Alfredo Arias is an Argentinian artist whose nephew decides to follow him around through one year of work to study his creations and make this documentary.
Alfredo Arias is an Argentinian artist whose nephew decides to follow him around through one year of work to study his creations and make this documentary.
From her encounter with Eva Perón to the death of the icon, from her fascination with the Peronist cause to the persecution she will suffer after the Liberating Revolution, film star Fanny Navarro remembers her life walking today in the streets of Buenos Aires.
From her encounter with Eva Perón to the death of the icon, from her fascination with the Peronist cause to the persecution she will suffer after the Liberating Revolution, film star Fanny Navarro remembers her life walking today in the streets of Buenos Aires.
В атмосфере ночного Парижа переплетены любовь, интриги и опасность. Перед директором театра Луиджи, бабником и разгильдяем, стоит задача не из легких — найти деньги на громкую премьеру и живую обезьяну. И для этого ему придется использовать всю свою изобретательность, хитрость и, разумеется… недюжинное мужское обаяние, потому что в ночном Париже все решают красотки и роковые женщины.
The action takes place at the turn of the century in a remote village in South America. Drunkard and brutal, a father reigns over a world of women whom he whips. For a long time, he imposed his "macho" law. But he created a flame of hatred in the heart of his eldest daughter, who organized the death of the tyrant...