Lud Germain


The Love Game
Le noir
Victor (Jean-Pierre Cassel) and Suzanne (Genevieve Cluny) are a couple at odds about commitment in this light, fast-paced comedy-drama by Philippe de Broca. Suzanne needs more reassurance from Victor about the future of their relationship. He is a painter with an inspired creative side who finds it difficult to understand Suzanne's point of view. They are happy together; what is the problem? So when a friend comes into the picture and proposes to Suzanne, Victor suddenly realizes that Suzanne was right. Without a formal commitment, the suddenly insecure man does not like the view from the opposite shore.
The black servant
Story of an aging dandy who is the factotum and arranger of female conquests for a brusque young millionaire.
Мой братишка из Сенегала
Le Noir engagé comme commis
На протяжении десяти лет скромный провинциальный фотограф Жюль Пансон остается самым выгодным клиентом бакалейщика Бриду. Движимый неразделенной любовью к дочери бакалейщика Аннет, фотограф заглядывает в лавку практически ежедневно и безропотно покупает горы всевозможной снеди. Старик Бриду и не прочь породниться с Пансоном, но не может игнорировать очевидное: помешанная на фильмах Аннет мечтает об отважных киногероях, а не о застенчивом соседе. Решение подсказывает общефранцузский конкурс близнецов, благодаря которому на арену активных действий выходит Сезар Пансон – бравый исследователь африканских джунглей, способный перевернуть вверх тормашками мирную жизнь в городке
Poison Ivy
Le domestique de Harley Chase (uncredited)
FBI Agent Lemmy Caution is sent after a missing two million in Casablanca while mob boss mistress Carlotta plays both sides of the law.
Lettre ouverte
The black (uncredited)
Martial, Colette 's husband, is madly jealous. One day, he catches his wife writing a letter and he does want to know what this message contains, to no avail.
Она и я
Фильм снят по роману Жана Дюше «Она и он». Безмятежный медовый месяц в Шаранте пролетел быстро, и молодожёны Жюльетта и Жан Монтегю возвращаются обустраивать домашний очаг в Париж. Ввиду отсутствия доступного для молодых семей жилья первое семейное гнёздышко им приходится вить на воде – на борту пришвартованного на Сене кораблика, пока счастливый случай не сводит их с чудаковатым месье Бельомом, соглашающимся сдать супругам Монтегю пару комнат в своем особняке. Но оказывается, не так сложно найти крышу над головой, как ужиться под этой крышей двум людям с разными вкусами, привычками, воспитанием. Помочь Жану и Жюльетте может только любовь.
Massacre in Lace
Sam Barnett
Cock-eyed reporter Georges Masse enjoys a peaceful vacation in Venice. Which does not please his boss as he is not supposed to be... in vacation! P'tit Louis, Georges' blundering but faithful photographer, is sent to Venice with a mission: pull up his socks. But Georges is not so dormant as he appears. Behind the scenes, he investigates the activities of a gang that cleans out Venice. Quite logically, he soon finds himself face to face with a bunch of shady brutal characters, among whom Zélos, a Greek nightclub owner, and Alessandro Cassidi, a powerful motor manufacturer married to the alluring Clara, twice younger than he is...
Красная харчевня
Людская молва о том, что в гостинице, которой владеют супруги Мартены, убивают постояльцев, давно разнеслась по окрестностям, и все старались обходить это заведение стороной. Но как-то зимним вечером, когда деваться было некуда, в гостинице остановились несколько пассажиров дилижанса. Вероятно, им бы тоже было несдобровать, но до них в эту же гостиницу прибыл бедный и наивный, но обаятельный монах с послушником Жану. Хозяйка на исповеди рассказала ему об их семейных злодеяниях, он так испугался, что собирался уйти, но от этого категорически отказался послушник, влюбившийся в дочь Мартенов. Монах остался - и не зря - он все же навел порядок в гостинице!
No More Vacation for the Good Lord
Montmartre in the summertime. A group of street urchins idles outside while the other kids of the neighborhood are away on holiday.To keep the gang busy, Pivolo, their leader, has an idea : they are going to kidnap Aunt Faguet's doggy. Just for the fun of it. A few days pass after the crime is accomplished and one of them suddenly realizes that a reward is being offered by the aunt to anyone who would bring her her pet back. Mademoiselle Hélène, the kind-hearted social worker, does it for them and gives them the reward money, which is instantly exchanged for lollipops, nougat and merry-go-round and cinema tickets. So, why not continue? That's what they do, abducting several dogs, until they realize they are becoming ... too rich! They can't buy themselves luxurious gifts or else their parents are bound to suspect something. Instead, they decide to do good by helping poor people around them. One day, Pierrot, a member of the gang, gets run down by a cyclist and becomes blind.
Emile the African
Émile Boulard is a props man in a Paris movie studio. He has a wife, Suzanne. Or to be more accurate, let's say he HAD a wife since she left him fifteen years before, allegedly ... to go buy a post stamp. But now that their daughter Martine , who lives with her, is old enough to marry, she resurfaces. She confesses that, in order to explain his absence, she has told Martine her father was a great explorer and lion hunter in Africa. Not to disappoint his daughter, Émile accepts to pose as the adventurer he is supposed to be. At the same time he will help Daniel, Martine's bashful fiancé, not to become a henpecked husband like him.
Anger of the Gods
Sylvain, sentenced to death, assures the visiting priest that his life could have been completely different, and invents different situations.
120, rue de la Gare
On the verge of death, a man entrusts Inspector Burma with an address. Burma conducts a difficult investigation with many twists and turns, which takes him from Lyon to Paris, following in the footsteps of the members of a mysterious business firm.
The Lover of Borneo
Lucien Mazerand, a bookseller from Châteauroux, goes to Paris to spend a few days in the French capital. At the music-hall, he discovers Stella Losange, a singer who literally enthralls him. Determined to seduce her, he is aware that a mere bookseller from the provinces stands no chance. So he resorts to a stratagem: posing for a globe-trotter who has gone through millions of adventures. The scheme works but the lady wants more : why doesn't he take her along with him so that she can share his dangerous life?