Rodolphe Marcilly

Рождение : 1898-06-29, Saint-Servan - Ille-et-Vilaine - France

Смерть : 1976-03-27


Rodolphe Marcilly (né à Saint-Servan le 29 juin 1898, mort à Paris le 27 mars 1976) est un acteur et assistant réalisateur français.


First Assistant Director
Главная героиня фильма — Хелен, зарабатывает на жизнь автогонками. Однажды она попадает в крупную аварию, после которой врачи настоятельно советуют ей отказаться от всех вредных привычек, бросить гонки и вести спокойный образ жизни, без потрясений и стрессов. В день выхода из больницы она получает письмо от своего бывшего мужа, Мориса, который приглашает ее приехать к нему на виллу в Испанию. Недолго поколебавшись, она срывается из родного города и едет в Испанию, на виллу к Морису. Приехав, она обнаруживает, что Морис снова женат на богатой и уже не молодой женщине, Констанс, и с удивлением узнает, что это приглашение написал вовсе не Морис, а его новая жена…
Paris Loves
Les amours de Paris focuses on three disparate couples and their problems in the arena of romantic love. One couple is comprised of a faithful husband and a sick wife whose stay in the hospital is not so bad because she has taken a sudden interest in her doctor. In the second pairing, a womanizer comes to see that the model who is in love with him is worth more than yet another conquest. And to complete the trio, two zany people finally realize they are a couple.
Жан Вальжан (Жан Габен) провёл 19 лет на каторге за кражу корки хлеба. Выйдя на свободу, он едва снова не ступил на преступный путь. Но встреча со священником перевернула его душу, и он решает отныне творить добро. На жестоких улицах Парижа его преследует заклятый враг Тенардье (Бурвиль) и безжалостный полицейский Жавер (Бернар Блие).
Дай мне шанс
Юная провинциалка Николь грезит кинематографом и однажды ее мечты начинают сбываться: девушка получает приглашение в Париж на конкурс, призом в котором должна стать роль в кино. Николь, не задумываясь, бросает родителей, возлюбленного и отправляется в столицу, не подозревая, каким трудным и тернистым является путь начинающей актрисы…
Воскресные друзья
Компания молодых людей, работающих на заводе, грезит авиацией и мечтает открыть свой авиаклуб. Каждое воскресенье они проводят на аэродроме, пытаясь восстановить старенький самолет. В этом им помогает опытный летчик в отставке Раф...
Three Women
An office boy
The short stories of Guy de Maupassant enjoyed a renaissance in the early 1950s, thanks in great part to the Max Ophuls production Le Plaisir. In Trois Femmes, three De Maupassant stories are dramatized, each conveying the central theme of women falling in love. In the first, a black female carnival entertainer causes an uproar when she falls in love with a white soldier. In the second, a young bride is pressured into having a baby to collect a huge inheritance. And in the final episode, a pregnant girl is "adopted" and protected by a small circle of friends. In standard De Maupassant fashion, each of the three stories in Trois Femmes is capped by a surprise twist.
Gunman in the Streets
An American is on the run in the streets and back alleys of France.
Julie de Carneilhan
A penniless aristocrat is fooled by her ex-husband, a crook.
The Idiot
Muichkine, a young Russian prince, returns home to St. Petersburg from a mental institution, determined to spread decency and kindness in the harsh and cruel world. He becomes betrothed to an innocent young girl while trying to save a less-innocent woman from her own travail, but jealousy and his own naivete conjoin to bring about unimaginable tragedy.
The Idiot
Assistant Director
Muichkine, a young Russian prince, returns home to St. Petersburg from a mental institution, determined to spread decency and kindness in the harsh and cruel world. He becomes betrothed to an innocent young girl while trying to save a less-innocent woman from her own travail, but jealousy and his own naivete conjoin to bring about unimaginable tragedy.
Un vénitien
Volpone, an elderly Venetian, connives with his money-crazed servant to convince his greedy friends that he is dying, knowing that each will try to curry favor with him in order to be named his heir. He is inundated with valuable gifts, and soon finds himself entangled deeper and deeper in a web of lies.
Courrier d'Asie
Under the aegis of the airline Air-France, the tourist stopovers of a person from Marseille to Hanoi, via Tunis, Alexandria, Beirut...
Beautiful Star
Meg decides to commit suicide to escape the marriage to which her father intends her. She is saved by Jean-Pierre, another candidate for suicide, and Léon, a tramp who was just trying to reason with him. The trio then becomes inseparable and organizes a new life based on friendship and freedom.
The Southern Trail
As Hélène is conveying her husband's body across the Sahara, her convoy is attacked by looters. The young widow survives only to be taken to a remote desert village called Tirzit amidst a band of lonely, ailing men. She meets her husband's partner who tries to kill her. Hélène does not report him to the police but is curious to learn the reasons for his action. Before dying of a terrible fever, the man confesses that he murdered her husband.
Captain Justin Mollenard works for a company that sells armaments to the Far East. After an eventful stay in Shanghai, where he and his cargo are the victim of a malicious attack, he returns to his hometown of Dunkirk. Mollenard receives a frosty welcome from his wife Mathilde, who resents the way in which he has neglected his family for so many years. Mollenard’s only wish is to get back to sea as soon as he can, but a sudden heart-attack leaves him paralysed and entirely in his wife’s power...
During the Rif War, a lieutenant commands a torpedo boat. He finds in an abandoned yacht, a beautiful portrait of a woman, and soon meets this one who is married to a brutal and jealous baron.
Pretentious esthete
A crude countryman sells horses and ,thanks to an old war buddy who has now become a film star, has achieved some renown. Full of himself, he ventures to Paris to see his movie friend, only to experience bitter disappointment.
Black Eyes
In 1913, in Russia, a widower hides from his daughter that he is butler in a restaurant of rendezvous. She meets a banker who seeks to seduce her and takes her to this restaurant. The father, knowing the decadent life of this client, immediately sends his daughter back home. The pure love that her piano teacher gives her will allow the girl to console herself for her disillusions.
Le simoun
Abandoned by his wife for twenty years, a colonist brings his daughter whom he has never seen and falls in love with her.
The Levy Department Stores
Now that they have inherited a huge sum of money Moïse Lévy and his brother Salomon are the prosperous owners of a a department store, the Galeries Lévy & Cie. Life is sweet but unexpectedly sours the day a fake Lévy cousin gets into their lives, claiming that the business is his, not theirs.
Le marchand de sable
On the road to his exotic outpost,a French lieutenant meets a young Russian lady who urges him not to see her again.Later, investigating a series of mysterious deaths, a Russian man he interviews imprisons him for digging too deep.