Paul Demange

Paul Demange

Рождение : 1901-04-12, Mirecourt, Vosges, France

Смерть : 1983-11-28


Paul Demange


Серьезный, как удовольствие
Le "spécialiste" des jeux de cartes
Великолепная эксцентричная комедия о похождениях экстравагантной троицы - двух молодых мужчин и одной молодой дамы, состоящих в романтической связи и при этом вполне мирно уживающихся друг с другом. Компания находит повод пошутить над всем окружающим миром в Париже, а потом и в путешествии по стране. Фильм фонтанирует неисчерпаемым юмором. В небольших камео засветились многие звезды французского кино.
La Cage aux folles
Tabaro, the accountant
La visite de la vieille dame
Adaptation for TV of the play by Friedrich Durrenmatt. A very rich old lady arrives in her nearly bankrupt native village. She is ready to come to the rescue but only if her old lover who had once abandoned her pregnant is killed.
Les gros malins
Le second pharmacien
Кто в семье хозяин
Le clochard
Генеральный директор хочет завоевать американский рынок, пытаясь продать свою продукцию янки. Один из возможных компаньонов должен приехать во Францию для заключения сделки. Этот человек - пуританин, считающий, что французский образ жизни противоречит общепринятым нормам морали. К несчастью, шеф просит своего коммерческого директора мистера Пеллетье поселить американца в своем доме, где любимое занятие его зятя - флирт с красивыми женщинами, жена хозяина - женщина очень свободных нравов, служанка - маоистка, а дочь не прочь выпить и носит соблазнительные мини-юбки...
Les enquiquineurs
Le pêcheur
Chérie Noire
Mission to Caracas
Special agent Becker is after a briefcase that rather cleverly disguises some secret documents.
When the Pheasants Pass
le marchand de vieux papiers
Arsène Baudu and Hyacinthe, a pair of small-time crooks, fall prey to Alexandre Larsan-Bellac, who involves them (against their will) in high-profile swindling, but their success is quite limited. For starters they are deceived by Mrs. Paterson, a charming widow. Later on, Ribeiro, a Portuguese contractor and former victim of the two crooks, traces them and forces them to work on one of his building sites for damages. Just then, Larsan-Bellac resurfaces with plans to lure Ribeiro once again. —Guy Bellinger
Les pieds nickelés
le concierge
A Ravishing Idiot
Bank director
A Russian spy is sent out to steal sensitive information from NATO about military mobilization. Without much intelligence of his own, the distrusted agent of Soviet intelligence needs all the help he can get from his "talented" partner Penelope Lightfeather as they scatter around the French countryside for secret rendez-vous' while trying to avoid being caught by counter intelligence agents and distrustful communist operatives.
The sacristan
Респектабельная мадам Мари Поль проигрывает в казино на Лазурном берегу астрономические суммы, регулярно получаемые от мужа-миллионера. Много лет назад, она жила в крохотном французском городке, едва сводя концы с концами. Ее мать, умирая, умоляла дочь соглашаться на все, лишь бы не жить в нищете. После смерти матери молодая Мари начала настоящую охоту на мужчин, чтобы всегда иметь на обед свою «тарелку супа»…
Убийца разбирается в музыке...
Le voisin qui se lève tôt
Пианист раздосадован адским шумом, который доносится из только что открывшегося магазина по ремонту автомобилей. Несчастный музыкант находит выход в случайной встрече, наивная Аньес в разводе обладательница уютного и тихого особняка вдали от шума и балагана. И все бы хорошо, но на пути оказался отец женщины…
Alerte au barrage
Семь смертных грехов
M. Verdier (segment "L'envie'") (uncredited)
Каждый из семи режиссеров рассказывает об одном из смертных грехов в своей отдельной новелле. «Гнев» перерастает в ядерную войну. В «Лени» кинозвезда платит деньги, чтобы ему завязывали шнурки. В «Ненасытности», семейство едет на похороны родственника, чтобы хорошо поесть и так далее…
Mr. Verdier (uncredited)
Envious of a movie star who is staying at the hotel where she works, the waitress Rosette does everything she can to seduce the actress's lover. Some time later, after having realized her ambition, she returns to the hotel as a client. (Segment of "Les sept pêches capitaux")
The Last Judgment
Miser in Paris
The Last Judgement (Italian: Il giudizio universale) is a 1961 commedia all'italiana film by Italian director Vittorio De Sica. It was coproduced with France. It has an all-star Italian and international cast, including Americans Jack Palance, Ernest Borgnine; Greek Melina Mercouri and French Fernandel, Anouk Aimée and Lino Ventura. The film was a huge flop, massacred by critics and audiences when it was released. It was filmed in black and white, but the last sequence, the dance at theatre, is in color.
The librarian
An off-beat, uneven tale about a man intent on suicide and the three people who try to talk him out of it, Pantalaskas stars American Carl Studer in the title role of the morose, would-be suicide. Set in Paris and taking place over an entire night, the story has a complication in that the trio who want to prevent the suicide do not speak the man's language -- he is Lithuanian and speaks no French. So the protagonists comb the underbelly of a nighttime Paris, looking high and low but mostly low for anyone who speaks Lithuanian. Depending mainly on dialogue for its impact, the verbose drama reveals how the protagonists undergo a transformation as the night wears on.
Oh! Qué mambo
Le fourreur
Miguel foils a bank robbery and becomes a successful nightclub singer, but he doesn't know that his wife is being courted by an Italian fitness instructor.
Head Against the Wall
An aimless young man is committed to a psychiatric hospital by his father in an attempt to cure him of his delinquent tendencies.
Un certain Monsieur Jo
Jo Guardini, now the peaceful owner of a charming inn by the banks of the River Marne, once was a dreaded gangster. The respectful citizen does not want to have anything to do with the underworld any more. Unfortunately, two of his former accomplices kidnap a little girl and decide to hide her in his hotel. What will Jo do : side with the law in the person of inspector Loriot or have a relapse in crime?
In Six Easy Lessons
A bossy count has trouble marrying off any of his six sons. When one of them, Adam, finally makes wedding arrangements, something happens to his bride to be: she develops amnesia after an accident.
Sinners of Paris
Truffaut (uncredited)
Michel Piccoli plays a police inspector whose best friend is murdered on the orders of gang boss Charles Vanel. The inspector knows full well that Vanel is too crafty and well-connected to ever stand trial for his crime, so he carefully lays a subtle trap for his adversary. Unfortunately, both Piccoli and Vanel are thwarted by a pair of scheming females.
The Fast Set
Le régisseur
Originally titled Mademoiselle Striptease, this classic French sex comedy is a charming frolic through luscious Parisian cabarets with outstanding striptease performances. Agnes Laurent plays a spoiled young provincial girl.
Le chômeur de Clochemerle
"Easiest Profession" - Tistin is the only unemployed man in Clochemerle. Obliged to use their tax money to keep Tistin alive, the other guys in town insist that he find some sort of work. Tistin obligingly takes a few jobs, working for the various ladies in town. Before long, the menfolk become convinced that Tistin is using this cover to play the field, and they're angry at him all over again.
Quelle sacrée soirée
The controller
Jean Duclos has extraordinary adventures after taking the train and mistakenly taking the luggage of a young dancer, Lola Wanda. An oil tycoon appoints him as a proxy for his future company, and then he marries his beautiful cousin, Suzy.
Vacances explosives
L'homme dans la baignoire du Coq Hardi
Arlette thinks she has made a wonderful gift to her daughter Sylvie, who has just married François Morel, a young journalist. And, to tell the truth, not everybody receives a posh little bar like the Royal Montmartre as a gift. The trouble is that Monsieur Jo, the former owner of the joint is also the boss of a gang of drug traffickers. And that he has managed to persuade the pair of naive lovebirds to drop a painting to a friend on their way to their honeymoon place. Now the picture is stuffed with drugs! The honeymoon trip promises to be eventful...
Springtime in Paris
Михаил Строгов
Employé du telegraphe
Михаил Строгов — курьер на службе у императора Александра II. Когда татарский хан Феофар вторгается в Россию, Строгов отправляется в Иркутск под подставным именем Николая Корпанова, чтобы предупредить губернатора, родного брата царя, о государственной измене Ивана Огарева. Генерал Крылов дает ему в спутницы Надю Федорову, которая должна разыгрывать роль его супруги. По пути он встречает Гарри Блунта, репортёра английской газеты, и Алсида Жоливе, корреспондента французской газеты. Блунт и Жоливе едут почти той же дорогой, что и Михаил, постоянно разъезжаясь и встречаясь по пути. Вскоре Михаил и Надя попадают в плен к татарам, по обвинению в шпионстве от Ивана Огарева. Проконсультировавшись с Кораном, Феофар решил, что Михаила надо ослепить горячим мечом по татарским законам…
Les pépées au service secret
Le chef d'orchestre
Tonight the Skirts Fly
Monsieur Pommeau
At Christmastime, the love affairs of five clothing models working for Pierre Roussel, a renowned Paris fashion designer. Marlène hesitates between two suitors. Blanche, who loves Jean, Roussel's son, wants him to talk to his father about their relationship. Catherine learns that her lover has a wife and two kids. Jeannette throws herself into the arms of an Oriental prince. In despair the fifth one attempts to commit suicide...
Когда б Париж поведал нам
Профессор университета беседует со студентами в форме «ясного признания в любви» и рассказывает им о разных исторических фактах, которые складываются в историю Парижа… Это история Шарля VII и Аньес Сорель, создание типографии при Луи X, Лувр во времена Франсуа I, Варфоломеевская ночь, убийство Анри III монахом-фанатиком, процесс над Марией Антуанеттой, Парижская коммуна, дело Дрейфуса и другие…
Тринадцать за столом
Le pianiste
Медвежью услугу оказал своим парижским знакомым, супругам Вилардье, известный голливудский продюссер Бадабоф, без предупреждения прихватив с собой на праздничный ужин по поводу сочельника голливудскую же звезду мисс Вуд. Тринадцать человек за столом – худшего кошмара хозяйка дома себе и представить не может! Тем не менее, за оставшиеся до полуночи два часа Мадлен Вилардье надеется решить проблему и энергично берется за дело. Но не тут-то было: званые гости не приходят или внезапно уходят, зато так же внезапно являются незваные, и результат этих арифметических действий неизменно получается одинаковым – 13.
Сногсшибательная девушка
Le valet de chambre
Однажды, случайно угодив со своим велосипедом под грузовик и отделавшись легким испугом, небогатая парижская модистка Доминик Ложье поняла, что нашла золотую жилу. Совсем скоро предприимчивая девушка поставила несчастные случаи на поток, ведь водители нередко готовы откупиться от пострадавшего, лишь бы не доводить дело до полиции. А уж обаятельный угонщик, прямо у нее на глазах экспроприировавший чужую машину, тем более готов будет раскошелиться. Великолепный план Доминик портило только одно неизвестное ей обстоятельство: угонщик на самом деле был высокопоставленным служащим Интерпола, а владельца угнанной машины подозревали в контрабанде золота.
Crime boulevard
Le régisseur (uncredited)
Молодая Фру-Фру была столь мила, что очаровала сразу четырех состоятельных господ, заключивших договор, по которому они обязались вывести ее в свет. Фру-Фру становится певичкой, затем ее ждет длинная череда приключений, очарований и разочарований, из которых особо можно отметить русскую революцию, от которой героиня еле унесла ноги. Историю своей жизни Фру-Фру рассказывает дочери. Луи де Фюнес здесь играет одного из четырех покровителей Фру-Фру, не самого выдающегося, впрочем.
Le Crâneur
Le concierge
A singer tries to rescue a man drawn into the drug trade.
Пеп устанавливают закон
Похищена молодая девушка по имени Натали. Её мать не решается заявить об этом в полицию, так как считает, что в деле замешаны наркотики. Три другие её дочери — Эльвира, Элизабет и Кристина — решают помочь ей освободить сестру. Все вместе они вступают в борьбу с бандой похитителя по кличке Казанова, который работает на мсье Шарля…
Ваш выход, Каллаган!
The bartender
A ship, La Circé, has sunk and it might possibly be criminal . The vessel belongs to Storata ,who asks the insurance company for a hundred million Francs .Callaghan is working for them and he investigates on dry land and on the sea. The brilliant detective discovers that Storata has scuttled his ship himself to swindle insurance.
Le barman (uncredited)
Hélène and Aldo Giovanni are a circus trapeze double act and a couple. Aldo is temporarily replaced by former-partner Alexandre when the former is injured. The two get into a fight and the following day Alexandre is discovered dead. Hélène suspects her husband is responsible for the murder.
Vice Dolls
Gustave, the bartender
In this French crime drama, a young man gets revenge upon the criminals who caused his grandfather to kill himself. Unfortunately, the fellow doesn't realize how bad the criminals are. Fortunately, a kindly hooker, who does know the crooks, saves him from the same fate.
Palace of Shame
Tongues start to wag after a famous Parisian music hall dancer is rushed to hospital after being found poisoned by arsenic at the Concert Mayol.
Leguignon guérisseur
Le pharmacien
The Secrets of the Bed
Four-episode Franco-Italian omnibus film. Four men from different national and cultural background take refuge in a cabin after being sidetracked by bad weather on their way to conference.
Quai des blondes
un client
Émile Carcassone
The renowned theatre manager, Paul Rémy, is accused by his general secretary Andrieux of having killed his partner. On the advice of his wife Mona, Paul goes into hiding in a psychiatric hospital to escape from the police. But Andrieux seduces Mona who then turns against her husband.
Nuits andalouses
Père de Dominique (uncredited)
Boom on Paris
Stanislas, the professor's assistant
In the early 1950s, the popular radio show "La Kermesse aux Étoiles", hosted by the famous Jean Nohain, mixing lottery games and performances of various artists, will be disrupted by the adventures of a man and his fiancée seeking to recover a dangerous bottle of perfume (explosive) which was unfortunately mixed with the prizes to be won ...
Мой братишка из Сенегала
Le colonel
На протяжении десяти лет скромный провинциальный фотограф Жюль Пансон остается самым выгодным клиентом бакалейщика Бриду. Движимый неразделенной любовью к дочери бакалейщика Аннет, фотограф заглядывает в лавку практически ежедневно и безропотно покупает горы всевозможной снеди. Старик Бриду и не прочь породниться с Пансоном, но не может игнорировать очевидное: помешанная на фильмах Аннет мечтает об отважных киногероях, а не о застенчивом соседе. Решение подсказывает общефранцузский конкурс близнецов, благодаря которому на арену активных действий выходит Сезар Пансон – бравый исследователь африканских джунглей, способный перевернуть вверх тормашками мирную жизнь в городке
Три мушкетёра
Un aubergiste
Классический случай, когда молодость и присущая ей бесшабашность - не порок, а дорога к славе. Бедный гасконский дворянин, благодаря безрассудной храбрости, сумел спасти со своими друзьями-мушкетерами честь королевы Франции. Несмотря на все козни, чинимые кардиналом Ришелье руками своих подручных.
Парижские воробьи
Американский импрессарио мистер Смит и его дочь Пэгги хотят заставить малолетних певцов совершить турне по Соединённым Штатам. Один из них, Жанно видит медальон своей бабушки на шее девушки и требует вернуть его, но получает отказ…
My Husband Is Marvelous
A young journalist, Sylvia, has to interview a writer, Claude Chatel, whose success is due to his misogyny.
Le gang des pianos à bretelles
The leader of the gangsters
An accordionist playing in disreputable halls is mistaken for a gangster by a special envoy from the American crime syndicate in charge of investigating the French milieu. The American will prepare a hold-up with a gang of women specialized in scamming tourists. But the accordionist will make the hold-up fail and all the criminals will end up behind bars.
The Drunkard
A regular (uncredited)
Unfairly accused of her husband's murder, a woman is imprisoned.
The Lottery of Happiness
Mr Lucas, a grocer, wants to attract the clientele; he imagines a lottery; every week, you can win a bike. It's a big success.
The Fighting Drummer
The rivalry between Albert Gambier, head of the municipal brass band, and the jazz band, led by Jacques Hélian, provokes many comic adventures in this small provincial town. Everything will end in songs, thanks to the love uniting Jimmy, the band's composer, and Nicole, Gambier's daughter.
Holiday for Henrietta
A hairdresser (uncredited)
Two scriptwriters argue about the fate of Henrietta, a charming and gamine shopgirl. One favors a comical path for their heroine, who is overcome with sentimental love for a young photographer on Bastille Day. The other has a more thrilling and dastardly fate in mind for her. Among the film's irresistible conceits is Hildegarde Neff as an oversexed circus bareback rider.
Her Last Christmas
Le professeur Méraud
A very ill little girl having expressed the wish to live until Christmas, the whole neighborhood agrees to anticipate the celebration.
The Road to Damascus
Saul De Tarse is a Roman soldier who is making rough all over. He arrives at the Golgotha when the apostles remove the cross. He ruthlessly persecutes the Christians, even though they are his own friends.
Ночные красавицы
Le petit monsieur qui veut reprendre le piano (uncredited)
Молодой композитор Клод влачит жалкое существование в одном из бедных Кварталов захолустного городка. Он подрабатывает учителем пения в школе, — над ним смеются ученики и подшучивают друзья детства — обладатели более земных профессий, а ко всему прочему сосед, владелец автомастерской, мешает сочинять ему музыку, заглушая звуки пианино (которое вот-вот заберут за неуплату аренды) ревом моторов. Утонченный Клод убегает от удручающей реальности в свои сны, которые переносят его в разные эпохи. Там он — известный композитор, храбрый офицер, сражающийся в Африке, светский лев и одновременно революционер, мушкетер и дамский угодник. Мир снов гораздо ярче и реалистичнее мира подлинного.
Ils sont dans les vignes...
In 1935, in the Burgundian village of Valromey, Commissioner Desbordes was the very unpopular leader of the anti-alcoholic league. His own brother, Pimpin, is an unconditional defender of the vineyard. Pierre Moreau is, for his part, the representative of a hygienic drink, the "Koku-Kolu". The cafe owner's daughter, Rose, will find the man very to her liking and will manage to seduce him.
Buridan, hero of the tower of Nesle
Simon Malingré
In Paris in 1314, the knight Jean Buridan is in love with Mirtille but the young woman is already coveted by the king's brother.
Drôle de noce
Mr and Mrs Barbezat,Concierges are to marry their only daughter to a butcher's boy. Both the in-laws and the groom have an obsession: come what may, they are keen on honoring their engagements: promises are made to be kept is their motto. And when, on the wedding day, the unfortunate parents cannot provide the newly weds with...the "Mérinos" mattress which is part of the bride's Trousseau ,they are desperate. The husband will spend the whole wedding festivities trying to keep his word.
Господин Такси
Le petit homme qui téléphone
Водитель такси Пьер Вержер, по прозвищу Господин Такси, колесит по Парижу со своей собакой по кличке Гангстер. Лучшие клиенты таксиста, конечно, богатые иностранцы. Однажды одна из его пассажирок забывает в машине сумочку с большой суммой денег. С этого момента и начинаются злоключения нашего героя. Пьер пытается разыскать иностранку, чтобы вернуть ей деньги, но безуспешно...
Любовь – не грех
Un locataire
В одном здании находятся две ассоциации: U.R.A.F. — Ассоциация антиженского сопротивления, возглавляемая Жаком Лурсье, и A.T.I.F. — Ассоциация триумфа и независимости женщин под руководством Элен Кахузак. Между ними идёт открытая вражда, которая постепенно превращается в любовь…
This Age Without Pity
Léon, André, Christiane and Monique, who all study drama, decide to go camping together. Unfortunately - although unsurprisingly - their old jalopy breaks down on the road. Chance has it that in the village where they are stranded a historical movie is being shot by famed director Médéric, starring sexpot Barbara Glamour and Latin heartthrob Edouardo Tocato. Two of the young people start flirting with the two film stars until their friends make them see reason : they love each other. The four of them end up being hired as extras and all is well that ends well.
Моя жена великолепна
un déménageur
Скульптор Раймон Корбье без памяти любит свою жену Сильвию. Именно поэтому он болезненно ревнив и подозревает жену в измене с музыкантом Франсисом Жерменом. Чтобы убедиться в этом, Раймон делает вид, что влюблён в Маргариту, жену своего лучшего друга дантиста Гастона Ривала. После множества комических ситуаций на горнолыжной базе супруги наконец убеждаются в своей любви друг к другу.
Nights of Paris
Bert and George Bernard, two American comedians, are asked by a solicitor to trace a rich heiress whose initials are tattooed on one of her thighs. All they know about her is that she is a chorus girl. This fact particularly suits Bert who is a fan of shows with light-footed and lightly dressed girls. Combining business with pleasure, the two men wind up finding the rare bird.
Le passage de Vénus
Yesterday night, Lazare Chantoiseau painted the town red. This morning he wakes up with a very unsettling idea in mind: he is sure to have stolen and raped a strange woman in the Luxembourg Gardens, so he decides to give himself up. On that occasion he gets to know his victim, Hortense, as well as her husband, an astronomer. Lazare realizes he is innocent, which does not prevent from becoming... Hortense's lover!
Good Enough to Eat
The owner of the Auberge de l'Hermitière
Rose Chaperon is asked by her confectioner mother Mathilde to bring jewels to her sick grandmother, Madame de Mergrand. But Hugues, the latter's brother, is prepared to do anything to get his hands on the loot. To this end he hires a villainous young man, Jean-Louis nicknamed Loup, to do the job. Will Loup engulf and devour Little "Rose "Riding Hood?
Биби Фрикотен
Le Conservateur
Биби Фрикотен пытается найти сокровища предков своей подруги Катрин. После множества приключений, преодолев тысячу преград, созданных на его пути дядей и тётей девушки, Фрикотен всё-таки находит сокровище… в музее.
Stage manager (uncredited)
Having fallen out with his girlfriend Dolorès, Juanito leaves for Mexico, where he becomes a famous matador.There he meets a Viennese singer, Fanny Miller, who falls for him so much so that she intercepts the letters Dolorès keeps on sending him. In desperation, Dolorès devotes all her time and efforts to dance and she becomes the celebrated dancer Estrellita. After a series of misunderstandings and ups and downs, the sun of Andalusia will finally reunite the two lovebirds.
El sueño de Andalucía
Le régisseur (uncredited)
Juanillo is in love with Dolores, the daughter of the owner of an inn. He likes to sing, she likes dancing. After the village festivals, where Juanillo has acted as a bullfighter and Dolores has performed, he has been hired as bullfighter for a tour in America. They exchange vows, but their letters will be intercepted.
Улица без закона
В небольшом городке орудует банда, возглавляемая уголовником Спарадрой. В этом же городе живёт служащий одного медицинского заведения Анатоль, сын которого берёт уроки музыки у музыканта Ипполита. Ипполит иногда аккомпанирует княгине Латриль, которая любит устраивать концерты и давать приёмы в своём доме. В один из таких приёмов банда Спарадра крадёт у неё какую-то мелочь и решает позже обчистить дом полностью. Чтобы отвести от себя подозрения, грабители решают подставить Анатоля. Для этого участница банды Эмма знакомится с ним и просит у него на память фотографию и шляпу, которые преступники намереваются оставить в ограбленном доме.
The Treasure of Cantenac
While he was about to end his life, Baron de Cantenac wanted to return one last time to the land of his ancestors. He then discovers a treasure that he will strive to use to revive his village.
Прелюдия славы
Le brocanteur
На юге Франции живёт мальчик Роберто Луиджи. Он страстно любит музыку, подбирая на слух услышанные мелодии на улице, ловко наигрывая их на аккордеоне нищего музыканта. Случайно попав в католический собор, зачарованно слушает прелюдию И. С. Баха в исполнении знаменитого органиста. Воспользовавшись его отсутствием, маленький Роберто по памяти подбирает на органе услышанное произведение…
Sending of Flowers
Timorous spectator
Envoi de Fleurs is based on incidents in the life of French composer Paul Delmet. Played by popular French singing star Tino Rossi, Delmet is depicted as a man all too willing to give up personal happiness in favor of blind ambition. After carrying on a romance by correspondence with beautiful young Suzanne (Micheline Francey), Delmet is on the verge of marrying the girl. Instead, he allows himself to be talked out of leaving France to further his own career, with disastrous results for all concerned.
A Certain Mister
Documents relevant to National Defence have been concealed in a certain vase by a dangerous gang of robbers. To neutralize the criminals, a seasoned police commissioner and his clumsy assistant, young inspector César, join forces with a colorful trio of thieves nicknamed Le Pouce (Thumb), L'Index (Index Finger) and Le Majeur (Middle Finger)...
Le 84 prend des vacances
Gaston Bernod is a Parisian bus driver. Honest, upright and hard-working, he is held in high esteem by his superiors. Gaston has always pampered "his" bus, going as far as to equip it with a fuel-saving device of his invention. Very close to his vehicle, he may have somewhat neglected his wife Paulette, who lets herself got round by the smooth words of Pierrot. The gigolo has indeed managed to persuade her to follow him to the Mont Saint-Michel, "a wonderful nest for their burgeoning love" as he says. The trouble is that Gaston, while driving his dear 84, catches sight of the car, and suddenly aware of his misfortune, sees red. He immediately sets off in pursuit of the culprits, involving his load of helpless passengers in the chase.
Death Threat
André Garnier, a young pianist, who was sent to deportation following a denunciation, absolutely wants to find his informer. He falls in love with Hélène, the mistress of a wealthy industrialist, Bernier, in whom he soon discovers the man who once sold him to the Gestapo. Bernier is soon found murdered. André deflects suspicion on Jacques, the victim's secretary. Hélène and André's affair ends up being discovered by the police, who seem to see in it the motive for the crime. André surrenders to justice.
Keep an Eye on Amelia
Young Amélie is currently enjoying life as the kept woman of her reasonably well off boyfriend Étienne. But when Étienne is called off for military duty, he enlists his playboy friend Marcel to keep an eye on her....something of a problem seeing that he is currently looking for a woman with which to create a sham marriage so he can quickly inherit a large sum of money from his father. Then suddenly the Prince of Palestra enters into the picture and boldly asks for Étienne's romantic favors to assess whether or not he would consider taking her as his bride. What's a free-spirited girl to do?
Миллионеры на один день
Le collègue de Pierre Berger
A typographer makes a mistake by printing the winning number of the national lottery. Many people believe they have won the jackpot. Pursued by his newspaper editor, the worker appears in court where all mystified people are invited to testify.
Gilberte is a sixteen year old girl raised by her aunt and grandmother to be a demimondaine. But she's not ready for that yet, and spends her days in lessons and in teasing Mamita's old friend, the rich playboy Gaston LaChaille, and following his affairs from afar. But when Gaston throws off his latest mistress, it looks as if Gigi just might be ready to begin her destined career.
La vie est un rêve
Dr. Laennec
Le client enrhumé
Breton doctor René Laennec fights tooth and nail against consumption, all the more desperately as his brother Michaud has just died of it.
Летающий шкаф
Le Frise
Альфред Пюк - добросовестный налоговый инспектор живёт в одной квартире со своей пожилой тётей. Когда в одно зимнее утро мадам Лоближуа отправляется на грузовике в Клермон-Ферран, чтобы забрать оставшуюся мебель из проданного дома, её племянник убежден, что никогда не увидит её снова. И это подтверждается. На обратном пути тётя внезапно умирает, и водители грузовика, чтобы избежать проблем с полицией, помещают её тело в платяной шкаф. По приезду в Париж, пока водители объясняли всё происшедшее Альфреду, их грузовик был украден, вместе с грузом, который включает мёртвую мадам Лоближуа. Нотариус объясняет Альфреду, что его тётя не может быть объявлена мертвой, пока не будет найдено тело, и Альфред начинает поиски украденного платяного шкафа...
Cité de l'espérance
The City of Hope is the place where left-behind artists subsist by scraping by. When one of them is accused of murder, all try to find the real culprit.
The Execrable Fate of Guillemette Babin
Maître Nicolas
Being born a witch's daughter did not bode well for your future in the Middle Ages. Guillaumette tries to stay on the straight and narrow with a little help from a priest she visits.
Impasse of Two Angels
Stage actress Marianne has decided to give up her career to marry wealthy nobleman Marquis Antoine de Fontaines. As a wedding present, Antoine gives his future wife a precious diamond necklace, which is coveted by a gang of crooks. Jean, one of them, is given the mission to approach Marianne and steal the necklace from her. The only trouble is that when he meets her, she recognizes him as the man she once loved.
Man to Men
The story of the Swiss soldier, Henri Dunant, who was responsible for the founding of the Red Cross, and who was offered the first Nobel Peace Prize.
Le Dessous des cartes
Claude Géraudy, a banker responsible for a financial scandal, is forced to flee and hides in the mountains with the help of Manu, a young smuggler. Florence, his wife, refuses to join him. Desperate Claude commits suicide, Florence then decides to pass her suicide off as murder in order to receive her late husband's life insurance.
Rapide de nuit
Monsieur Grand
Duped by a pretty woman who uses him to smuggle a suitcase containing the proceeds of a theft through the station, an honest fellow understands everything and replaces the suitcase with a similar one. The police do not understand anything, but the pretty girl promises to become honest like the one who almost was her pigeon.
Скандал в Клошмерле
В центре небольшого городка власти для удобства мужского населения установили туалет, точнее писсуары, лишь слегка прикрытые от взгляда прохожих. Ноги и голова — на виду, ну а то самое — скрыто.
The Killer is Listening
April fools in a studio where a radio host pretends to shoot dead all the performers....till a true crime occurs.
Monsieur Vincent
Un sacristain (uncredited)
The life of Vincent de Paul, the 17th-century author and priest who founded two religious orders.
Les maris de Léontine
Léontine, an old baroness, opposes her granddaughter's wedding for moral reasons. But Adolphe, her first husband reminds her that her own conduct in the past was far from irreproachable. Didn't she cheat on him ? And after her divorce from him and her remarriage with a baron, didn't she do the same thing to her second husband? Léontine then realizes she is in no position to lecture her granddaughter, all the more as she loves her fiancé truly.
Le charcutier de Machonville
In a town on the banks of the Saône1 Grasalard, a butcher, likes to feast and play boules with his friends. Although married, he falls in love with another woman.
Silence Is Golden
Le sultan de Socotora
Emile is a French film producer at the beginning of the century. One of his friends leaves his daughter Lucette in his house, when he is starting a tour through France. Emile falls in love with her. Problems starts when his younger friend Jacques come back from military service and after complaining his misfortune with women, follows Emile's advice in starting affairs with women and he meets Lucette.
Школа почтальонов
Chief Postman
В маленьком почтовом отделении три почтальона по приказу своего начальства учатся доставлять почту, не слезая с велосипеда. Цель этой тренировки — сэкономить двадцать минут, необходимые для того, чтобы успеть к прилету почтового самолета.
The detective
This is the story of two brothers: the good one, the virtuous gent, an acclaimed singer, and the bad one who leads a wild life.
Back Streets of Paris
Marcel le coiffeur
Madame Rose runs a seedy hotel in a suburb of Paris. Strong-minded but without the least moral scruple, she once killed her husband whose honesty was a hindrance to her business. Under a suspended sentence, she now indulges in smuggling. One day, Victor, one of her former accomplices hounded by the police, finds sanctuary with her. During a drinking spree, he has the bad idea to entrust to her a suitcase filled with bank notes, a loot with which Victor hopes to rebuild his life in South America. But Rose, lured by temptation, betrays Victor, who is arrested by the police. However, he manages to escape with only one thing in mind, to take revenge on Rose...
Her Last Part
An actress who has just played the part of an old lady says that she would like to grow old like that character did.Sadly, she will not get her wish because she is terminally-ill.
Christine se marie
In order to engage in life experiences, Christine takes the civil status of her three sisters to marry as many times.
The Ideal Couple
Director of Justex
Diavalo is the popular hero of French serials circa 1912. Diana is an actress who falls in love with Diavalo. Diavalo is forced to wear a series of disguises to elude the police so he can attend a Gala for the President.
Women's Games
The agency À Votre Service has the reputation of meeting all needs. This is what Stanislas observes when his uncle replaces his mistress with a fiancée provided by the agency.
Land Without Stars
Le clerc de notaire
Simon's life is troubled by images of a crime which happened in his family a hundred years ago. While traveling in south France, he finds the landscape familiar. That's when he meets Catherine and falls in love. But her lover comes back and his strong personality attracts her again.
Roger the Disgrace
Roger Laroque, an honest industrialist, is the victim of a criminal machination by Julia de Noirville, his possessive and jealous mistress allied to the perfidious Paul Luversan, meant to make Roger take responsibility for the crime he himself committed. Laroque is sent to prison, from where he escapes by sea. When he is reported missing, it looks like he drowned. But he reappears with revenge as his objective. He also wants his daughter Suzanne back. For his wife, it's too late, she died of grief.
Behind These Walls
André Morget
June 1944, a French town towards the end of the occupation. Following several attacks perpetrated by the resistance, the inhabitants who listen to English radio are rounded up by the Germans in a prison and considered as hostages. In one of the cells are found men from all walks of life: an aristocrat, the Viscount of Saint-Leu, Doctor Noblet, a resistance fighter, Béquille the wanderer with a wooden leg, and a strange character nicknamed "Black Market". The latter arouses mistrust among the prisoners, because it could well have been introduced by the enemy.
Song of the Clouds
Sylvio, a successful singer, has found a way to take a peaceful vacation, safe from his female adulators: to travel incognito. He puts up at an old castle whose landlord, Count Fabrice, a ruined nobleman, seeks a hidden treasure. Posing as the nephew of the castle gardener, Sylvio enjoys happy days and even finds the time to fall in love with Gracieuse, the count's daughter. Unfortunately for him, his impresario ends up locating him...
Faut ce qu'il faut
In 1939, in a maternity ward, a young man visits his mistress who has just given birth to a little girl. He tells her that he is married and that for him the outcome of this adventure was not really planned. The mobilization separates them but the young man will end up divorcing and with the relentless help of a friend, will find his mistress and his child and will be able to marry her in spite of the chaos of the war.
Сильвия и привидение
le conseiller
«Пусть призрак будет поддельным, лишь бы выглядел, как настоящий», - с таким заказом обращается в актерское агентство владелец старинного замка, чтобы устроить сюрприз к 16-летию своей дочери Сильвия, увлеченной романтической легендой о Белом Охотнике, некогда влюбленном в ее бабушку. На объявленную вакансию «очень милого и любезного призрака» находятся даже три претендента, и барон ангажирует всех троих, чтобы сделать задуманное представление еще масштабнее и загадочнее. А мысли Сильвия тем временем всё больше занимает не фамильное привидение, а реальный молодой незнакомец, случайно встреченный ею в замке.
The Queer Assignment
Un voyageur sur le bateau
A young man, Robert Dupont, with suicidal tendencies and a bit stupid to boot, is saved by a stranger who pretends to be a well-known banker. This stranger then entrusts him with a suitcase full of mysterious documents, which he asks him to take with him to Indochina. But in reality, the suitcase is stuffed with banknotes from a scam.
St. Val's Mystery
Désiré Le Sec has just won the "amateur policeman contest" and he is so glad he 's telling all the people around.He is an insure agent ,and his boss,his uncle,is annoyed :a man took out a big life insurance and died soon afterward.
The Last Metro
Leaving the station after having caught the last Paris Metro, a man comes to the rescue of a woman who is being assaulted and finds himself drawn into her affairs.
Un membre du comité
During the Directory, a handful of royalists tried to get the Dauphin Louis XVII to escape from the Temple.
The Black Rider
In Flanders in the eighteenth century, Ramon de Ortila, a young lord who has been dispossessed of property has turned into a gentleman brigand. His main target is Monsieur de Saint-Brissac, the salt tax farmer. But Solange, his daughter, sets a trap and lures the young man to her father's manor. Little does she know that love is at the rendezvous.
Дети райка
Le deuxième auteur de 'L'auberge des Adrets'
Действие картины разворачивается в Париже 20-30-х 19-го века. Это обширный рассказ о безответной любви, тайных романах, ревностии страсти в мире театра, преступности и аристократии. «Дети райка»- это бедняки, занимающие галерку театров в «Бульвар Дю Темпль». Они становятся свидетелями истории любви театрального мима Баптиста и его обожаемой Гаранс.
The Bride of Darkness
Sylvie, a girl who believes she is cursed having seen her two lovers die in tragic circumstances, lives in the town of Carcassonne, in the South of France with her adoptive guardian, Mr. Toulzac. This one, a retired school teacher, has a passion: to discover the secret of the Cathars, a Christian sect of the Middle Ages that glorified death over life. One day Sylvie meets Roland, a pianist and composer back home in Carcassonne. A handsome and good man, he instills new hope into Sylvie's troubled mind. Unfortunately her uncle asks her then to renounce the world and to follow him down into a secret cathedral he has just found...
Coup de tête
A sporty and chivalrous young man creates, with some comrades, a society whose goal is to protect honest people against rogues. He finds himself thrown into unforeseen adventures, at the end of which he will discover love.
Children of Chaos
An officer, two of his comrades and a social worker want to create the "Carrefour", a place for lost children and teens to give them a chance not to fall by the wayside and spend most of their life in jail.
L'aventure est au coin de la rue
Gentleman in the car
A rich young man, Pierre Trévoux, has a desire for adventure and boasts of his courage. While he is staying with friends in the countryside, his hosts, to play a trick on him, organize a fake burglary, but he discovers the hoax. When he returns home, he finds his house broken into. Convinced that the game continues, he does not understand that he is dealing with real gangsters. His recklessness allows him to rout the criminals.
Good Evening Ladies, Good Evening Gentlemen
To teach a lesson to his young wife who dreams of the famous "voiceless singer", a husband enters a radio station and manages to make people appreciate his voice.
The Woman Who Dared
The strength of a couple's fascination with airplanes and flight is to the detriment of their family
Le concierge
Lucrèce, a famous actress, is bothered first, then flattered by the passionate testimonies of love given to her by François, a 12th grade student infatuated with her. Taking pity on the boy, Lucrèce decides to heal him of his madness and with this in mind she invites him for a working holiday on her farm. Instead, she falls in love with the cherub. At a time, her young lover grows so jealous of her that he attempts suicide. The mature actress then understands that their love story is going nowhere. She will remain alone while François will forget her.
A colonial wife carries on an affair with a French officer, but the wife's native servant may have overheard their plan to leave Africa and return to Europe together.And then the servant goes missing.
Fou d'amour
Claude, who temporarily replaces his father at the head of a department store, falls in love at first sight with a pretty female customer. He finds out that she is named Solange and that she is the goddaughter of Professor Hauteclerc, who runs a private psychiatric hospital. To come closer to the girl of his dreams, Claude has a crazy idea: he pretends to be mad so as to be placed in Hauteclerc's institution.
The Blue Veil
Pons (uncredited)
In 1914, in the first months of World War I, Louise Jarraud loses her husband, killed on the front. Shortly after, she gives birth to a baby, who soon dies. Devastated by this double misfortune, Louise decides to dedicate her life to caring for the children of others. She becomes a nurse with several employers, giving her affection to little boys or girls. A widower and another man propose to her but she refuses twice determined as she is to live only for the children in her charge.
Господин Мышь
Господин Мышь, доброжелательный старый клошар, бывший преподаватель сольфеджио, разорённый женщиной, побирается у входа в кабаре. Он находит труп в машине. Пока он соображает, кому бы сообщить о находке, машина уезжает. Мышь подбирает бумажник, содержание которого - крупную сумму денег - сдаёт в полицию, надеясь получить деньги обратно через год и один день. Дальше его ждут необыкновенные приключения...
L'ange gardien
A retired colonial official lives a quiet life but things are dramatically changed when he has to look after his granddaughter for a while.
Mademoiselle Swing
Le Chef de Gare
Stuck in Angoulême between her uncle, who composes classical music, and her aunt, who is a fan of contemporary music, young Irène finds life boring. Fortunately, there is swing music which illuminates her days. So when, one day, Raymond Serre and his swing orchestra come to Angoulême, she seizes the opportunity to slip the copy of a song she has written into the pocket of one of the musicians. The trouble is that while she is doing so, the train she has boarded pulls out.
The Woman I Loved the Most
Claude is a young man whose girlfriend has just broken up with him. Feeling unable to overcome the pain, Claude has no other idea than to end his life. Back home, he finds five middle-aged or elderly men sitting at the dinner table but he refuses to join the guests and goes upstairs to his bedroom. The worst is prevented thanks to a servant who has caught sight of Claude's revolver. Claude 's uncle joins his nephew and manages to persuade him not to take action. He takes him downstairs to the dining room where each in turn, the five guests start telling their own story. For it happens that they too once had their heart broken and that they too once wanted to die for love.
Дом семи девушек
У вдовца проблемы с деньгами, и он должен женить семерых дочерей. Кредитор утверждая, что стесняется, не в состоянии решиться.
Ce n'est pas moi
Cambo, a banker, has been in trouble since a certain Parizot has tried to extort stocks from him. Following the advice of his friend Quincampoix, Cambo decides to trade places with Bardac, a painter, who happens to be his lookalike. Bardac slips into Cambo's shoes with delight although he does not really live up to his task. But Cambo, who manages to ruin Parizot, makes a 100% profit on the situation. There are of course some misunderstandings when one man is mistaken for the other, notably as concerns Lulu and Geneviève, respectively Bardac's and Cambo's sweethearts, but things finally return to their initial state.
The Chain Breaker
The photographer (uncredited)
Antoine Mouret, an authoritarian restaurateur, is the head of a large family where, for reasons of interest, people only marry cousins. But some have other plans, Marcus especially when he meets a passing circus girl.
Montmarte on the Seine
The commissioner
Maurice loves Juliet and Michael loves Lily. Romance blossoms on the hill. They are workers, artisans, and Lily has a real talent as a singer. But Claude's arrival brings trouble to their relationships. Maurice, jealous, approaches Lily. Singing in the streets, Lily quickly becomes a cabaret star.
Le valet maître
Some, like Ravier de l'Orne are born... masters, but ,like him, do not live up to their rank. Others, like Gustave Morillon, are... born masters, even if, like him, they are valets. Morillon will indeed prove better at bridge than his master and will eventually win the affection of Antonia, a lively foreigner Ravier also coveted.
Последний из шести
В небольшой комнате несколько человек находятся в тревожном ожидании. Шестеро друзей, уставшие от нищеты и вечных долгов, собрали свои последние деньги и отправили самого удачливого среди них в казино сыграть в рулетку на счастье. Удача улыбается ему, и он возвращается с кучей денег. На эти деньги можно весело прожить всей компании месяц, а можно более скромно растянуть их на полгода. Друзья решили еще раз сыграть на удачу и испытать судьбу, разделив все деньги на шесть частей. Разъезжаясь, они договариваются, что встретятся через 10 лет. И если кому-то повезет, и он разбогатеет, то поделится честно деньгами с остальными. Перед расставанием друзья составляют письменный договор, в котором в случае смерти одного из них остальные наследуют его состояние. И вот прошло пять лет, и одного из шести убивают по пути во Францию при таинственных обстоятельствах. Начав расследование, инспектор Уэнс вскоре обнаружит, что кто-то пытается устранить всех шестерых мужчин, — но с какой целью?
The Black Diamond
A wealthy man's wife dies in a car crash; she is survived by him and their daughter. The father learns that he's not her biological father.
The Duel
le narrateur
A widow is loved by a doctor whose brother, an ecclesiastic unconsciously in love with the young woman, persuades her to enter a convent. Brought back on the straight and narrow by a missionary, the priest blesses his brother's marriage.
Pour le maillot jaune
The journalist
The romantic relationship between a sports journalist and a cyclist during the Tour de France.
To inherit from his late uncle, Narcisse Pigeon is obliged to pass his pilot's license.
Le domestique
"Menaces" deals with the months before WW2 in a hotel :t he fear of the impending war never leaves the guests of an hotel in Paris.
Whirlwind of Paris
A gang of broke student musicians travel to Paris to take exams. But very quickly, the lack of money pushes young people to pass themselves off as professionals during the performance. They will then win the victory!
His Uncle from Normandy
A young American businessman, tired of his hectic life, makes an unexpected inheritance which leads him to Normandy. There he discovers, with the discomfort of an old dusty century-old house, the sweetness of life, the love of a beautiful girl and the pleasure of doing nothing.
Yamilé Under the Cedars
A Lebanese Christian girl of European origin is attracted to a visiting Muslim chief and rides off with him.When her Christian fiance brings her back,she is punished for her transgression.
Trois artilleurs à l'opéra
Le greffier
Savage Brigade
The duel between a Czarist general and a lieutenant, over the general's wife, is postponed with war approaching. Years later, the rivals meet again but the general realizes his wife has been faithful to him after all.
Французский исторический криминальный фильм 1939 года режиссера Жака Даруа с Андре Брюле , Надин Фогель и Рене Ферте в главных ролях. Фильм основан на воспоминаниях Эжена Франсуа Видока . Видок был преступником в Париже девятнадцатого века,который перешел на другую сторону и стал ведущим сыщиком.
Deputy Eusèbe
The concierge
Eusèbe Bonbonneau, a solicitor's clerk, learns one day that a candidate bearing his name runs for election as a member of parliament. In fact Frazier, a crooked businessman, has urged an accomplice to impersonate Eusèbe, in order to obtain, through this straw man, authorizations for the creation of a casino in Sanceau-les-Nains and to make big money out of it. Eusébe decides to go to Paris to investigate. In the capital he meets Mariska, an exuberant actress who encourages him to try to get elected. As a result, thanks to her the true Bonbonneau becomes a member of parliament and the crook's accomplice is arrested. But Frazier is not impressed and, changing tactics, he starts manipulating Eusèbe.
Newspaper employee (uncredited)
A woman managed to leave the man she hated and finds its difficult to live without him.
Three Waltzes
"Les Trois Valses" traces the love story of two people over three eras. In the first waltz (music based on Johann Strauss I), Yvonne is a sensitive Parisian ballet dancer, whose romance with a dashing officer is brought to an abrupt end by his family. She goes off to Vienna to become a big star. In the second waltz, her daughter, an even bigger star, but now of Paris music halls, has a brief flirtation with the rakish man-about-town who is the son of suitor number one. She throws him over pretty quickly for a chance to shine at a Gala performance. Finally, in the third waltz, the two get together, when she is a movie star, and he is posing as an insurance salesman.
The Enchanted Road
The son of two teachers hits the road and becomes a singing success after being taken in as a protege by a kooky countess.
A Foolish Maiden
A middle-aged Parisian lawyer meets a young girl and falls in love with her. The girl's mother discovers the affair and the couple must flee.
Un consommateur
In the middle of the 19th century, Tsar Alexander II made the acquaintance of a young aristocratic girl from the provinces, unruly in character. He falls in love with her and tries to see her again.
Un soir à Marseille
The wife of a Marseille industrialist is murdered. An inspector and a young journalist investigate together, and suspect the husband, then the lover, before finding the real culprit.
A businessman, Masson, who likes to party, wants to force his partner, Chabrat, a hard worker on whom the success of their fashion store depends, not to leave Paris. For this, he agrees with a young cabaret dancer, Zizi so that she pretends, for a fee, to fall in love with Chabrat who, more than anything, wants to be loved for himself. But Zizi soon finds herself in her own trap: she is “snatched”.
A reveler who has experienced setbacks tries to become unemployed without ever having worked.
L'empreinte rouge
Le greffier
L'homme sans coeur
Sentenced to 20 years after killing a colleague for revealing that his wife was unfaithful, Sourdier escapes hoping to kill the woman as well.He learns she was true to him and has had a little girl who thinks the father is dead.
Bach the Detective
Mr. Dubois
Narcisse is a doorman for a jeweler but dreams of becoming a private detective. The Criminas agency hires him and he comes to the aid of his former boss's nephew, accused of stealing jewelry. He first passes for the accomplice of the young man but soon discovers the culprit.
L'Amant de Madame Vidal
Catherine Vidal is a featherbrained wife who imagines that her husband cheats on her. To wash away the alleged stigma, Catherine hires a young man who will pose as her lover. The (double) trouble is that not only is Catherine's husband innocent but that Catherine and her "employee" fall in love for good as well.
Славная компания
Un locataire
Пять бедняков выигрывают в лотерею и решает открыть придорожную закусочную около реки Марна. Но благие намерения этой славной компании разрушает неизменные «спутники» Человека – слабости и пороки...
Pluie d'or
Abandoned kids are taken in by a rather sleazy character who owns a shoe store and practices wear. The children grow up, the man dies and leaves them his fortune The heirs who only got the store, watch over them, which forces them to lead a double life.
The Flame
A woman of easy virtue rejects a proposal of marriage made to her by a rich lover. But when her son is taken from her to be brought up in the best conditions, she keeps thinking about him. When she finds him, twenty years later, she can not adapt to the environment to which he now belongs.
The Land That Dies
Le notaire
In Vendée, an old farmer is gradually abandoned by his family who do not see their future in the fields. Only a cripple in love and abandoned remain at his side.
Train de plaisir
Marguerite and Verdurin, both employed in l'Atout Prix, a store run by Prosper Biscoton, would like to take a vacation at the beach, but they need more money than they earn. They decide to trick their boss into paying for the trip by pretending Marguerite is interested in him. Biscoton falls in the trap and puts himself in a difficult position with his own wife.
Преступление господина Ланжа
Мсье Амедей Ланж — скромный автор французских романов об американском Диком Западе. Его жадный босс Батала постоянно обкрадывает писателя. Мало того, он расхищает средства компании, бежит, а позже поступает сообщение, что он погиб во время крушения поезда. Работники издательства вне себя от радости, они организуют кооператив и зарабатывают кучу денег на новой серии Ланжа «Аризона Джим»…
Фанфары любви
Два актёра живут в бедности и постоянно ищут работу. Они играют в цыганском оркестре, когда те в моде, в следующем году — в негритянском оркестре, еще через год — в кубинском. Наконец приходит мода на женские оркестры. Друзья, вечно бегущие за модой, гримируются и переодеваются под женщин и получают место в оркестре под названием «Голландские тюльпаны», который как раз отправляется на гастроли.
Princess Tam Tam
Bit Part
A French novelist passes off an African shepherdess as a princess.
Батальон иностранного легиона
The Hotel Manager
Пьер Гилиет, совершив убийство в Париже, бежит в Барселону и оказывается без гроша в кармане. Он вступает в Испанский Иностранный легион, где встречает двух земляков: Муло и Лукаса. Пьер пытается забыть о своем преступлении, но очень скоро обнаруживает, что дружба Лукаса совсем не бескорыстна...
Direct au coeur
Kid Marc is an upcoming boxer about to become the European Lightweight Champion, only he discovers his surprising victories had been handled by his manager, César Cannebois. This time, he vows to win on his own merits, to show his girlfriend how good he really is - and chiqué is stronger, and he loses in the ring. All glamour gone, everybody abandons him, save for his loyal and loving girlfriend. Régina is going to be his queen.