица отправляются в дорогу…
Франк прожил часть своей юности в беспокойной атмосфере дома для приемов, которым управляла его мать, миссис Ирма. Несмотря на любовь, проявленную Сьюзи, нежной соседкой, Франк по течению. Его занятие это: молодой человек убивает и ворует, отталкивает любовь Сьюзи, погружается в уныние. Он может прийти в себя только перед лицом смерти. Сьюзи будет помнить смелого человека.
Le rédacteur en chef
A young journalist, Sylvia, has to interview a writer, Claude Chatel, whose success is due to his misogyny.
Gustave (uncredited)
While Ludovic Dubois, a young summer camp monitor in Saint-Benoît, entertains the children by playing Robin Hood, the lord's niece is kidnapped by her uncle, in the castle next door. Helped by the children and the customs inspector, the last of the Robin Hoods will free the "Princess Isabelle", and will end up marrying her.
Father Bonvalet
Honoré, a valet, has an extremely logical mind and is unable to tell a lie. This comes in very fortunate for the family he works for.
Jean's Uncle
Фильм снят по роману Жана Дюше «Она и он».
Безмятежный медовый месяц в Шаранте пролетел быстро, и молодожёны Жюльетта и Жан Монтегю возвращаются обустраивать домашний очаг в Париж. Ввиду отсутствия доступного для молодых семей жилья первое семейное гнёздышко им приходится вить на воде – на борту пришвартованного на Сене кораблика, пока счастливый случай не сводит их с чудаковатым месье Бельомом, соглашающимся сдать супругам Монтегю пару комнат в своем особняке. Но оказывается, не так сложно найти крышу над головой, как ужиться под этой крышей двум людям с разными вкусами, привычками, воспитанием. Помочь Жану и Жюльетте может только любовь.
Wealthy American Patricia comes to spend some time at her uncle's place in Paris. While out on her own for the evening she meets pseudo-Russian prince Vladimir in a bistro.
L'aubergiste (uncredited)
Le cafetier de Meung-sur-Loire
Провинциальный булочник Бернар Перль, женатый на сварливой Жюльетт, едет в Париж для получения наследства. На Эйфелевой башне он встречает Мод, разыгрывающую самоубийство, влюбляется в неё и едет с ней в курортный город Дювиль, где проматывает все деньги. Мод исчезает с остатком наследства, а Перль симулирует амнезию, чтобы избежать объяснений с Жюльетт…
The investigating judge
An industrialist who prefers painting to business is cheated on by his wife with a painter who prefers business to painting.
L'huissier à l'Opéra (uncredited)
Молодой композитор Клод влачит жалкое существование в одном из бедных Кварталов захолустного городка. Он подрабатывает учителем пения в школе, — над ним смеются ученики и подшучивают друзья детства — обладатели более земных профессий, а ко всему прочему сосед, владелец автомастерской, мешает сочинять ему музыку, заглушая звуки пианино (которое вот-вот заберут за неуплату аренды) ревом моторов. Утонченный Клод убегает от удручающей реальности в свои сны, которые переносят его в разные эпохи. Там он — известный композитор, храбрый офицер, сражающийся в Африке, светский лев и одновременно революционер, мушкетер и дамский угодник. Мир снов гораздо ярче и реалистичнее мира подлинного.
Gustave - un chauffeur de taxi
Водитель такси Пьер Вержер, по прозвищу Господин Такси, колесит по Парижу со своей собакой по кличке Гангстер. Лучшие клиенты таксиста, конечно, богатые иностранцы. Однажды одна из его пассажирок забывает в машине сумочку с большой суммой денег. С этого момента и начинаются злоключения нашего героя. Пьер пытается разыскать иностранку, чтобы вернуть ей деньги, но безуспешно...
A young girl marries a man she doesn't love and delights in humiliating him.
The mayor
Получив в наследство брачное агентство, новый владелец, ранее презрительно относившийся к этому роду деятельности, постепенно начинает открывать для себя его позитивные стороны.
Originally titled Nous Sommes Tout des Assassins, We Are All Murderers was directed by Andre Cayette, a former lawyer who detested France's execution system. Charles Spaak's screenplay makes no attempt to launder the four principal characters (Marcel Mouloudji, Raymond Pellegrin, Antoinine Balpetre, Julien Verdeir): never mind the motivations, these are all hardened murderers. Still, the film condemns the sadistic ritual through which these four men are brought to the guillotine. In France, the policy is to never tell the condemned man when the execution will occur--and then to show up without warning and drag the victim kicking and screaming to his doom, without any opportunity to make peace with himself or his Maker. By the end of this harrowing film, the audience feels as dehumanized as the four "protagonists." We Are All Murderers was roundly roasted by the French law enforcement establishment, but it won a special jury prize at the 1952 Cannes Film Festival.
M. Paulin - le chef lampiste (uncredited)
После того, как фонарщик Диоген Легиньон (Ив Деньо) был выселен за неуплату из своего дома, он вместе с женой поселился в пустом заброшенном доме, где местные дети сделали свой тайник. Обнаружив сокровища в виде столового серебра, Диоген быстро смекнул продать их, но другие жители квартала узнали про это и рассудили, что "клад" принадлежит рабочим.
A card player (segment "Gluttony") (uncredited)
На воскресной ярмарке молодой повеса Жерар Филип зазывает публику в свой балаганчик, приглашая соревноваться в меткости метания мяча в куклы изображающие смертные грехи: зависть, скупость, блуд, обжорство, гордость, лень и гнев.
Pascaline's uncle
A tough customs man, out to get a youth smuggling tobacco into France across the Belgium border, falls for the jaded ex bar hostess the smuggler lives with.Meanwhile the young man is intrigued by another, more innocent girl.
le chauffeur de taxi
Скульптор Раймон Корбье без памяти любит свою жену Сильвию. Именно поэтому он болезненно ревнив и подозревает жену в измене с музыкантом Франсисом Жерменом. Чтобы убедиться в этом, Раймон делает вид, что влюблён в Маргариту, жену своего лучшего друга дантиста Гастона Ривала. После множества комических ситуаций на горнолыжной базе супруги наконец убеждаются в своей любви друг к другу.
Le curé
Felix is a middle-aged bourgeois husband. Much to his discomfort, he learns that his wife Gabrielle is carrying on with a young man--a very young man. Rather than express outrage, Felix decides that there's something lacking in him. He spends the rest of the picture trying to keep his wife by altering his own personality and outlook.
Father Benoît would like one of his twins to take over his inn, at 3 plates. But his ancillary ambitions are not commensurate with his last 3. Bernard is also in love with Hélène, daughter of Colonel Flouc de La Donzelle. He dreams of becoming an actor and goes to Paris to find a job. Difficult beginnings since from the theater, he goes to the cabaret, then to the radio, without success. In the final scene, the 3 brothers meet, which gives rise to a series of gags during the wedding.
Robert Montfort, happily married to Solange, is his parents-in-law's pet aversion though. To them he is a punk, a good for nothing, a small-time, untalented poet! Robert, who is more gifted than what they think, manages, following a workmate's recommendation, to debut as an entertainer in a nightclub and -even better- to please the audience. Not daring tell the truth to Solange he starts leading a double life, being Robert Montfort in the daytime and Jean Rigobert at night. Of course his wife wonders what is going on and worries about his regular night outings. Only too happy, her parents incite her to have a divorce. Fortunately, all comes right in the end.
The employee of the B.C.B.
One day, Raoul Cérusier realizes with amazement that his face has changed. With the exception of an old uncle, no one, not even his wife, recognizes him. From an ordinary, rather ugly man, he has become a charming young man on whom the prettiest girls turn, including his wife whom he seduces. Fortunately, he regains his old face in time and Madame Cérusier, losing a lover, finds her husband again.
Surgeon (uncredited)
With no contract in view, Aimé Barelli, the leader of the band of the same name, decides to take a holiday. As this is the Holy Year, the young artist accepts to follow his mother on a pilgrimage to Rome. His band members - complete with their agent - decide to follow suit. Good idea because on the train to Rome, there is a whole class of charming schoolgirls, including charming Rosita and - surprise ! - Nicole, Aimé's pretty but elusive beloved. The trip is cheerful but eventful and life gets even more complicated with the interference of Duranval, a fake talent agent but genuine trouble shooter. At a time confusion is such that a bomb explodes and the whole gang find themselves in ... heaven! But Saint Peter has pity on them and sends them back to earth. At long last Aimé can marry Nicole while his musicians spread mirth around them.
An agent
Jean Michaut is a bargeman who lives nearby an old barge cemetery named "Bras-Mort". He is in love with Monique, the daughter of a wealthy boat owner. The girl returns his affection but runs her head against the wall of her family's class prejudices. Her "nearest and dearest" prove indeed prepared to do everything to separate the two lovers. But Monique will not buy in. On the contrary, she leaves her intolerant family to live with Jean among simple, more tolerant bargemen.
Le maire Michalon
Действие фильма происходит в 1923 году. Доктор Кнок мечтает обойти доктора Парпале и стать символом триумфа медицины. Но люди ведут здоровый образ жизни, состояние здоровья населения превосходно, и пациентов у него немного. Поэтому доктор идёт на хитрость и убеждает посетителей своих бесплатных консультаций, что каждый человек болен, просто люди привыкли не замечать у себя симптомы болезней. Его план удаётся, люди становятся мнительными, и вскоре все жители его деревни лежат в постели, считая себя тяжело больными. От пациентов нет отбоя, и даже отель приходится временно переоборудовать под госпиталь…
Le délégué syndical (uncredited)
Парижский таксист Эмиль Готье подвозит с лионского вокзала провинциальную девушку по имени Тереза, приехавшую в Париж, чтобы найти своего бывшего возлюбленного, журналиста Форестье, от которого она ждёт ребёнка, и который исчез, не оставив ей даже адреса. У Терезы нет денег для длительного пребывания в Париже, а найти Форестье никак не удаётся. Наконец она узнаёт, что он уже женат, и пытается покончить с собой, но её спасает Эмиль.
How Robert, who does not manage to impose himself in the representation, sees his life turned upside down when he begins a career as a street vendor, which, thanks to his resourcefulness, turns out to be more and more brilliant.
L'oncle Jules
"Le Tambourin", a Montmartre nightclub, is on its way down. Although it can boast great performances by the alluring Les Bluebell Girls and by Jacques Hélian's lively Big Band the venue does not attract people anymore. Nightclub patrons now prefer the jazz cellars of Saint-Germain-des-Prés. Taking this new taste into account, the staff of the "Tambourin" and Jacques Hélian decide to set up their own club, "La Pivoine Ecarlate". They are joined by Pâquerette, a flower vendor and amateur singer, and by Jean-Pierre Francis, an existentialist poet...
Le receveur
Jean-Louis forgets to use the pedestrian crossing;Who could have believed then where it would lead the unfortunate guy to?
Le chauffeur de taxi (uncredited)
Suppose lost and found objects could talk... But they can! At least four of them... : -A statuette of Osiris remembers how two ex-lovers, a model and a good for nothing who claimed to be an Egyptologist, met again one Christmas Eve. -A violin has things to say about Raoul, a humble policeman who lost Solange, a widowed grocer he loved, to a god-dam seducing busker also named Raoul. -A scarf was witness to an eerie romance between a young madman and girl he had saved from suicide. -A funeral wreath lets us know how it caused a young woman to believe her lover dead. After having told their respective story, the objects return to their customary stillness.
Josette needs to marry within a year to get her aunt's money but her fiance has left.After getting permission from her godfather for a "white wedding, " she realizes she loves the godfather instead.
Monsieur Michaud - le patron du Roi Soleil
Версаль. 20 присяжных созываются на трехнедельный судебный процесс. Семь (и два запасных) отбирают жребием для того, чтобы решить судьбу Эльзы Люнденштейн. Эльза - директор фармацевтической лаборатории, родившаяся в Париже в литовской семье, - обвиняется в убийстве любовника, неизлечимо больного раком, которому она торжественно поклялась положить конец его страданиям, если они станут невыносимыми.
Durand, a big industrialist, works with an international adventurer, Mr. Ernest, who covets Mrs. Durand and threatens to bankrupt her husband if she does not consent. She calls him a jerk. Mr. Ernest sets out to ruin the Durands, and leaves in the castle that they must sell their couple of servants, Victor and Marie, who become the new masters, at the same time as they serve as a screen for Ernest for his dubious business.
M. Gorgebus
A policeman receives a fabulous inheritance. Thanks to this, he conquers the heart of Queen Marika. But crooks deprive him of his financial means
The establishment of a French family who came to cultivate vines in Algeria.
A judge (uncredited)
A young rogue kills an old lady to rob her. Arrested, he believes it is for this crime, hides nothing from his lawyer, who soon tells him that he is only accused of another theft prior to his crime. Sentenced to six months suspended prison sentence, he will also have to answer for the crime of the old lady.
General de Lormaux
Louis Mennechain is a modest locksmith. So imagine his amazement when Professor Piétrefond approaches him and tells him he recognizes in him a descendant of the kings of France, more precisely of Louis XVII (the king who never reigned). According to him he is none other than the monarch's great grandson. Louis's life is soon turned upside down as he becomes the center of attention of a group of ardent royalists. Even a duchess "gives" him her love to make sure that he accepts his role as pretender to the throne...
At the Vélodrome d'Hiver, at the height of the sports competitions, the director of the house is found murdered. We also stole the recipe for the show. A swarm of private detectives, second-hand sleuths, embark on the most diverse tracks. Arrests pile up and the chase continues amid the non-stop games. The culprit will however be caught, red-handed, by a young inspector wearing a handsome mask.
Second gendarme
Au Royaume des Cieux takes place in in a dreadful girls' reformatory. A couple of lovers will try to escape from this living hell.
Father Louis
Having become famous, a painter marries his model whom he soon brings to despair by deceiving her.
Nicole, a spirited lawyer, must defend, for her debut in the courtroom, the accused Panoyau. It is a failure, the death sentence. Furious, Nicole proclaims to Claude, her fiance, that the marriage is canceled as long as Panoyau is threatened. Claude manages to steal the guillotine and the couple go on a trip and discover the real assassin.
Parish priest
Léon Ménard, the village verger, is a decent young man whose hobby is to play the accordion. One day he is fired for having accompanied Mary Pinson, a singer deemed scandalous by the right-minded parishioners. Blinded by his love for Mary, Léon follows her to Paris where he becomes her plaything. With Mary's complicity, a gang of swindlers make him the puppet proprietor of a night club. But Léon can't live in a fool's paradise forever and soon finds himself on the street, forsaken and desperate. Luckily, the manager of a circus notices him while he is busking and he hires Léon at once. Not only will success come to him but he will win the love of sweet Solange.
1944, France experiences its last days of German occupation. A microcosm representative of the various attitudes adopted during this troubled period, some heroic, others less brilliant, the Grégeois family, scattered by the war, will strengthen its ties according to the Allied advance on the territory and the liberation of Paris, with its joys but also its sorrows, because not all of its members will survive the relative chaos that will characterize this end of the world war.
Everyone in Paris thinks Fantomas is dead. A wave of extortion, blackmail and murder all point to the master criminal. Inspector Juve and his reporter friend Fandor set out to find the truth.
Father Toccanier
The Wizard of Heaven tells the compelling and remarkable story of St. John Marie Baptist Vianney, the humble pastor of Ars, France, who battled with the devil himself, not only for the faith of his parish, but even for that of his country. Starting with the Saint's arrival at Ars, this film brings to life the hardships, indifference, ridicule and opposition he encountered, as well as the zeal with which he strove to overcome them.
Claude Géraudy, a banker responsible for a financial scandal, is forced to flee and hides in the mountains with the help of Manu, a young smuggler. Florence, his wife, refuses to join him. Desperate Claude commits suicide, Florence then decides to pass her suicide off as murder in order to receive her late husband's life insurance.
Suspected of murder, a man disappears under mysterious conditions, which only increases the charges against him.
Paul aka Popaul
Naive and good-hearted Léon Ménard arrives in Paris, determined to find work in the capital. In a café, he meets Bob, a seedy guy, who helps him to get a job. On cloud nine, the ingenuous young man, does is unaware of how Bob manipulates him. Having become the night concierge of a hotel, the thankful Léon lets Bob and his accomplices get into the pace. Jewels are stolen as a result.When he is accused, Leon refuses to incriminate his "friend". Fortunately, Charlotte, Léon's fiancé, manages to find evidence of Bob's guilt and thanks to a premium paid by the diamond dealer the two lovebirds can buy a grocer's shop and tie the knot.
The difficulty in finding accommodation in Paris, will cause many stories, between some colorful characters.
A schoolboy remembers his last holiday in the big house of his family in the country, before it was sold.
On the borders of the desert, Péhu, a rather blunt creature on the verge of death, confesses to Charles Sigouane that some time before he stole and killed for the sake of a woman named Marie. Péhu recovers against all odds and returns to France with a view to finding Marie and to retrieve a loot he has hidden somewhere.
Gaston, nicknamed Pilou, has left his native village and Yvette, the girl of his heart, to go to Paris where he has found work as a painter. He is a naive good-natured man who, like most of his fellow-workers, favors a little song or two while he works. For the time being he is busy repainting the exterior of a block of flats and, when he does not sing to pass the time, he looks through the windows, observing the tenants in their daily lives. As time goes by, he goes as far as intervening and changing the course of their lives. In the end, despite having found a lookalike of his fiancée, he returns to her.
Le président
Summoned by his mother to plead, a very young lawyer has a trio of pathetic criminals acquitted. The daughter of one of them reveals to the lawyer that the three accomplices hoped to find food and board in prison. For the beautiful eyes of the young girl, Master of La Bastide attaches the three rogues to his service. Disasters, confusion, clumsiness follow one another until the planned wedding.
Joseph, un sacristain (uncredited)
The life of Vincent de Paul, the 17th-century author and priest who founded two religious orders.
Le chauffeur
The invincible bandit faces his daughter, courageous and honest, who wants to end his criminal activities. With a young journalist, her fiancé, she discovers his hideout.
In an isolated house, in Brittany, live two sisters around whom gravitate a whole series of strange characters. Between the eruption of the vagrant voyeur and that of the couple in love, the youngest kills her eldest and goes mad.
A stranger named Constant disrupts the life of Flora, who is seemingly happy with her husband Lucien. But she suddenly experiences a passionate love, taking refuge with Constant in a cave they call “home under the sea.”
Maître Perrot - le notaire
Léon Ménard, a farmer and an apparently simple man of the country, is invited to visit his uncle Henri Ménard, a prosperous industrialist. He encounters a number of people scheming to marry into the Ménard family for the sake of money. Ménard discovers and thwart the plots and manages to unite a young couple who truly are in love. The romantic comedy ends happily with a double marriage. Henri's daughter Nicole marries Didier, and Ménard marries his new-found love Rosine. It turns out that Léon is "not so stupid" after all.
Martine is a lonely girl in an exclusive boarding school who conjures up a glamorous existence in order to make her dull life tolerable and to impress the other girls. One of her flights of fancy is a love affair with Brevannes, a famous composer. She leaves the school and goes to the French Alps to find the life she's only dreamed about, where she meets Brevannes and a December-May romance develops until she meets a young mountain guide, Henri Vidal.
Le cocher (uncredited)
Emile is a French film producer at the beginning of the century. One of his friends leaves his daughter Lucette in his house, when he is starting a tour through France. Emile falls in love with her. Problems starts when his younger friend Jacques come back from military service and after complaining his misfortune with women, follows Emile's advice in starting affairs with women and he meets Lucette.
Father Viegeard
Portrait of a two-faced man. By day he is rich, brilliant and respectable financial officer Lussac; at night, he becomes "Mirror", a ruthless gang leader in Marseilles.
Mr. Dumas
When she sets sail for Lisbon, Catherine Laurence, a famous classical singer has but one wish: to be left alone. Unfortunately she soon gets bothered by a rude, invading man. Later she gets to know him better and becomes susceptible to his charm. She realizes that Michel is in love with her and it is not long before she goes beyond her disastrous first impression. Although not quite sure he is a perfectly honest man she entrusts him with a delicate assignment: keep her precious pearl necklace coveted by Van Coolart, a fake Dutch diamond-merchant, and give it back to her in Paris. If he is a robber himself, so much the worse for her. But if Michel keeps the Paris rendezvous love is in store for both of them. Nevertheless there is a crucial factor she regrettably disregards, composer Raymond Aubour, a faithful friend who has been her suitor for ten years.
Film in two eras.1st era: They are not angels. Chronicle of a Free French parachute training camp during the Second World War. 2nd era: Terre de France. A group of paratroopers landed in Brittany sabotages the German installations.
Hervé is a tough sea captain in command of the "Duchesse Anne", a rum-trading ship. But the sea dog hides a tender heart and he allows Marie-Douce, a poor slum girl who dreams of seeing the wide world,on board. To have her accepted by the crew, he passes her off as his niece. A seasoned master like him, wise enough to ban alcohol use on his ship, should have known better : a beautiful girl on the deck cannot but unleash the savage instincts of all those men without women.
L'acheteur de l'appartement de Blanche
Бланш Ферран - очаровательная блондинка, владелица магазина певчих птиц и светская львица - знакомится во время боксерского матча с Мартином Руманьяком - простым парнем, строительным подрядчиком. Их любовный роман вспыхивает как порох. Обуреваемый пожаром любви Мартин залезает в долги и вкладывает все свои деньги в постройку скромной виллы, будущего их совместного дома. Но семейный уют не для Бланш, которая привыкла к роскоши и флирту - она постоянно окружена поклонниками, список которых возглавляет консул Де Лабури. Сложившиеся обстоятельства доводят Мартина до безумной ревности, которая приводит бурный роман к печальному концу.
A wealthy man has two sons,one of them is legitimate,the other is not.The first offspring has had a life of luxury and he has become a lazy good for nothing whereas the youthful indiscretion has turned into an artist.He is nicknamed "Gringalet" .Now his father wants him to meet his half-brother ,his mother-in-law and the rest of the family. Gringalet will turn this bourgeois family upside down:they become nice,the big brother becoming a perfect businessman who stops scouring nightclubs to spend most of his time with his fiancee Josette.There's the rub,cause Gringalet is also in love with her.
The young King Boris of Neustria, who has followed his family in their exile in London, falls in love with the daughter of a wealthy American businessman. The latter, however, will only approve the union if Boris gives up royalty for the business world.
Roger Laroque is now a rich man. He returns to France under the name of William Farnell. There, he discovers that on the one hand his wife has died of a broken heart and on the other that his daughter Suzanne is in love with Raymond de Noirville, the son of his former mistress. With the help of a few friends, Roger coldly prepares his revenge.
Cyrano, poet and cadet from Gascony, is afflicted with an excessively long nose which makes the beauties smile. He is no less in love with his cousin Roxane.
Детективы плодовитой писательницы Соланж Дельмон пользуются успехом у публики, хотя пресса устами анонимного журналиста Б.Б. и пытается обвинить романистку во вредном влиянии, оказываемом ею на молодежь. Проблемам мадемуазель Дельмон готов посочувствовать её новый сосед Ришар Ферне, и постепенно Соланж открывает ему свои творческие замыслы и знакомит с персонажем будущей книги – поездным вором Фредериком. Однако созданные фантазией писательницы методы ограблений вымышленного Фредерика внезапно начинают воплощаться в жизнь.
The head of a school in a little French country town encourages the playful romances between his young students, as well as a love of jazz music.
A student, Gabriel, comes to the aid of Gisèle, a young manicurist wrongfully arrested, by helping her escape. As a result, Gabriel must serve three months in prison. His sentence served, unable to continue his studies, he collaborates with a gang of crooks. Gisèle, in turn, will save him from this bad situation by taking him away from his overeager associates.
Le contrôleur
Sophie de Réan, an unruly mischievous little girl grows up under the thumb of Mademoiselle, her strict governess. Following her mother's death, she is entrusted to Mme de Fleurville, her aunt, who at the same time hires Mademoiselle to further Sophie's education. A few years later, the little girl has blossomed into a lovely young lady. She is now in love with Paul, her cousin, who, unlike her, used to be a model child. Unfortunately Mademoiselle will not hear of a union between them. Instead she wants Sophie to marry Armand, the conceited son of Prefect Hugon. To make matters worse, Paul, the good boy, unexpectedly turns into a revolutionary, who defends the Republic on the barricades against Louis Napoléon's coup. Not being one of the victors, Paul is forced into exile. Will Sophie finally yield and accept the established order or will she react in her usual rebellious way and follow the one she loves ?
Simon's life is troubled by images of a crime which happened in his family a hundred years ago. While traveling in south France, he finds the landscape familiar. That's when he meets Catherine and falls in love. But her lover comes back and his strong personality attracts her again.
France under Louis XIII. 1615. The Duke of Angoulême is at the head of a group of gentlemen who are conspiring to drive the Florentines out of court, of whom Concini is the all-powerful leader. A cadet from Gascony, Adhémar de Capestang, who was later to become the Capitan, left his native province to come and try his luck in Paris. Along the way, he saves a young girl, Gisèle d'Angoulême, from a masked individual who wanted to kidnap her.
June 1944, a French town towards the end of the occupation. Following several attacks perpetrated by the resistance, the inhabitants who listen to English radio are rounded up by the Germans in a prison and considered as hostages. In one of the cells are found men from all walks of life: an aristocrat, the Viscount of Saint-Leu, Doctor Noblet, a resistance fighter, Béquille the wanderer with a wooden leg, and a strange character nicknamed "Black Market". The latter arouses mistrust among the prisoners, because it could well have been introduced by the enemy.
M. Sauvel
Pierre risks being taken advantage of by an agency that sets up financial scams, he escapes thanks to Marcelle, the secretary of the director of the agency, who is a childhood friend. She does her best to keep the young man away from the scams of his boss. However, the director, in love with Marcelle and jealous of Pierre, succeeds in trapping and ruining him. Marcelle will then denounce him to the police, but before being arrested he will kill her.
Alex Grégoire is a timid insurance company clerk who shares his uneventful life between his wife Angèle, his colleagues and his passion for crosswords. But all of a sudden his existence changes dramatically. First because he wins a crossword competition. Second because a jewel thief, Charles Tuffal, thinks he recognizes in him a former accomplice. From that moment "uneventful" is not the best adjective to qualify Alex's life anymore...
During the stagecoach trip of a frightened group of inhabitants of Rouen, Elisabeth Rousset, known as "Boule de Suif", renders these people a signal service, but comes up against their stupidity and their sufficiency. A little later, Boule de Suif assassinates the formidable Prussian lieutenant whom his friends had nicknamed Fifi and who shamelessly displayed his taste for pillage and his sadistic tendencies.
Bob, a student, is very emotionally close to his mother Suzanne. He is alarmed when she seems about to begin a relationship with a novelist, regarding it as a betrayal.
The gardener
Four French conscripts are going to go on leave with their godmother, in Provence, in the company of a comrade from the British army. But, in the absence of the godmother, the five leavers end up at a mineral water merchant.
In Flanders in the eighteenth century, Ramon de Ortila, a young lord who has been dispossessed of property has turned into a gentleman brigand. His main target is Monsieur de Saint-Brissac, the salt tax farmer. But Solange, his daughter, sets a trap and lures the young man to her father's manor. Little does she know that love is at the rendezvous.
A ruined banker is abandoned by his mistress. He commits suicide after entrusting a prostitute with twenty-thousand francs. The money changes hands. A crook is arrested in the house of an an actress he had fooled. In a luxury hotel, a typist kills her lover's wife. The trial of the murderer is followed by the bankruptcy of another financier and the money finally returns to the mistress of a suicide in the restaurant in which she had first appeared.
Monsieur Benoit's existence is transformed when his dour wife suddenly thinks in a bout of folly that she will become a chanteuse and her husband the impresario.
A child is rejected by his father and sister when his mother dies giving birth to him. The family is falling apart; the father takes to drinking, the child is placed with a nurse. However, the little girl will take the initiative to bring the child back to the family home which she decides to take care of, thus encouraging the father to change his behavior.
1824 in Issoudun. A bourgeois, Rouget, lives as a husband and wife, La Rabouilleuse, who holds him in her power. The old man's nephew, ex-Colonel Philippe Bridau of the Imperial Guard, swears to hunt the intruder.
Madame Clapain dies in dubious circumstances at the home of the Cadifon ladies, of which she was a tenant. A friendly inspector and Thérèse Cadifon each carry out their own investigation.
le voyageur
Domino has only a wooden statuette, a typical piece of African art, to show for his trip. Arriving in Paris, Domino phones the famous Heller galleries to try to sell his statuette. He gets Heller’s wife, who uses him to deflect the suspicions of her jealous husband: she had an affair before their marriage. Domino gets carried away and persuades the young woman to go away with him.
Claude, who temporarily replaces his father at the head of a department store, falls in love at first sight with a pretty female customer. He finds out that she is named Solange and that she is the goddaughter of Professor Hauteclerc, who runs a private psychiatric hospital. To come closer to the girl of his dreams, Claude has a crazy idea: he pretends to be mad so as to be placed in Hauteclerc's institution.
A young man from an aristocratic family tires of the country life and moves to Paris where he squanders his inheritance. Returning to his home with remorse, he reconciles with his father and becomes engaged to his true love.
Emmanuel Brissard
Эдмона Дантеса завистники ложно обвиняют в совершении преступления, и его приговаривают к пожизненному заключению в знаменитой тюрьме на острове — замке Иф. Там он встречает аббата Фариа, которого все считают сумасшедшим. Аббат рассказывает Эдмону о спрятанных на крошечном острове сокровищах. После смерти аббата Эдмону удается сбежать из тюрьмы под видом мертвого тела.
40 year old married
Pierre, who is a Fine Arts student, and Denise, who is a chemistry student, work for a department store where, wearing wedding suits, they distribute flyers to passers-by. The store manager, Bernard, falls in love with Denise and arranges to take her to an inn not far from Paris, run by the handsome Robert. This one opens Denise's eyes who ends up returning to her home. After a fight between Pierre and Bernard, Denise ends up choosing to stay with Pierre.
From three successive marriages, Loys Erland had three very different boys: Charles, a convinced sportsman, Marcel, who runs a bank and Pierre, a young composer. All three meet, then reunite with the lovely Huguette. Everyone is courting. Charles seems favored, but Huguette ultimately slips away. The three brothers will thus see their mutual friendship and trust strengthened.
L'agent (uncredited)
В доме систематически пьющего адвоката убивают парня. По обвинению в убийстве перед судом предстает юноша, влюбленный в дочь мэтра. Адвокат берется за защиту молодого человека и блистательно ее проводит…
Auguste, the valet of Montriveau (uncredited)
Edwige Feuillère and Pierre Richard-Willm star in director Jacques de Baroncelli's adaptation of the Balzac novella The Duchesse de Langeais, which tells the tale of a Parisian socialite who is romantically pursued by a Napoleonic war hero. With a screenplay by Jean Giraudoux.
Claude is a young man whose girlfriend has just broken up with him. Feeling unable to overcome the pain, Claude has no other idea than to end his life. Back home, he finds five middle-aged or elderly men sitting at the dinner table but he refuses to join the guests and goes upstairs to his bedroom. The worst is prevented thanks to a servant who has caught sight of Claude's revolver. Claude 's uncle joins his nephew and manages to persuade him not to take action. He takes him downstairs to the dining room where each in turn, the five guests start telling their own story. For it happens that they too once had their heart broken and that they too once wanted to die for love.
The Mayor (uncredited)
Аннет, 17-летняя девочка, безумно влюблена в адвоката Мориса Усарда. К сожалению, сорокалетний адвокат занят богатой американкой. Аннетт делает всё, чтобы завоевать его, до того дня, когда её родители познакомят её с молодым человеком, отец которого знал отца Аннетт.
The itinerant musician Lampluche, having found a musical score on the banks of a river and a full wallet, was taken to the neighboring town for the famous composer Maxence Leroy. The inhabitants of the small town only dream of music, so Lampluche is very well received. But Maxence Leroy arrives in the city.
У вдовца проблемы с деньгами, и он должен женить семерых дочерей. Кредитор утверждая, что стесняется, не в состоянии решиться.
Cambo, a banker, has been in trouble since a certain Parizot has tried to extort stocks from him. Following the advice of his friend Quincampoix, Cambo decides to trade places with Bardac, a painter, who happens to be his lookalike. Bardac slips into Cambo's shoes with delight although he does not really live up to his task. But Cambo, who manages to ruin Parizot, makes a 100% profit on the situation. There are of course some misunderstandings when one man is mistaken for the other, notably as concerns Lulu and Geneviève, respectively Bardac's and Cambo's sweethearts, but things finally return to their initial state.
The waiter (uncredited)
Micheline Chevassu is a young, naive woman living in an orphanage. Through classified ads, she has a date with an unknown man. She escapes from the orphanage to go to it, dreaming of the Prince Charming. But comes Nicolas Rougemont, an unattractive middle-aged man... He pretends not to be the author of the letters, who could not come...
A poor wretch, who has just been hired as a music-hall artist, in spite of himself becomes the tenant of a particular Parisian building.
A parodic trial, in which one sees a merry luron, tried for trifles, rallying the whole court to him as soon as one learns that he inherits a large fortune.
Un clochard
A would be blind hoodlum redeems himself in the Salvation Army just for a lovely lieutenant.
Французский исторический криминальный фильм 1939 года режиссера Жака Даруа с Андре Брюле , Надин Фогель и Рене Ферте в главных ролях. Фильм основан на воспоминаниях Эжена Франсуа Видока . Видок был преступником в Париже девятнадцатого века,который перешел на другую сторону и стал ведущим сыщиком.
Le concierge
The owner of an apartment building is found murdered. Two rival policemen, Boucheron and Lambert, investigate the matter and get into the private lives of the tenants: an unfaithful judge, a crippled blind man and his daughter, an eccentric knife thrower, a shoplifter (and proud of it!), a bourgeois lady who has a bone to pick with a gigolo, a mistress who cheats on her lover, not forgetting the caretaker and a soldier in love.
The customer of 65
A woman managed to leave the man she hated and finds its difficult to live without him.
The mistress of an engineer meets the man's pregnant wife and decides to give up the liaison.
A brave man accidentally gives some good tips to a client who immediately hires him as a secretary. But he is kidnapped by a rival bank and there is a queue to get his predictions. He finally understands that he makes everyone's fortune except his own. He opens a private pharmacy where he earns everything he wants and even love.
An unemployed maid is hired in a music hall to wash the floors. The whim of a screenwriter makes her go on stage in the most basic outfit. A revelation, success is at his doorstep! However, the young woman would prefer a virtuous life and a serious marriage to the easy but immoral existence offered to her by the world of entertainment.
Un seigneur
Honorin is the simple and naive stage manager of a traveling theatre troupe, whose one ambition is to once play the role of the cavalier in the opera "Francis I, or the Loves of the Beautiful Ferroniere". A hypnotist puts him to sleep and in his dreams he is transplanted to the days of the Renaissance. There, among other items, he is made a Duke by Henri VIII, fights a duel and survives a series of medieval tortures, while also bestowing some 20th century blessings on the court of Francis I.
In Paris, Jean Bourselet, a great lover of pretty women, meets the charming Madeleine, whom men are not afraid of, and whose husband is a hotelier in Vittel. Provided with a note from his doctor, Bourselet goes off to Vittel. His wife Henriette, on her guard, joins her there and discovers that her husband is pretending to be a widower to better woo his beautiful. Henriette declares herself a widow, and flirts with a man. The lesson will bear, and after a few adventures, Bourselet is delighted to find his wife.
A man of integrity, Monsieur Pic is the accountant beyond reproach of the Banque Universelle. He would not dream of doing anything wrong and everybody knows it. He is therefore justly indignant when a wealthy woman offers him the position of administrator in the whorehouse she is opening soon. But only fools never change their minds and if Monsieur Pic finally accepts the position in the house across the Banque Universelle, he has three good reasons for that: first he does not get the promotion he deserved ; second, his son Albert is hired by Madame Anna as a decorator ; third, Hortense, his daughter has expressed the wish to "work" there too. The good point is that, once in the place, Pic will be rewarded for what he is worth. Even more important, the unfortunate father will be able there to keep a close eye on his two wayward children and protect them from temptation.
A comedy about the petty bureaucrats who need special leather props under their posteriors because of the long hours they spend sitting at their desks.
Two second-rate, hammy actors, Hector Trignol and Achille Baluchet, come up with a fake murder story to draw attention to themselves. Baluchet is to kill Trignol, who will temporarily disappear then reappear, as if by magic, during the trial. But things don't go according to plan.
Famous author Bretonneau gets his ghost writer Moluchet to impersonate the notorious criminal Jim la Houlette and pretend to steal a manuscript to boost the sales of their novels.
Under two different names, a journalist writes for two newspapers with opposing political doctrines and finds himself forced to fight a duel with himself.
A traveler without a ticket gets off the train he has stopped, becomes an occasional station master, fraternizes with the inspector who is chasing him, protects the loves of the wife of the real station master who has abandoned his post to make sure of his wife's fidelity, and takes the train back when everything is settled.
An opinionated and cocky bookkeeper is certain he can rum his employer's business better than his employer can. The latter dive the bookkeeper a chance to demonstrate his management ability and skills, and promptly makes an unmitigated mess.
A jeweler's clerk accidentally swallows a pearl worth three million. The jeweler accepts his marriage to his daughter if the clerk agrees to have the operation. The adventures follow one another until the day when the clerk admits that he has not swallowed the pearl, but as he has become a famous man, the jeweler accepts him as his son-in-law.